Monday, 3 February 2020



A selfless person develops an aura about him and a selfless person committed to the emancipation of an entire nation manifests a lasting impression on the minds of men. Even after he is dead and gone, his charisma holds mankind as his field of impersonal work expands and millions are drawn into its ambit to give utterance to his muted mission. Circumstances rise against such a one to reduce to nought his legacy but the legacy lives on following the law of the perpetuation of truth which nothing can destroy.

There are two types of great men who are born into this world and leave their mark on mankind. The one comes with a singular talent, inventive genius, creative excellence of a level extraordinaire, one who comes into earthly prominence early and becomes the cynosure of all eyes on account of his scientific or artistic abilities. The world dotes on him and he receives accolades the like of which few can aspire for. His influence is widespread in terms of creation of a fan following or even ardent devotees who sacrifice much of their life's other aspirations to be devoted to the cause their leader espouses. But with the passing away of the person of extraordinary genius from the stage of the world his influence begins to wane or, if not so, begins to increase for half a century or more till the decline in impact eventually sets in and can be visibly felt.

There comes into this world, of course, another kind of personality who carry with them a mission for mankind which impels them on in life for its fulfilment. These are the messiahs of mankind, the messengers of truth, the liberators of fallen humanity from its despicable shackles. These latter ones are also of two categories, one that preaches popular theism and convenient practice with little to do with difficult celibacy and the other that transcends temporal boundaries to realise the absolute truth and returns to relativity to preach such principles and lift mankind to an exalted level. Of this latter class again, there are those who are the preeminently spiritual type with little or nothing to do with politics, they who peach pure spiritual truth, addressing all of humanity, often for all time, and there are those who activate these pristine principles in the heart of humanity by disseminating them through the masses by their work of reconstruction of society for the best filtering of such spiritual message. They work for the overall emancipation of mankind from the gruelling bondage of material deprivation and spiritual impoverishment thereof.

It is these latter ones that form the subject matter of our discussion here. But more of that later.

End of Part 1

Written by Sugata Bose

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