1. The British partitioned India and must not be pardoned ever for they even now rejoice at the fact that they did so.
2. To stay within the British Commonwealth of Nations as a semi-subject race is the biggest insult to a free people that we supposedly are. We must forthwith withdraw membership and stand supreme in our own sovereignty.
3. Ila Bose, niece of Netaji, who had gone to Dakshineshwar Kali Temple on his uncle Subhas' request to seek Mother's 'pratyaadesh' or the divine commandment days before the Great Escape.
4. Interpretation of Swamiji must not be shallow and simplistic. Swamiji's philosophy is profound and must be propagated with adequate accuracy.
5. We have to beat China in time. Only then can we be world beaters. Excellence is not merely a function of quality. It is a function of time as well.
6. India should aim big. China should be the competitor and not small fries like Pakistan. Pakistan is just a boil in India's armpit which needs a bursting in time.
7. Netaji was never ill-disposed towards Gandhiji. In fact, he harboured a great respect for him on the personal front, although, he differed with him radically on policy matters.
8. Sanity must be restored to the CAA discussion. Else, these mob protests will paralyse the nation. India can scarce afford it. Nor can she bear the loss of innocent lives.
9. Diction divine is not attainable by all but a modicum of perfected pronunciation would do all a fair amount of conversational good.
10. Laughing loud is proletariat culture, not the attribute of the one of refined sensibility.
11. Brainwashing hourly that God is great reduces human greatness. Forget not that God acquires as much greatness as humanity ascribes to Him.
12. There is a need for prompt action by the government to avoid escalation of violence and rioting in Delhi. A soft policy towards anarchists does not pay.
13. Call the army in, impose curfew immediately to save valuable lives before the situation in Delhi spirals out of control and the measures adopted are too late for comfort.
14. Why are some people hell-bent upon denigrating (a) JMCI Report ? (b) dissociating Gumnami Baba from Netaji? Where lies the problem?
15. Why should Bharat Ratna be awarded posthumously to people when such recognition went abegging during the lifetime of these greats?
16. This attempt to save others' souls through conversion is in itself a sanction of religious superiority which is an alternate form of racism.
17. The Christian comes to save my soul not knowing that the very Lord he preaches unto me seeks His existence from the absolute essence of my soul.
18. Convert you the very Lord you ought to worship? Shame on such profanity ! Conversion, remember, is rank materialism.
19. To proselytise is to indulge in violence. Conversion is corruption. It is the politics of gaining numbers for dominance of the order of things.
20. We have to beat time. It is our only enemy and our helpmate if we know how to befriend it and run this race to freedom.
21. The British have blood on their hands, Indian blood that was made to flow freely during their dastardly 200 year reign in India.
22. This was the day. 27 February, 1931. The brave Chandrasekhar Azad, betrayed by a compatriot, fell valiantly fighting the British forces at Prayagraj's Alfred Park. The youth of today must remember the sacrifices of these great martyrs to freedom.
23. Intolerance is on the rise in every home. How can you prevent intolerance in society?
24. 45 trillion dollars they have stolen from our country and we chose to accept the British Queen as our sovereign by becoming member of the Commonwealth. Shameless!
25. Winning a verbal battle is not victory. Winning the heart of the adversary is.
26. The life of our nation is in the cottages, not in the mansions where men enjoy and suffer the consequences of capitalism.
27. When you insult your fellow being, you know not, you insult your own self.
28. 45 trillion dollars they have stolen from our country and we chose to accept the British Queen as our sovereign by becoming member of the Commonwealth. Shameless!
29. She helped Bhagat Singh escape from Lahore, post the Saunders assassination, by disguising herself as his wife. Who was she?
30. Chandrasekhar Azad plotted to bomb the Lahore Jail to free Bhagat Singh. Who died while manufacturing the bomb that was to be used for the purpose, owing to its sudden explosion?
31. We are 14000 strong now. Welcome to all new entrants to the group. Let us make our community a grand one at the service of the sovereign spirit of the page, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
32. বিবাহ বিভ্রাট বিক্রমপুরের বীরের ভাগ্যে জুটিয়েই ছাড়বে, নইলে ছাড়বে না । আহা, এমনই অধঃপতন হল যে পত্নি,পণ্ডিত সহকারে নন্দিনীর সমাগম হল ?
33. Was Bhagavanji Netaji? How far is Rita Banerjee's testimony acceptable? What is your view? Are there logical fallacies that are evident?
34. The secret of civilisation lies in the secret of marriage.
35. The soul of a nation lies in its purity. Strength is the natural result of it and with it comes all that is good and great in life.
36. Human life is a labour of ignorance tending to knowledge.
37. The fruit of freedom sought as alms from the erstwhile masters is the birth of a rowdy polity, undisciplined and indiscriminate.
38. Peace must perforce be maintained in a polity so long as civility does not acquire a level high enough for spontaneous maintenance of it.
39. Before rights are claimed, duties must be performed.
40. Scepticism alone is not enough. Shraddha is necessary. Shraddha is that intense reverential mood seeking perfection.
41. Vandalism derives from the medieval Germanic tribe, the Vandals, and must be eschewed by Indians necessarily on grounds of distinctive racial descent.
