Wednesday, 1 May 2024



Sugata Bose @Anindya Roy : You did not get the sense of the post. Dilution there is none, only due emphasis. If this be dilution, then much of Swamiji's exhortations like 'Playing football instead of studying the Geeta will draw you closer to heaven...' will be deemed in your estimation dilution as well. I hope you see the sense of it. Moreover, the language of the original post is not mine, although I wholeheartedly corroborate it.

P.S. The post in no way intends, to my mind, any exclusive replacement of dance by martial training. It merely exhorts people to shift focus from soft culture practices to more robust ones, considering the threats of the times, especially in regard to Hindu girls who frequently are being butchered by assailants and to no robust response by civil society.

In this regard may I request you to read through the following passage from Swamiji:

"খোল-করতাল বাজিয়ে লম্ফঝম্প করে দেশটা উৎসন্নে গেল। একে তো এই dyspeptic (অজীর্ণ) রোগীর দল, তাতে আবার লাফালে ঝাঁপালে সইবে কেন? কামগন্ধহীন উচ্চ সাধনার অনুকরণ করতে গিয়ে দেশটা ঘোর তমসাচ্ছন্ন হয়ে পড়েছে। দেশে দেশে, গাঁয়ে গাঁয়ে যেখানে যাবি, দেখবি খোল-করতালই বাজছে! ঢাকঢোল দেশে তৈরি হয় না? তুরীভেরী কি ভারতে মেলে না ? ঐ-সব গুরুগম্ভীর আওয়াজ ছেলেদের শোনা। ছেলেবেলা থেকে মেয়েমানষি বাজনা শুনে শুনে, কীর্তন শুনে শুনে দেশটা যে মেয়েদের দেশ হয়ে গেল! এর চেয়ে আর কি অধঃপাতে যাবে ? কবিকল্পনাও এ ছবি আঁকতে হার মেনে যায়! ডমরু শিঙা বাজাতে হবে, ঢাকে ব্রহ্মরুদ্রতালের দুন্দুভিনাদ তুলতে হবে, 'মহাবীর, মহাবীর' ধ্বনিতে এবং 'হর হর ব্যোম্ ব্যোম্' শব্দে দিগ্দেশ কম্পিত করতে হবে। যে-সব music-এ (গীতবাদ্যে) মানুষের soft feelings (হৃদয়ের কোমল ভাবসমূহ) উদ্দীপিত করে, সে-সব কিছুদিনের জন্য এখন বন্ধ রাখতে হবে। খেয়াল-টপ্পা বন্ধ করে ধ্রুপদ গান শুনতে লোককে অভ্যাস করাতে হবে। বৈদিক ছন্দের মেঘমন্দ্রে দেশটার প্রাণসঞ্চার করতে হবে। সকল বিষয়ে বীরত্বের কঠোর মহাপ্রাণতা আনতে হবে। এইরূপ ideal follow (আদর্শ অনুসরণ) করলে তবে এখন জীবের কল্যাণ, দেশের কল্যাণ। তুই যদি একা এভাবে চরিত্র গঠন করতে পারিস, তা হলে তোর দেখাদেখি হাজার লোক ঐরূপ করতে শিখবে। কিন্তু দেখিস, ideal (আদর্শ) থেকে কখনও যেন এক পা-ও হটিসনি। কখনও সাহসহীন হবিনি। খেতে শুতে পরতে, গাইতে বাজাতে, ভোগে রোগে কেবলই সৎসাহসের পরিচয় দিবি। তবে তো মহাশক্তির কৃপা হবে।"

~ স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ

If even now the intended meaning of the post is not clear, "The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars but in ourselves that we are underlings." ~ Julius Caesar (William Shakespeare)

Sugata Bose @Mahesh Kakade : Read the post now with English translation appended.

P.S. Prafulla Chaki had not met Swamiji but Bengal revolutionaries of the day were all inspired by Swamiji to rise up in rebellion against the British Raj.

To know more about Prafulla Chaki you have to read relevant books on the Bengal revolutionaries of the 'Agni Yug' (the era of revolutionary fire or the ignited age).

