Wednesday, 26 February 2020


Sugata Bose It is being said in this video that Netaji's only daughter is Anita Bose who has filed an application to the government for a DNA test of the Renkoji ashes? Now is this assertion credible that she is the daughter of Netaji or is this an attempt to force this narrative of daughter down the throat of viewers to perpetuate this alleged longstanding marriage myth of Netaji? To all intents and purposes it appears that Netaji was a lifelong celibate and, hence, this question of his fathering progeny seems an outrageous proposition that has neither documentary bearing to testify for its veracity nor has popular acceptance among his multitudinous followers who cannot be thus convinced by arbitrary assertions, unproven and unverified before a law court. So far as the 'love letters' of Netaji go, they need legal scrutiny for their authenticity and the same applies to the alleged letter written by Netaji to elder brother Sarat Chandra Bose from overseas.

Sugata Bose Partha Sanyal But she is Brigette Pfaff. Whence this surname Bose has been added unto her?

Sugata Bose Tamoghna Das Sharma You write well. Why do you not contribute some write-ups to the group? Your style is crisp, writing reasoned and conception clear. It would do this group and yourself a service to employ your talents to contributing essays here on contentious issues concerning Netaji and the revolutionaries, disappearance et al.

Sugata Bose Out in the wilderness seeking the fire in the bush.

Sugata Bose Intellectually deficient as well.

Sugata Bose Subhas Chanda Is this a new one in the offing after the latest one by Sayak Sen exposed the loophole in the earlier reported DNA test?

Sugata Bose Listen attentively to the appraisal of Netaji by Hiren Mukerjee. It is breathtaking in its synoptic brilliance, its succinct analysis and its synthetic summing up.

Sugata Bose Again you have misread the intent of the post. The question is, ought you to initiate insult?

Sugata Bose This post pertains to a specific person, Parashuram Purushottam, and is unacceptable as such. Hence, it is being deleted. Do not make posts personal, please. I hope you understand. It is Mr. Chandra Kumar Bose's personal prerogative as to what he should believe in and when he should do it. Human preferences are not to be tampered with in a democracy and in a civilised society. Hence, individual positions regarding any contentious issue can change with time and altered circumstance. In this light we have to respect our fellow being's personal positions regarding matters contentious and cannot fault them or even question them unduly as to why they should do what they should do. It is entirely his personal prerogative, I reiterate. This comment is for all to see and desist from making such objectionable posts which are not in keeping with the spirit of the page that breathes its life in the name of that deathless immortal spirit, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.

Sugata Bose Debkanti Moitra We will this time keep hammering home the point till clarity comes and confusion lifts from over this most contentious of national issues, in fact, the most consequential of issues that confronts us as a people. Hope to receive your encouragement and support in pursuance of this cause long back initiated by you and some others like Sen Joseph who has done seminal work in this regard. His has been a voyage of discovery of facts and features related to the Transfer of Power Documents which, when I first read, left me stupefied by the enormity of the betrayal which our founding fathers had done unto us, a befuddlement which has with time faded for sure without clarity of conception having ensued. With persistent effort let us hope that some wisdom will as yet ensue about this perplexing of problems and our position as citizens of independent India or secret subjects of the British Crown will clarify in terms legal for which we need expert advice in the matter.

Sugata Bose Aparna Gujrat No, not even in dream unless dream of Bhagavanji is deemed to be that of Netaji.

Sugata Bose Subhrajyoti Bhowmick Not I, that much is for sure.

Sugata Bose Subhrajyoti Bhowmick Oh, we have to go by media reports. So, where's the certitude of knowledge these days when media houses are so sold out?

Sugata Bose Jayashree Mmishra সত্যের উপস্থাপন । জনজাগরণ । সত্য সম্বন্ধে নিজে অবহিত হয়ে সত্যের সেই বার্তা জনমানসে ছড়িয়ে দেওয়ার ঐকান্তিক প্রচেষ্টা -- এই হল পন্থা, সংশোধনের উপায় ।