42. Those that vow to preserve the sanctity of the Constitution are hourly violators of it. Which provision of the Constitution sanctions roguish riots?
43. We are bubble expressions of the Divine, subsisting for a moment, then merging in the Being whence we sprang.
44. This world is a fishing net where the Mother has caught us amidst a raging sea of infinite motions that threatens to engulf and swallow us all into utter oblivion.
45. [ সহায় করল অসহায় ]
বুলবুল 'প্রেরিত' পত্রের অদ্ভূত ব্যাখ্যা সহায়ে ভগবনজীর পরিচয় নির্ধারণে সহায় কমিশন যে যৌক্তিক দক্ষতা দেখালেন, তা দেখে অসহায় বোধ করছি ।
46. What compels Japan to hold on to three classified files on Netaji yet? What secret information about Netaji are they hiding from the world?
47. Every new member is being heartily welcomed and I request all to add on more members and post your write-ups as well.
48. Raise the demand for declassification of all Intelligence Bureau Files on Netaji.
49. রীতা ব্যানার্জী বলছেন তিনি ও অন্যান্য উপস্থিত মণ্ডলি ভগবনজীর শবের শ্রীমুখ দেখেছেন কিন্তু ডঃ আর পি মিশ্র বলছেন এঁরা কেউই দেখেন নি। এখন কার কথা গ্রহণযোগ্য ?
50. রব তুলুন ভারত সরকারের দরবারে -- নেতাজী সংক্রান্ত সব আই বি ফাইল প্রকাশ করা হক ।
51. Why does the Government of India not declassify the Intelligence Bureau Files on Netaji? What prevents?
52. In the past there have been men who had attained perfect concentration. In the present there are some such for sure. How many more shall the future behold, men who have perfected themselves? Rishis of old, rishis of the day, rishis of times unborn. How many such shall adorn this beautiful earth and act as the conduit of the message of the soul to be sown into the hearts of men, to be scattered broadcast in the plains and the hills, the vales and the seas and in those higher realms where man ascends to scale the peaks of realisation and sunder the fetters that bind him to the mire of this material world of transitory pursuits?
53. I am here, I am there, I am everywhere.
54. I am a human being and that is all. I draw my inspiration as much from Vivekananda and Tagore as I do from Shakespeare or Mozart.
55. বৃটিশ সাম্রাজ্যের ধ্বংসের পরিকল্পনা চলছে ওই অচল দেহের সচল মস্তিষ্কে ।
2. To stay within the British Commonwealth of Nations as a semi-subject race is the biggest insult to a free people that we supposedly are. We must forthwith withdraw membership and stand supreme in our own sovereignty.
3. Ila Bose, niece of Netaji, who had gone to Dakshineshwar Kali Temple on his uncle Subhas' request to seek Mother's 'pratyaadesh' or the divine commandment days before the Great Escape.
4. Interpretation of Swamiji must not be shallow and simplistic. Swamiji's philosophy is profound and must be propagated with adequate accuracy.
5. We have to beat China in time. Only then can we be world beaters. Excellence is not merely a function of quality. It is a function of time as well.
6. India should aim big. China should be the competitor and not small fries like Pakistan. Pakistan is just a boil in India's armpit which needs a bursting in time.
7. Netaji was never ill-disposed towards Gandhiji. In fact, he harboured a great respect for him on the personal front, although, he differed with him radically on policy matters.
8. Sanity must be restored to the CAA discussion. Else, these mob protests will paralyse the nation. India can scarce afford it. Nor can she bear the loss of innocent lives.
9. Diction divine is not attainable by all but a modicum of perfected pronunciation would do all a fair amount of conversational good.
10. Laughing loud is proletariat culture, not the attribute of the one of refined sensibility.
11. Brainwashing hourly that God is great reduces human greatness. Forget not that God acquires as much greatness as humanity ascribes to Him.
12. There is a need for prompt action by the government to avoid escalation of violence and rioting in Delhi. A soft policy towards anarchists does not pay.
13. Call the army in, impose curfew immediately to save valuable lives before the situation in Delhi spirals out of control and the measures adopted are too late for comfort.
14. Why are some people hell-bent upon denigrating (a) JMCI Report ? (b) dissociating Gumnami Baba from Netaji? Where lies the problem?
15. Why should Bharat Ratna be awarded posthumously to people when such recognition went abegging during the lifetime of these greats?
16. This attempt to save others' souls through conversion is in itself a sanction of religious superiority which is an alternate form of racism.
17. The Christian comes to save my soul not knowing that the very Lord he preaches unto me seeks His existence from the absolute essence of my soul.
18. Convert you the very Lord you ought to worship? Shame on such profanity ! Conversion, remember, is rank materialism.
19. To proselytise is to indulge in violence. Conversion is corruption. It is the politics of gaining numbers for dominance of the order of things.
20. We have to beat time. It is our only enemy and our helpmate if we know how to befriend it and run this race to freedom.