Sugata Bose @Wahid Zaman : True enough. Like history provides testimony for with one ace donkey in lion's skin leading a billion others and more as they increase in numbers. That delusion still persists despite centuries of denial of freedom from imposed doctrine exemplifies the content of the post amply. One wishes to find fault in one's perceived adversaries without realising that a worse enemy sits at home and within one's indoctrinated conception. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Even if I make millions of posts to this effect, even if a few valorous souls cast off their bodies to resurrect the ancient and medieval martial spirit, the modern-day devotees will persist in their effeminacy, their abysmal passive piety to make a mockery of every such effort. This, alas, is the tragedy of the times, the last breath of a dying race! 

Hindus, especially in effeminate Bengal, are a rotten, dying community of delightful dreams spun in fantasy and sustained in sense-gratification. Even the monks are no better as they exhibit unmanly behaviour, music, dance et al. There is no evidence of Swamiji's virile spirituality anywhere among his monastic followers, not to speak of his cowardly lay devotees whose only preoccupation is to insult his ideals by engaging in everything that he chose to vociferously oppose in his lifetime. 

Swamiji's last lamentation before his boyhood friend, Brahmabandhav Upadhyay, outside Hedua Park comes to mind, "ভবানী ভাই, আমি আর বাঁচব না |" ["Bhavani Bhai, I will live no more."] The Swami's lamentation lay not in his premonition of his passage from the world which was to occur six months later but in his failure to complete the task of reconstruction of the country which no historical force could undo. 

Swamiji died a lonesome man, a solitary star in a dark firmament of burnt-out dazzle, lost luminosity and passive potential of future ignition. He confided to his leonine disciple Nivedita, "My mission is not Ramakrishna's nor Vedanta's nor anything but to bring MANHOOD to this people." 

And here we are raising passive chants even a century after his passage, insulting the man and his message daily in our devotional degeneracy that would have evoked his indignation were he not such a largehearted person. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : Hindus will never learn what the import of a post is. Superficiality rules the roost. This is on account of the modern loss of martial culture. Even 'Jai Hind' will not win battles, better preparation and assault will.

Sugata Bose @Nitin Pandit : They (the great leaders of our past, especially the freedom struggle) knew and yet appeased for political exigencies, not for self-benefits as such.

Sugata Bose @Chanakya Charitro : জাগবে না হিন্দু | সারাদিন, সারারাত জাগাবার চেষ্টা করি | জাগে না, ঘুমোয় | প্রচীন জাত, বার্ধক্যক্লীষ্ট, মুমূর্ষু |

Sugata Bose @Gargi Chatterjee : He (Swami Vivekananda) was also brave which we must be. Cowardice must not camouflage itself as devotion.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Elizabeth Marsh] : The Anglo-Americans one day will face the Court of History when judgement will be delivered on them for their countless atrocities on humanity. Karma will recoil on them and do historical levelling.

Sugata Bose @Samarbijoy Chakraborty : Correct. The recent Ekta episode exemplifies it. She was in a live-in relationship with a Muslim boyfriend by the name Anas Qureshi. After the passage of four years Qureshi put pressure on her to convert. She refused. What happened next? She was beheaded by her boyfriend, the ghastly episode having been caught on CCTV proving the perpetrator's crime.

Sugata Bose @Chandicharan Tripathi : হাজার বছর গোলাম হয়েই তো আছি | তাই শোষিত হয়েছি, শাসক হইনি |

Sugata Bose @Debasish Banerjee : অর্থাৎ, অধিকাংশই আক্ষরিক অর্থে নিরীশ্বর |

Sugata Bose @Sayed Nasimul Gani : Address what Rabindranath says about Islam and counter it if you can instead of deflecting discussion. Your standard anti-Hindutva chant will not mend matters much. If you are so much of a Bengali, then fight for the rights of the persecuted Hindus and Buddhists in 'Islamic' Bangladesh before you reserve for yourselves such rights to pompous preaching.

Sugata Bose @Sayed Nasimul Gani : রবীন্দ্রনাথের ইসলাম সম্বন্ধীয় সত্যভাষণে খুব আঁতে লেগে গেল নাকি যে গোমূত্রাদি মধুর শব্দাবলী প্রয়োগে পঞ্চমুখ হয়ে পড়লেন ?

