We are planning to open an organisation in the name of Swamiji and Netaji that will be committed to social service and the dissemination of noble ideas and ideals in society. We hope to garner sufficient support to be able to do this. We would like to organise an annual lecture in the name of our dual inspiration as well where eminent scholars and ordinary citizens who love Swamiji and Netaji will be invited to speak. We also hope to felicitate dedicated researchers who have spent a lifetime studying the lives of Swamiji, Netaji and the like, and who have thence shared the fruit of their knowledge in society at large.
A prime objective of our organisation will be to unearth the true history of our motherland. This will naturally include unearthing the true history of our freedom struggle as well. Raising the intellectual bar, refining culture through organising seasoned discourse by lecturers on the various aspects of the revolutionary struggle and the battle for national regeneration as was embodied in Swamiji and exemplified by him, all these shall be the foci of our collective and cooperative work.
Our country has to revive along national lines in alignment with world trends which must be modified to meet our specific national requirements. For this we must be rooted to our spiritual culture as we venture into the wide world for extension of horizons. For this we shall seek inspiration and guidance in the golden works of Swamiji and Netaji and we hope we will in some measure be able to live upto their expectations of us as well.
This body which is in its embryonic state will remain strictly apolitical but shall not remain hypocritically so when it comes to pointing out past perfidies that have been perpetrated against our nation by the powers that have been. Otherwise, it shall maintain political neutrality in all matters that pertain to the present day so that its ideals are best realised by the maximum participation of members from all fronts.
We see so much suffering all around us and so little redress of it. If we can successfully combine with a mission to alleviate this human misery through cooperative service, we will have discharged our spiritual duties well and lived worthwhile lives. To that end we must be geared so that we envision the divine in all who we serve and so that we may serve in the true spirit of humility and humanity, transcending material motives of name and fame or any gain transitory.
Our work will be self-regeneration along with service to humanity along the lines shown by Swamiji and Netaji. But along with this shall be the dissemination of the knowledge of the true history of Indian civilisation and her struggle for freedom from colonial and cultural shackles, and all this in an amicable manner that shall never resort to divisive attitude or action of any sort. History must be retold but in a civil manner that will not sever links between communities but will forge links of unity and peace even as truth is not compromised. A difficult art, though, but one that must be mastered before any significant success may be expected in terms of drawing all sections of society together in this broad movement of visions and deeds.
Our sovereign deity is the vast mass of visible humanity and the Great Spirit within which seeks our service in a myriad guise for the advance of this sport of cosmic proportions which tearful at the surface is full of peals of laughter beneath as the Mother in Her bliss laughs across the stretches of space and time.
Written by Sugata Bose
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