1. Clement Attlee admitted to Justice Phani Bhusan ChakravarttI that it was Subhas Chandra Bose whose armed aggression against the British Crown had forced the eviction of the British from Indian soil.
2. Lord Louis Mountbatten had admittedly confided in Amiya Nath Bose in London at his self-residence that it was his uncle Subhas Chandra Bose who had forced the British to leave India. This is on record in the YouTube where Surya Kumar Bose has brought this piece of information to the fore for all.
3. Common sense and a bit of historical sense would compel us to come to the same conclusion that it was Netaji and his INA that had forced the British to hand over the governance of India to Indian hands and exit from India while yet there was time to do so in grace. Else, they would have to face the ire of an Indian people and a rebellious Indian armed force in their ranks like they had never encountered since the days of the Great Revolt of 1857 which had almost done their empire in.
If, yet, you cannot see the links to freedom and the role of Netaji in it and continue to harp on the non-violent nonsensical rigmarole, you are either pretentious, and perniciously so, or you are one of those perfidious elements of society that need weeding in the wake of the formation of a republic which in course of time will be your fate for sure.
Written by Sugata Bose
Sugata Bose Arindrajit Debsarma That would be arrogance on our part. Civility and fellow-feeling demands greater consideration for our countrymen. Reiteration is always good for men of ordinary merit like me and it seriously does do a world of good. After all, repetition is the way of all learning and even advanced scholars profit from such primary exercise. Therefore, to state the obvious is like witnessing every morning the same sun without becoming bored of such a daily routine to begin the day. Repetition is as worthwhile an exercise as the repetitive breathing which keeps us alive. All of Nature rises and falls in repetitive rhythms and such constitute the cycles of creation. Hence, where's the harm in reiterating truths when repetition of lies is intent on wiping out the factual features of history? Also, everybody is not in the same phase of understanding and knowledge as you are and would genuinely appreciate my humble submissions of articulate truth. So, I have resolved to go ahead with stating what may seem obvious to you on account of superior understanding but what others like me of humbler conceptions may deem worthy of reading and reflecting on.
Sugata Bose Arindrajit Debsarma No, no, I took it in spirit and so must you. Actually, I am fond of writing and anything that triggers my thinking brings forth a plethora of verbal expression on my part. So, in happy humour I responded to your call.
Sugata Bose Arindrajit Debsarma You are a good soul and are spontaneous. Your impulsiveness is an affirmative attribute and naivete your innocence in mature bloom. Therefore, hold on to who you are and contribute to society in your self-styled way. Write here on this group page, too, and help embellish it with your thoughts on Netaji and the revolutionary movement for freedom.
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