Sugata Bose @YouTube [ANI News--Smita Prakash] : Smitaji, an earnest request to you. Please do not break the flow of an interviewee's (here Rajat Sharma's) recollection by unwarranted interruption. It 'cracks the mirror from side to side'.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Post flaming quotations from Swamiji, soul-stirring ones as are in abundance available in his 'Lectures from Colombo to Almora'. 

Our people are already too passive which is why Thakur had especially brought Swamiji to set afire their selves with the spirit of patriotic and religious zeal at a time when our motherland laboured under dastardly colonial occupation. 

Post-Independence we have further slumped into amnesia of our virile Vedantic culture made manifest for millenia in bold action in every sphere of national life. 

During Swamiji's lifetime and in the first few decades following there was this stir especially in Bengal that owed its inspirational and energetic origin in his fiery message. But the fire died gradually as post-independence governmental policy went largely against Hindutva and quite in sympathy with Abrahamic proselytism which was now guarded and guaranteed by Constitutional legal provision. 

Ramakrishna Mission also with the passage of time became progressively welfare-bound and less and less active as a missionary organisation which was its founder's principal objective as is evident from the organisation's very name and Swamiji's open avowal. The Mission further lost ground when it got entangled in a protracted legal battle in the 1980s and 90s over its right to be deemed a minority religious community distinct from the vast body politic of the Hindus, an unfortunate evolutionary development from which it has never recovered nor fully regained the trust and sympathy of all Hindus in general which it used to have pre-Independence. 

Swami Nityaswarupananda (Chintaharan Maharaj) wrote in the 1980s his booklet 'Back to Vivekananda' which was banned by the Mission and never published by it, an inspirational treatise whose sections I have had the good fortune to have read, a text that sends shivers up the spine and not down it, if you understand what I mean. Here he exhorted the Mission monks to return to Swamiji just as Swamiji had thundered at his materialistic western audience, "Return to Christ." Without going into the content of this banished text may I remind just this much that Nityaswarupanandaji had fervently wished that the Mission should follow Swamiji's principles in toto and not dilute them to suit organisational convenience. 

Now, we are lay devotees and apparently powerless to bring about change in either the Mission's way of working or in society in general. But we have a powerful arsenal in our hands which we can unleash on mass-consciousness if we so wish, and that is the body of fiery passages from 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' and not its passive philosophical passages, passive in the sense that our people need Swamiji's energy today in nation-building more than they need his more reflective spiritual thought. Hence, my exhortation unto you to post vigorous passages from Swamiji. I say this today after having witnessed the tenor of the texts you have been posting for the past several years in this regard. Kindly excuse my intervention in this regard and do not interpret it as insolence of sorts but rather view it as a reader's earnest response to these posts, a well-wisher's sincere request. Vande Mataram! 🕉

Sugata Bose @Julie Binder Maitra : Longevity of the Sarada Math nuns is the fruit of their disciplined continent living with constant replenishment of energy from the inner reserves.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Narendra Modi with 5 Editors of TV 9] : Dull discussion typifying low intelligence quotient and insincere, hollow babble.

Sugata Bose @Debasish Banerjee : কোনদিনও করবেন না সাধারণের লঘু কামনানুসারে | কর্মের বিধানে নিয়ন্ত্রিত সব তাঁরই অমোঘ ইচ্ছায় | তিনি কি কারো ইচ্ছাধীন ?