Sugata Bose Debkanti Moitra রাজা মহারাজ বিবাহ করেছিলেন জীবনের প্রারম্ভে, চৈতন্যলোকে পদার্পণের প্রাক্কালে । আর নেতাজী কিনা বিবাহ করলেন স্বামীজীর পুণ্যপ্রভার পূর্ণস্পর্শে জীবনের পরিণত পর্বে সকল সামাজিক মর্যাদা উল্লঙ্ঘন করে ? নেতাজীর এই তথাকথিত প্রণয়পরিনতি শুধু প্রমাণের অভাবে পরিত্যাজ্যই নয়, ঐতিহাসিক পটভূমিকায় অবিশ্বাস্য ও অসম্ভব । বিবাহ ব্যক্তিগত ব্যাপার অবশ্যই কিন্তু নেতাজীর ক্ষেত্রে সামাজিক, রাজনৈতিক ও বিশ্বপরিস্থিতির নিরিখে তার এহেন সংঘটন অসম্ভব বলেই মনে হয় । অবশ্য, আপনার বিচার ও সিদ্ধান্তকে সম্মান করেই স্বীয় বক্তব্য পরিবেশন করলাম ।

পুনশ্চ : সে যুগে কি অবৈধ পরিণয়সূত্রে লিপ্ত হওয়া অথবা বিবাহবহির্ভূত সন্তান প্রজনন সামাজিকভাবে গৃহীত ছিল ভারতবর্ষে না আজও আছে? জার্মানিতে এ বিবাহ স্বীকৃত ছিল না । অতএব, কি দাঁড়ালো ? নেতাজীর ন্যায় নৈতিক নিষ্ঠাবান নরপুঙ্গবের এহেন নীতিহিনতা নিশ্চয় আত্মনির্যাতন ভিন্ন আর কিছু নয় বলেই নির্ধারণ করি ।

Sugata Bose She [Rita Banerjee] did say that she had seen him once she started sitting at the feet of Bhagavanji on his cot itself. From hereon she had seen him so many times. She testified to it in the interview.

Sugata Bose Riya Bhattacharya But in the audio interview given to Kunal Bose, Rita Banerjee is on record having said that she did see the face of Bhagavanji.

Sugata Bose Nothing ought to be ignored without investigation. That is not the scientific method. One must take in any given data, critically examine them and then only arrive at a considered conclusion.

Sugata Bose That is an emotional response, perhaps. But the historical approach ought to be to take in all criticism in spirit, put them to the scientific test on the basis of all available relevant data, and then come to conclusions about the veracity or otherwise of a claim. That would put to rest forever certain untoward propositions instead of allowing them to float about forever on account of theirs never having been refuted credibly on the basis of facts.

Sugata Bose Prithwish Gupta It is up to us to do it, not by mudslinging but by careful analysis of what they say and then, on the basis of credible historical evidence, refute their narrative wherever such accounts belie the truth in our considered estimation. In this way and this way alone can we fight an even battle with the forces pitted against us, so to say, and emerge victorious in our crusade for the establishment of the truth. But if we are always carried away by fantasies and fanciful stories ourselves with scant respect for rational rigour in argument or logical endeavour in affirming accounts or analysis of data, then we are culpable to a greater distortion of history than these heretical historians and renegade researchers who shroud truth under the cover of partial representations or plain concoction of tales that need rejection forthwith on the basis of strict rational rigour. But are we ready to take them on? Are there among the so-called defenders of Netaji and his cause able scholars who can stand up to these trained historians who know how to defend their stated positions better? We need to be better informed, better equipped rationally than we right now are or hope to be in the near future, given the crop of intellectual giants we have among us who are posing to be 'defenders of the faith', so to say. Hence, home to work and better preparedness before we hope to take on these perfidious protagonists of pernicious lies that sully the reputation of our beloved leader.

Sugata Bose Let me clarify for all right at the beginning before comments start pouring in that I am not the said person alluded to here as Sugata Bose. He is my namesake and not me. I am quite another Sugata Bose, totally unconnected to the famous Bose family of Netaji Bose and have no blood-bond whatsoever by remotest connection with Netaji and his extended family. Hence, I request all to desist from making this oft-made mistake and allow myself space for my personal identity to subsist in grace. Thank you for your anticipated understanding.

Sugata Bose Subhas Chanda No, not at all. I am used to it. Just wanted to make your post rolling with my comment. Now let the post gain momentum.

Sugata Bose Why have you posted this article without the permission of the author and without acknowledging his authorship? Diganta Sengupta is the author of this piece and you have posted it without acknowledging it. You ought to have simply shared it from his profile and that would have been good enough for the purpose. Instead what you have done is a gross violation of the copyright law and I strongly condemn this move of yours. Immediately acknowledge the author as the rightful intellectual property owner of this essay and make amends for your misdemeanour thus.

