Wednesday, 26 February 2020



Must Netaji be blamed for leaving India and allowing Jinnah free space for dividing the nation in collusion with the British or ought the blame to be borne by the British, Jinnah and Gandhi-Nehru-Patel, the parties that

[a] created the conditions,

[b] perpetrated violence to achieve the end, and

[c] capitulated and compromised to set the seal on the deal?

Who must eventually bear the brunt of the responsibility -- Netaji or these perfidious parties spearheaded by the British and the All India Muslim League headed by Muhammad Ali Jinnah and backed by the Americans as well for geopolitical advantages to be secured in the long run?

How can Netaji in any way be blamed for Partition when he was nowhere near the scene of the proceedings that dismembered the motherland? His was the one unifying war of freedom which ought to have been supported by Gandhi-Nehru-Patel-Azad and the like that would have in effect held the nation together. But they all went against him and, despite token submissions regarding his patriotism, as in the case of Gandhiji's equivocal affirmations, did nothing to help his cause of freedom by armed resistance. Nehru openly advocated counter-violence against the INA when he said that he would go to meet Subhas with unsheathed sword should he dare lead the Japanese into Indian territory in the name of fascist freedom.

If Jinnah colluded with the British to partition India in the absence of the mighty Bose who would have resisted tooth and nail to prevent it, the brave-heart who befriended even the Devil incarnate to free India cannot be thereby blamed for his absence from the motherland that precipitated Partition, for the very forces that forced his eviction from India to seek foreign help were there, sitting puppets of the British Crown, to accede to his perfidious demand. Hence, the blame for Partition, to my mind, ought to fall on the shoulders of the following in the descending order of responsibility thereof :

1) The British

2) Jinnah and his Muslim League

3) Gandhi-Nehru-Patel-Congress.

I rest my case here and leave the podium for others to present theirs.

Jai Hind ! Vande Mataram !

Written by Sugata Bose

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