Wednesday, 5 February 2020



There are three theories about Netaji's disappearance rivalling for supremacy, each with its own set of adherents clinging to their own viewpoints and refusing to budge from them even if offered compelling evidence or cited its lack of it to counter their dogmatic stand.

It is strange that a man of such supreme sanity should have such a fanatical following these days when his original followers in flesh were so sane and rational. But such are the times of decadent culture when proliferating population holds civic discourse at its lowest ebb as rationality takes to flight and fantasies dominate proceedings.

It were worth more had people researched better and come to more definitive conclusions themselves rather than being guided goat-like into believing in what others say.

If commercial interests get the better of investigation into truth, fact falters in the slippery terrain of revelation and fiction reveals its negative nature in all its nakedness. Then the people are bewildered and take to believing whatever they are fed to believing in.

This is where we stand today with rival camps, all owing allegiance to Netaji, have their respective claims on their leader's eventual destiny. They claim, they clamour, they conflict with each other over their stated positions but none can cite enough evidence that is legally tenable that can tilt the balance in their favour and prove their proposition right.

Ultimately, it is a case of missing links which, unless duly connected, will keep the debate open and alive with conjectures determining convictions and unfounded claims masquerading as gospel truth before the gullible public. The masses love fantasies and the more fanciful they are, the better for their appetite. As such truth will not surface and the mystery, with the passage of time, will deepen to its dead end of intractable dissolution.

Written by Sugata Bose

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