Sunday 16 February 2020



A greater innocence I cannot conceive of. Perhaps, the boy Gadadhar (Ramakrishna) or the boy Bileh (Vivekananda) had it. Subhas in this frontal view seems to be the epitome of all that is good and great in a bud in blossom with all its infinite potentialities, its grand possibilities. And they all came to be fulfilled in the course of his tumultuous life.

Blessed is the mother who bore him in her womb, blessed the motherland that held him through and through, and blessed are they who helped him achieve his mission on earth and never betrayed him, for betrayals galore there were from comrades to kith and kin to so many who profit by him even today in his name. But holy is the land, indeed, that can give birth to such a son and blessed the people who find such a leader to emancipate them from their thraldom.

Written by Sugata Bose

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