Wednesday 19 February 2020


Appreciation of Netaji's achievements will fall short without proper assessment of those of his colleagues, comrades-in-arms and contemporaries. A blind hate of anyone who had opposed or even directly or indirectly harmed Netaji is counter-productive and surely not the way forward in this movement of restoring the pride of the revolutionaries. What is needed is a dispassionate study, analysis and assessment of the history of the times and the will to move forward by absorbing what was best in the leaders of the day then and creatively applying them to the development of a fuller national life. For this, reading, reflection and realisation in rational terms of the content and import of the proceedings and transactions of the day is necessary. Else, mere prejudice will masquerade as patriotic love for the motherland but will miss the mark in recording the untold truths of our freedom movement and establishing their unbiased analysis and interpretation.
Written by Sugata Bose

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