Sugata Bose@Goutam Ghosh : Very correctly pointed it out. This has been the tragedy of hyper-diverse Hindus.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Eventxpress] : 99 abuses are an allusion to Shishupal doing so to Shri Krishna which the latter, pledge-bound to Shishupal's mother, forgave. The 100 th such offence saw Krishna severing Shishupal's head with his Sudarshan Chakra. This was thus Modiji's warning to the Opposition leaders, I guess, to refrain from further abuse which caution not heeded would probably draw out his retaliatory wrath on them. Professor Palakar Prabhakar seems innocent of this episode apparently or wishes not to draw the highly charged comparison. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Rupa Ganguli : Then I am not an atheist for I believe in myself above all. But can one really believe in oneself as such when both the phenomenal 'I' and the phenomenal self are illusory entities, hence, essentially non-existent? And when the Self has been 'seen', can belief in self be possible anymore or belief in the Self, for that would entail the trinity of the observer, the observed and the act of observation, which though have disappeared like morning mist in the bright rays of the illumining Sun, the Self or the Atman? Singularity prevails from beginningless beginning unto endless end, permitting no duality of belief to subsist beyond delusion. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Woke Hunter : Perfectly said it. Please save this comment of yours for future use. Such a succinct appraisal of the situation, articulated in such clear language, I have hardly ever read. Thanks for clearing the cobwebs in our confused brains. Most beat about the bush. You have hit the hammer right on the head of the nail. Literally nailed it. And, yet, you will see hardly anyone say a good word to you regarding this. Such is the state of us, fallen, selfish Hindus, pompously preaching passive piety and covering up cowardice under the garb of stereotypical utterances learnt up by rote and reproduced repetitively as if to prove 'See how spiritual I am and exceptionally so' while the general fate of us as a race goes to ruins. A thousand year old slavery has not taught us the right lessons nor August 16, 1946 nor Noakhali nor Partition nor Pakistan nor Bangladesh nor Kashmir.  The same old crap of timid preaching from the podium, the same old selfish pursuit of money, the same old self-publicity goes on while the enemy sharpens its instruments of execution for our elimination en masse as a civilisation.

Sugata Bose @Alok Sarkar : আমি তো লড়ছি, তাও একা | কোন সহায়তা পাচ্ছি না | তবু লড়ে চলেছি | সংগ্রামই জীবন | আমার ফেসবুক বন্ধুরা উদাসীন আমার লেখার প্রতি | তাতে কি ? লেখা থামবে নাকি ? কখনই না | নিজের নামযশ, লোকমান্যের আকাঙ্ক্ষা তো আমার নেই যে বিরত হব হিন্দুর রক্ষার্থে আক্রমনাত্মক লেখা হতে | যখন হিন্দু বিপর্যস্ত তখন কলম ওঠাবো বইকি তার রক্ষাকল্পে, কেউ সাহায্য করুক আর না করুক | আমার আদর্শ ও উদ্দেশ্য যদি ঠিক থাকে এবং আত্মপ্রচারের কোন ইচ্ছা যদি না থাকে, তো কর্ম সফল হল বলেই গণ্য করব, ফল যাই হ'ক না কেন |

Sugata Bose @Woke Hunter : So, stand beside me as I venture forth in valorous defence of the Dharma.

Sugata Bose @Arnab Bhattacharya : I hope so as well but more often than not despair, for the passivity of the Hindus I know is killing, their cowardice and apathy most discouraging.

Sugata Bose @Parag Kumar Mitra : Not Mamata. Brilliant actress. She is also an excellent teacher as she is grooming so many Tollygunge actors and actresses in the fine art of acting which could be the real reason why these film stars are flocking round her.

Sugata Bose @Woke Hunter : Superb response. Your activism is exemplary.

Sugata Bose @কৌশিক কৌটিল্য : May I save this photo for future use in the appending of my relevant write-ups and for supplementing my comments?

Sugata Bose @Debashish Chittaranjan Roy : So, what is the idea behind posting this letter---to preach the idea or to yet again propagate the personality of Swamiji through his observation to the reverse effect? This in humility I ask and not in apparent arrogance.

Sugata Bose @Alok Sarkar : এ অঙ্ক ওই অঙ্ক নয় | এ বণিকের টাকার অঙ্ক আর যেনতেনপ্রকারেণ ভোটের অঙ্ক | এটি বুঝলে আর ভাব বোঝা হবে না | ভাব বোঝায় পরিণত হবে |

Sugata Bose @Indibar Gurdas Mukherjee : What about Moplāh, the Great Calcutta Killing (nothing great about it) of August 16, 1946, Noākhāli, Gopāl Pānthhā, Partition, Ghazwā-e-Hind,  Qur'an, Hadees, Sirāh, Tagore's warnings about Islam, Rammohan's warnings, Swamiji's warnings, Aurobindo's warnings, Ambedkar's warnings, Saratchandra's warnings, Bankimchandra's warnings, Savarkar's warnings, Guru Golwalkar's warnings and even Churchill's warnings? What about the warnings of Ex-Muslims, the warnings of Islamic history, the massacre of 80 million Hindus by invading and occupying Muslims? What about Hindukush mountains? What about the regular roguery of conversion and the periodic barbecueing of Hindu girls by Muslim suitors? What about all these?

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