Sugata Bose Superb suggestion. Will pass it on. Why don't you write this bit in the form of a post proper?

Sugata Bose Ashis Kumar Basu Nonetheless, you must write. Let emotional effusions be not construed as sentimental nonsense for in the richness of emotions are often wedded to truth the best strands of intellectual work of an order higher than what the handiwork of mere rational rigour can attain to.

Sugata Bose সুন্দর রচনা । সুচিন্তিত, সুবিন্যস্ত পরিবেশন । ভাববার কথা যথার্থই । রচনা উপস্থাপন করে প্রতিশ্রুতি পূর্ণের জন্য ধন্যবাদ । আশা রাখি আরো অনেক রচনাপ্রাপ্তির ।

পুনশ্চ : আপনার রচনাশৈলী রাবীন্দ্রিক ধারায় ঢালা, কবির ছাপ পরিষ্কার পরিস্ফুট কোথাও কোথাও ।

Sugata Bose Riya Bhattacharya শুধু সম্ভবই নয়, সত্য সংঘটন ।

Sugata Bose Devjit Santra এখানে কমেন্ট অংশে ঐ সংযোগসূত্রটি দিন সকলের জ্ঞাতির জন্য ।

Sugata Bose মোবাইল থেকে সূত্রটি খুলছে না কোন কারণে । ডেস্কটপ থেকে পরে চেষ্টা করে দেখব । কিন্তু সত্য উদ্ঘাটন করতে হবে প্রথমে এই দীক্ষার ব্যাপারে ।

Sugata Bose Devjit Santra কিন্তু ওঁদের দাবির সত্যাসত্য বিচার করা আগে প্রয়োজন, তাই না ?

Sugata Bose Devjit Santra ওঁদের কি কোনো প্রমাণ আছে এবিষয়ে ?

Sugata Bose Swami Brahmananda did not ever spiritually initiate Subhas Chandra Bose, although, in Varanasi he had blessed him once while giving prophetic directions about his future life as a servant of the nation.

Sugata Bose Sayan Das Read a part of it [Swami Sankarananda by Dr. Biswanath Chakrabarty] but have never heard that Netaji was initiated by Swami Brahmananda, although, Netaji did admit that he did receive Raja Maharaj's grace, in not so many terms as receiving spiritual initiation though, when he confided the same to his co-confined in jail, Narendra Narayan Chakrabarty, if I am not entering into a memory lapse of sorts here. And how about the references the author of this article has cited, including the reference from the Collected Works of Netaji published in Bengali by Ananda Publishers?

Sugata Bose Debasis Sen You must verify this with Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. They have the records of their initiates.

Sugata Bose Debasis Sen But I am sure Netaji would have testified to it had it been so as you affirm.

Sugata Bose Shyamadas Mukherjee Then why are you engaging in such fruitless activity of commenting here instead of busying yourself with pertinent research work which would illumine seekers like us?

Sugata Bose But Diganta, they have given the references to substantiate their claim. Ought we to reject it before verifying with such reference material?

Sugata Bose Diganta Sengupta But what about the reference from Vol. 1 of Netaji Collected Works published in Bengali by Ananda Publishers as the author of this article claims? Ought one not to verify the veracity of the claim by checking with the pertinent source and then arrive at one's conclusion?

Sugata Bose Diganta Sengupta I see. I have not got the Bengali edition of the said Collected Works of Netaji by Ananda Publishers and will have to go by your word for the while before I can check it out with Debaprasad Bhattacharya who can inform me about it.

Sugata Bose Diganta Sengupta Grand.

Sugata Bose Sayan Das Read a part of it but have never heard that Netaji was initiated by Swami Brahmananda, although, Netaji did admit that he did receive Raja Maharaj's grace, in not so many terms as receiving spiritual initiation though, when he confided the same to his co-confined in jail, Narendra Narayan Chakrabarty, if I am not entering into a memory lapse of sorts here. And how about the references the author of this article has cited, including the reference from the Collected Works of Netaji published in Bengali by Ananda Publishers?

Sugata Bose Dhananjay Pal সর্বরকম তথ্যই দিয়ে থাকি । নেতাজী সংক্রান্ত, তাই প্রাসঙ্গিক । অবশ্য, যদি এ সংবাদটি মিথ্যা বলে প্রতিপন্ন হয়, তাহলে তার যাথার্থ আর থাকবে না ও তার প্রাসঙ্গিকতাও লোপ পাবে ।

Sugata Bose শ্যাম বেনেগাল শ্রীঅনুকুলচন্দ্রের ছবিটি তাঁর চলচ্চিত্রে দেখালেন কেন তাহলে?

