Sunday, 9 February 2020



Swamiji breathed life into India, then withdrew. The flame was lit and it burst into a conflagration that consumed the colonists and reduced their empire to ashes.

The revolution that set in was irreversible and altered the course of history. Colonialism, confronted head on, collapsed under its own weight and Asia, Africa and Latin America found their freedom, a fact of history that had subterranean currents running to its eventual fruition which had no less than a Vivekananda contributing to at its roots.

India led this global resurgence of the suppressed nations and Vivekananda led India at that. Netaji was the worthy successor to Swamiji and carried on his baton to the finishing line of this race against the might of the white races.

Swamiji lit the fire and the fuel to it was added by the organisations that drew inspiration from him and the individuals who in robust terms gave utterance to the aspirations of the sage who himself had attempted to bring about a revolution in his times but had not the powder in his motherland ready by then to fire the volleys at the citadels where the enemy was entrenched. In consequence, he left it to the generation that followed to give shape to his dream of a free India that would be the focal point for the future generation of the whole of humanity.

Written by Sugata Bose

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