21. The British have blood on their hands, Indian blood that was made to flow freely during their dastardly 200 year reign in India.
22. This was the day. 27 February, 1931. The brave Chandrasekhar Azad, betrayed by a compatriot, fell valiantly fighting the British forces at Prayagraj's Alfred Park. The youth of today must remember the sacrifices of these great martyrs to freedom.
23. Intolerance is on the rise in every home. How can you prevent intolerance in society?
24. 45 trillion dollars they have stolen from our country and we chose to accept the British Queen as our sovereign by becoming member of the Commonwealth. Shameless!
25. Winning a verbal battle is not victory. Winning the heart of the adversary is.
26. The life of our nation is in the cottages, not in the mansions where men enjoy and suffer the consequences of capitalism.
27. When you insult your fellow being, you know not, you insult your own self.
28. 45 trillion dollars they have stolen from our country and we chose to accept the British Queen as our sovereign by becoming member of the Commonwealth. Shameless!
29. She helped Bhagat Singh escape from Lahore, post the Saunders assassination, by disguising herself as his wife. Who was she?
30. Chandrasekhar Azad plotted to bomb the Lahore Jail to free Bhagat Singh. Who died while manufacturing the bomb that was to be used for the purpose, owing to its sudden explosion?
31. We are 14000 strong now. Welcome to all new entrants to the group. Let us make our community a grand one at the service of the sovereign spirit of the page, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
32. বিবাহ বিভ্রাট বিক্রমপুরের বীরের ভাগ্যে জুটিয়েই ছাড়বে, নইলে ছাড়বে না । আহা, এমনই অধঃপতন হল যে পত্নি,পণ্ডিত সহকারে নন্দিনীর সমাগম হল ?
33. Was Bhagavanji Netaji? How far is Rita Banerjee's testimony acceptable? What is your view? Are there logical fallacies that are evident?
34. The secret of civilisation lies in the secret of marriage.
35. The soul of a nation lies in its purity. Strength is the natural result of it and with it comes all that is good and great in life.
36. Human life is a labour of ignorance tending to knowledge.
37. The fruit of freedom sought as alms from the erstwhile masters is the birth of a rowdy polity, undisciplined and indiscriminate.
38. Peace must perforce be maintained in a polity so long as civility does not acquire a level high enough for spontaneous maintenance of it.
39. Before rights are claimed, duties must be performed.
40. Scepticism alone is not enough. Shraddha is necessary. Shraddha is that intense reverential mood seeking perfection.
41. Vandalism derives from the medieval Germanic tribe, the Vandals, and must be eschewed by Indians necessarily on grounds of distinctive racial descent.
42. Those that vow to preserve the sanctity of the Constitution are hourly violators of it. Which provision of the Constitution sanctions roguish riots?
43. We are bubble expressions of the Divine, subsisting for a moment, then merging in the Being whence we sprang.
44. This world is a fishing net where the Mother has caught us amidst a raging sea of infinite motions that threatens to engulf and swallow us all into utter oblivion.
45. [ সহায় করল অসহায় ]
বুলবুল 'প্রেরিত' পত্রের অদ্ভূত ব্যাখ্যা সহায়ে ভগবনজীর পরিচয় নির্ধারণে সহায় কমিশন যে যৌক্তিক দক্ষতা দেখালেন, তা দেখে অসহায় বোধ করছি ।
46. What compels Japan to hold on to three classified files on Netaji yet? What secret information about Netaji are they hiding from the world?
47. Every new member is being heartily welcomed and I request all to add on more members and post your write-ups as well.
48. Raise the demand for declassification of all Intelligence Bureau Files on Netaji.
49. রীতা ব্যানার্জী বলছেন তিনি ও অন্যান্য উপস্থিত মণ্ডলি ভগবনজীর শবের শ্রীমুখ দেখেছেন কিন্তু ডঃ আর পি মিশ্র বলছেন এঁরা কেউই দেখেন নি। এখন কার কথা গ্রহণযোগ্য ?
50. রব তুলুন ভারত সরকারের দরবারে -- নেতাজী সংক্রান্ত সব আই বি ফাইল প্রকাশ করা হক ।
51. Why does the Government of India not declassify the Intelligence Bureau Files on Netaji? What prevents?
52. In the past there have been men who had attained perfect concentration. In the present there are some such for sure. How many more shall the future behold, men who have perfected themselves? Rishis of old, rishis of the day, rishis of times unborn. How many such shall adorn this beautiful earth and act as the conduit of the message of the soul to be sown into the hearts of men, to be scattered broadcast in the plains and the hills, the vales and the seas and in those higher realms where man ascends to scale the peaks of realisation and sunder the fetters that bind him to the mire of this material world of transitory pursuits?
53. I am here, I am there, I am everywhere.
54. I am a human being and that is all. I draw my inspiration as much from Vivekananda and Tagore as I do from Shakespeare or Mozart.
55. বৃটিশ সাম্রাজ্যের ধ্বংসের পরিকল্পনা চলছে ওই অচল দেহের সচল মস্তিষ্কে ।
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