Sugata Bose Sayan Das What sort of aspersion on someone is this? Is this civilised talk? Or are you a medical practitioner who is advertising his cause and seeking wholesome patients for furthering his profession?

Sugata Bose Prashanta Dasgupta This sort of cutting jokes on others may be your puerile pastime but certainly is not mine that I will spend any length of time in responding to such raw humour.

Sugata Bose Sayan Das You are getting me wrong right through. I have nowhere said that Janakinath Bose and Prabhavati Devi were initiated devotees of Sri Anukulchandra but that the post says so. So, where does all this altercation arise regarding my views when I have not expressed any? The best way to expose a lie, if there be one, is to factually expose it and not on the basis of indiscriminate accusations and assertions. If you are intent on undoing the pertinent points of dispute in the essay, you are welcome but for that you better concentrate on the post proper and not on me or any other by the way for that will be distracting for your endeavour in exposure of the alleged lie.

Sugata Bose Sayan Das If you think so, your estimation of Netaji is rather frail and poor. He is a premier soul which no Sugata Bose can insult or denigrate. He is beyond the realm of such aspersion or profanity thrust on him. Yes, his fanatical devotees may deem it otherwise who are only bent upon casting foolish aspersions on others themselves. Hence, your argument falls flat as I will continue to post all material related to Netaji, fake or otherwise, for them to be deliberated on and rejected or accepted if they be true. But my posting such will be based on my reaction at the moment of doing so which I can assure you and all like you, who may be perchance having apprehensions as to my intent, that it will be in good intent only and never with the remotest idea or mischief-mongering to denigrate the great hero of India and all colonised peoples throughout the world.

Sugata Bose But Italy had conquered Europe which is not the case with India. India has rather been conquered and has lost landmass and heritage sites with it.

Sugata Bose Sayan Das Is this civilised language, I just ask you this? And who gives you the right to cast aspersions on me, may I ask?

Sugata Bose Sayan Das Who is spreading lies? This post may carry features that may not match with facts in which case civility of discourse deems it a sine qua non to rationally refute the pertinent points of factual inaccuracy and not to indulge in this sort of personal vilification which is counterproductive for the issue itself. To assume superior devotion to Netaji as is the case these days with so many of his fanatical followers is not quite in keeping with his own exemplary living and extraordinary restraint in debate or discussion despite such an enormity of opposition and enmity that he had to face at the hands of his colleagues in the Congress. Hence, instead of advising me as to the limits of my freedom in posting facts or myths, as the case may be unwittingly in the latter instance, I would rather counter-suggest that you go back to your study and read more on Netaji so that you may be able to imbibe some of his lustrous attributes and emerge a better human being with a better appreciation of others and their due linkages to your own esteemed self which lies, unfortunately, in tatters today owing to your lack of restraint in thought and speech.

Sugata Bose Sayan Das Now you are being incorrigible and this cannot be worthy of you to do so. So, come off it and see reason. Try to understand that this essay is not the fruit of my authorship and it has been posted to trigger discussion as to the veracity or otherwise of its contents for it has been doing the rounds on social media elsewhere which has been brought to my notice by one concerned individual who wished that its contents be busted.

Sugata Bose Anirban Chanda To trigger discussion on contentious issues that remain unresolved in many a mind so that men may arrive at a better understanding of these from the pertinent facts and features afforded by many to the same. Thus, clarity will come and confusion diminish which is expressly one of the purposes of any social group, be it online or offline.

Sugata Bose Anirban Chanda I welcome all such discussions as well provided they are conducted in a manner that is in line with norms of civility and democratic discourse devoid of foul-mouthing others. Also, rationality ought to prevail and pertinent facts afforded to the said discussion. I hope to have clarified my position to your eminent satisfaction.

Sugata Bose I cannot recall the content of the comment. Perhaps, I had agreed with your comment or appreciated your difference in point of view with respect to mine. Hence, I may have respectfully refrained from commenting back.

Sugata Bose Subhrajyoti Bhowmick All materialists since believe the way the communists do in this regard since ancient times, strands of materialism being prevalent in every age in lesser or greater degree, recorded or unrecorded.

Sugata Bose That is because this was 1938 when Bose was elected Congress President for the first time after Nehru had served in that office already for four years, first in 1929 and 1930, and then in 1936 and 1937. So, appearances could be deceptive that way and judgement would require justification by factual reasoning as well. However, if you are making a subjective observation based purely on facial appearance, skin glow, look of the eye and other like aspects, then it is a different matter as it is a personal perspective unique to the observer even if corroborated by other observers with a similar perception.

Sugata Bose How could Justice Mukherjee make this error?

Sugata Bose Yes, absolutely so. Let us begin here itself.

Sugata Bose Superb, Riya. Present this comment as a post, please, and attach a suitable photograph, in fact, this very photograph after downloading it, so as to embellish the post and give it the due pertinence. [Reference : Early signs of the INA. The future Supreme Commander of the Indian National Army in bud...Written by Sugata Bose]

Sugata Bose Abhijit Ray Alright. Henceforth, you shall not be tagged in any disappearance discussion by me in deference to your wish. Accept my regards please.

Sugata Bose Drjayanta Choudhuri একটা ভিডিও করুন জয়ন্ত বাবু এই সব প্রশ্ন তুলে ও তার সম্ভাব্য উত্তর দেওয়ার চেষ্টা করে ।

Sugata Bose Indranil Bhattacharjee প্রমাণ লোপাটে সত্য চাপা পড়বে না বলছেন?

Sugata Bose Indranil Bhattacharjee শুধু অপেক্ষার ওপর অপেক্ষমান কী এই সত্য উদ্ঘাটন ?

Sugata Bose Rather a linear writing exercise with surface statements that are well-known and punctuated with grammatical errors and wrong usage of words. No in-depth analysis whatsoever, just a surface skimming of things. Sad to see the plight of a paper famed for the impeccable diction of its panel of writers that today could print such a pedestrian piece about the prophet and the patriot.

Foreword to post written by Sugata Bose [ Ref. The Statesman article 'Netaji and Swamiji' written by an ex-student of Narendrapur Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya ]

Sugata Bose Riya Bhattacharya They were the young guns, as you put in, but in a sinking polity the world over amidst general cultural degradation, we no more have these young guns sacrificing their all for human freedom. Instead we have young goons in plentiful supply these days and the seeds of such proliferate across nations and cultures, across social strata and tiers of the academic hierarchy. Culture is on the decline and with it humanity in every sense of the word, in all its nuanced implications. [Ref. The accused in the supplementary Lahore Conspiracy Case, those interned in the Lahore Jail.]

Sugata Bose Thanks, Sutanu, for sharing reminiscences from familial source.

Sugata Bose @Chandrachur Ghosh : Your video is very arresting but, if you will not take it as an offence, I will suggest that the room ought to be tidied a bit before you shoot a video. It will give a neater background which will be more pleasing to the eye. After all it is a video and the principle of aesthetics ought to hold good here. Even in earlier videos I have noticed that the room is always unkempt. Unless it is a deliberate ploy to exhibit the informal nature of the address as would be to a familiar one, say, a dear friend or a kith and kin, in which case I will have nothing more to say, do take care of this element in future videos. Otherwise, it is a fine performance with humour and sarcasm nailing the adversary like anything and pinning him down with scant respite for respiration free. Thank you for your monumental effort and my good wishes for your future endeavours in book-writing and bringing to the fore thus of unknown material for all of us to read and profit by.

Sugata Bose Subhas Chanda Meditate deep and you will find many a colluding culprit. Do you not know that there are some who speak words of wisdom from the very land that looted our motherland, and advise us on our patriotic stance while enjoying the fruits of such loot? Are you not aware of these despicable ones who trade in patriotism and then proceed to question the credentials of others, their commercial motives and intentions, while themselves remaining mired in material acquisitions begotten at the expense of a billion barbecued countrymen with retrospective effect dating from their predecessors who the British looted and molested of all means of even the barest survival as in the Bengal Famine? How will you solve the disappearance mystery if you must be so afforded this simplest of solutions that dangles before the eye for all of us like a sore that these Anglophiles are despite their tallest pretensions to the contrary? Think deep, meditate, reflect, cogitate, do what you will but identify these false faces, these betrayers of the motherland who carry out their tirade on us in soft and fair means which are rotten to the core, though, just as their British masters are, and we like lame lambs must gather at their feet to offer our submissions while they in return offer their boots to us.

Sugata Bose Diganta Sengupta Sharpen your wits, son. Else, with a blunted instrument, how are you going to solve the seemingly unfathomable disappearance mystery of you God?

Sugata Bose Soma Dutta Good point. But Bhagavanji also addressed Rita Banerjee in Bengali once when he said 'Jar desh thaktey desh nei...' and Mrs. Banerjee would have surely picked up from that the Hindustani accent of Bengali. So, perhaps, the matter remains unresolved.

Sugata Bose It is being stated here in this video by Anuj Dhar and Chandrachur Ghosh that Netaji had a romantic alliance with Emilie Schenkl and had fathered a daughter outside of wedlock by the name Anita. This is a calumny cast on the unimpeachable character of Netaji and if the genuine followers of Netaji do not promptly act to refute these allegations by making counter videos effectively, then their marriage-progeny narrative will be here to stay, winning more and more adherents to it. Hope this reaches the ears of the concerned ones and they do something about it.

Sugata Bose A host of fallacious logic being forwarded to uphold the marriage-progeny narrative. Anuj Dhar makes frequent errors in reasoning but Chandrachur Ghosh is more deft in deflection of counter-arguments.

Sugata Bose Anuj Dhar says that Gumnami Baba spoke Calcacian Bangla. One wonders at the refinement of his diction and that of Chandrachur Ghosh, too, who seconded it immediately afterwards. It is disturbing to see the decline in culture overall in society today whose illustration we often behold in the manner of speech of these researchers when it comes to their addressing Gumnami Baba. Must we then presume that the days of gentlemanly culture and sufficient civic restraint in speech are gone for good?

Sugata Bose Here also Anuj Dhar's fallacious statements hold no ground but Chandrachur Ghosh seems wiser and avoids undue errors.

Sugata Bose See how beautifully the initial Russian section of the interview in this video has been shot and edited. This is the way to do it so that the point made may be hammered home leaving no room for in incoherence or incompleteness of statement attempted to be made. This ought to be a pointer to our India-based researchers as to how to make a video, crisp and clear in statements made, rational and articulately so as to leave no room for loose ends of logic furnished or evidence laid out.

Sugata Bose 'Not two but with a thousand hands' -- this deification of woman and the primeval energy manifesting through her form could pass into the English language as a quotable quote. And, indeed, it is, now I realise. Bankimchandra says so in Vandemataram. 'Disaptakoti bhujairdha ... '. But your idea is freshly conceived for all are the conduits of the Divine and inspiration comes through in the form of words and images through the minds of all in so far they are capable of feeling its pulse and expressing it in tangible terms. But the original impulse is from antiquity in some remotest times when an ancient poet like the modern Bankimchandra Chatterjee or today's Sharmistha Chatterjee may have conceived it and given utterance to this synthesis of the Divine and the human, the Cosmic Mother and the earthly mother.

That history ever repeats itself is an oft-quoted saying but is not too often understood in its deeper philosophical connotation. The same truth which is the foundation of the universe is the basis for the individual as well. Herein the microcosm and the macrocosm meet, arms locked in holy embrace where the germ of creation passes through from the infinite to to the finite inscrutably along its interface that seemingly separates the absolute from the phenomenal. Mother expresses Herself through Her myriad forms in a myriad manner, controlling Her boundless energy to make way for Her magic manifestation in limited material terms. And, yet, the connections to roots are not cut and when the earthly mother in her multidimensional moods and manners, in her cares and controls, exhibits that element of her limitless maternal love, the Divine Mother is reflected in her as her umbilical source.

A fair endeavour of yours, Sharmistha, in times of declining culture when we ought to go back to what our mother had taught us, babes in her arms seeking the divine data in terrestrial terms, in caress, in kiss, in loving embrace that enfolded us with the liquid delight of immortality which in due course we must recover as we meander through the labyrinth of life.

Sugata Bose @Abhishek Sanyal : I have always posted all sorts of posts and essays that have included all angles of Netaji's life prior to and post his disappearance and have never been bigoted with respect to any particular view. Neither do I make such corrosive comments as Gumnami Baba being a hoax and then conveniently, to avoid stick from a myriad critics, remove such comments. I respect Netaji and all sages and saints and, so, I refrain from making such rough remark against someone who is considered by many as Netaji in ascetic's garb living incognito. I also do not quit the scene quickly fearing reprisals for I am brave enough to face the consequences of my comments or observations in posts made by me. As administrator I never am authoritarian as Avijit Banerjee has above alleged. I am just another ordinary member of this group and no more, although I happen to administer it and keep it in order. Many of the members are one-sided in their approach to the disappearance issue and are dogmatic upholders of any one of of the three major theories doing the rounds. There are the aircrash adherents, the Russian angle adherents and the Bhagavanji believers. There is perpetual dissension between the first and the last theorists and quite a bit of animosity between them. This fanatical adherence degenerates to diatribe instead of debate and quite a deal of misunderstanding by members which is often thrust on me. For instance, if I allow a post which is not to the liking of the vocal majority, say, on the aircrash theory or on Anita Pfaff, then I am pulled up in much the same manner as you tend to dismiss the Gumnami Baba as 'a hoax'. This fanaticism is the increasing problem in society at large today whose reflection is seen here in this group as well. Hence, before you approve of my post as worthwhile as in this case, please refrain from making remarks as others may find offensive, especially when it concerns a monk who they believe was/is Netaji and who they accord a like reverence, if not more.

Sugata Bose Avijit Banerjee Please stop being peremptory in your suggestions. It is my personal prerogative as to what I will post and as to why. Fanaticism will find no place in this group.

Sugata Bose Avijit Banerjee Your intellectual paucity not only is surprising but shocking, too. Your fanatical stance proves your attitude towards what otherwise would be deemed as the affording of all available data to members. Your comment bespeaks of your attitude and you are welcome either way, to stay or to leave, as you please, but not so to advise me rudely in the manner you did in the first place and now in a much worse manner yet again.

Sugata Bose This escape story is also being contested by some. I invite them to join in and counter this narrative if they please.

Sugata Bose That is genuine unconditional love that seeks essential principles and is not swayed into altered estimation on account of extraneous factors.

Sugata Bose Sonu Mazumder আপনারা নিজ নিজ ক্ষেত্রে তৎপর হন, জেগে উঠুন, তাঁরা এসে পড়বেন, একথা নিশ্চিত জানবেন ।

Sugata Bose 
পিতৃচরণে প্রণত,
পিতার আশীষে ধন্যা,
সৌভাগ্যবতী দুহিতা,
ভট্টকেশবকন্যা !

Soma Dutta Because they believed that Netaji had married and fathered a child. However, only a section of the Bose family believed it to be so. The rest debunked the narrative as a heinous plot hatched to denigrate Netaji.

Sugata Bose I wonder why people do not view this video and learn something about Anita's perspectives on Netaji instead of only commenting about her parentage. In viewing it something may be learnt, is it not so? We must ever strive to increase our fund of knowledge for that is the only way for expansion of our personalities and saving it from stagnation. Sri Ramakrishna used to say that as long as he lived, so long he learnt. Let us abide by the Master's direction and dedicate ourselves to the pursuit of knowledge from every source instead of only engaging in vain disputation that has but a dead end in self-confirmation of long-held biases and beliefs, preferences and prejudices. This does not mean that I am opposed to debate and discussion or disputing a terrible wrong that has been perpetrated against Netaji and is being propagated online for gaining ground in the public mind. Far from it. I am all day long myself battling against such perfidies and exhorting others to join in the fray with me but what I intend to say here is that men must go beyond the cover to decide upon the merit of a book and surface estimation born out of preconceptions will further knowledge in a subject by no way. Hence, all videos are worth more watching than disputing about their caption, so to say, unless, of course, one finds them utterly distasteful for viewing. In such a case fruitless talk will not further the case of getting to know more in any manner.

Sugata Bose Diganta Sengupta Give them at your pleasure, give them at your leisure. But see to it that the hour is not gone when the rays shine and humanity's last lap of life is run, last bouts fought and done. Let measure for measure the queries come but may they arrive while there light be some.

Sugata Bose Aditi Mazumder That is fine. Do contribute some write-ups to this group and help embellish its content.

Sugata Bose Aditi Mazumder Indians rooted to the culture of the land, its heritage that is largely enshrined in verbal terms in the Sanskrit language absence of whose knowledge cuts us off from our roots.

Sugata Bose Prabal Ranjan Paul Indians rooted to the culture of the land, its heritage that is largely enshrined in verbal terms in the Sanskrit language absence of whose knowledge cuts us off from our roots.

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