Friday, 3 May 2024



1. If you are a great person, you should be able to confront evil face to face and call a spade a spade. Avoidance will invalidate your greatness.

2. If you are so secular in your bearings as a citizen, why then are you adherent of an intolerant religious ideology otherwise?

3. What is so great about Islam that Muslims believe in converting the world to it? It has neither philosophical nor ethical depth.

4. When Eknath Ranade built the Vivekananda Rock Temple at Kanyakumari, he faced terrible opposition from Christian missionaries.

5. How can you be both Muslim and secular? Your faith forbids it.

6. Do you know what the timeline is set by the Muslim Brotherhood to Islamise the world? If not, learn. Ghazwa-e-Hind is on here.

7. Heaven is a material extension of earth. Nothing spiritual about it. Faiths that are heaven-bound are material and not spiritual.


অনেক তো হল সর্বধর্ম সমন্বয় | এবার বলিষ্ঠ, বিশুদ্ধ হিন্দু ধর্ম প্রচারিত হ'ক | স্বামী প্রণবানন্দের হিন্দুত্বের বাণী দিকে দিকে প্রসার লাভ করুক | পৌরুষের প্রতীক স্বামী প্রণবানন্দ, হিন্দুরক্ষাকর্মে স্বামীজীর যোগ্য উত্তরাধিকারী |

9. Hindus keep criticising Hindutva. So do Muslims. But have you ever seen a Muslim criticise Islam or even denounce jihad?

10. How can India hold Britain as her friend after what the latter has done to her in centuries of colonial depredation?

11. Allied war crimes also need to be addressed like Axis war crimes have been at Nuremberg and Tokyo.

12. If we have national self-respect, we should pay back Britain in equal coin in our own way for her dastardly depredation of India.

13. No self-respecting nation would be member of a Commonwealth that was built by looting their own.

14. What Lloyd's West Indians in 1976 could teach the British as a cricket team, could we as a nation not do so in all these decades?

15. Afghanistan, Pakistan, partitioned India, Bangladesh, Burma (Myanmar) and Ceylon (Sri Lanka)-this was British India.

16. It were better to have been in British bondage for a while more than to have lost manhood through Gandhian non-violence.

17. Japan's war was the Greater East Asia War and not the Pacific War or World War II as dubbed by the Anglo-Americans. Remember this.

18. The almost zero response to my posts is a pointer to the intellectual poverty of our people and not to the hollowness of my posts.


We are a lighthearted people, superficial in our interests, shallow in our devotions. Otherwise, could we sell off Rash Behari Bose as merely the importer of Indian curry to Japan?

20. Muslims are gaining in numerical strength in Europe through immigration and high fertility. Islamisation of Europe on the way.

21. I am openly a Hindu and nothing but a Hindu, and unashamedly so. The Dharma is intrinsic to me and to my identity. 🕉 

22. নেতাজীর বিষয়ে ভিডিও উপস্থাপনেও ন্যাকামি | আর যাঁর সাক্ষাৎকার নেওয়া হচ্ছে তিনি তো হায়রে-কেঁদে-ভাসানো মেয়েলী পুরুষ !

23. Get past the word if you will perfect the act. Let not language mess up love and foul what is fairplay.

24. Any idea how we, Hindus, may welcome ex-Muslims into our fold? They do not believe in idol-worship. Suggest ways to absorb them.

25. Hindu girls, be careful of friendship with Muslim boys. Love jihad is a dangerous reality.

26. Nothing is wrong with Hindutva. It is Hinduism at its militant political best in defence of the Hindus.

27. The burning of Nalanda University by Muslim jihadi invaders is till date the greatest tragedy in the world's intellectual history.

28. Christian missionaries regularly hinder the functioning of Hindu organisations in the north-east. That much for Christian charity!

29. Our Hindu children, especially the Bengali  ones, must be brought up like Sikh children belonging to the Khalsa. Manhood, a must.

30. Our gods and goddesses are warriors and we are lame lambs ready for slaughter at the enemy's hands. Hindutva is the change.

31. Great claims by the Government, poor show on the ground. Large-scale unemployment a vicious reality.

32. Gatkari builds roads, not Modi. Give every man his due.

33. Cost of living going beyond capacity.

34. If tall talk were performance, every braggart would have been a Netaji.

35. The IQ of our national leaders is so low that it is torture to hear them through long interviews.

36. The taller the leader, the more pretentious he is.

37. Merely running after money will not save the Hindus. See how the ex-Muslims are working to dismantle the jihadi stranglehold.

38. What are these 'tear signs' by way of response to posts? How long will you cry? Do something to remove the tears.

39. Our leaders are hardly leaders. They are not even fit to follow enlightened leadership, far less lead.

40. ওই সখী সখী ভাবে বেদান্ত বলা যায় না |

41. Back to Vivekananda.

42. দম্ভ সহকারে কর্ম করলে হয় না | সেবারূপী নিরহঙ্কার কর্মেই কল্যাণ |

43. ঠাকুরের শিবজ্ঞানে জীবসেবার আদর্শ যদি সমাজ ও সরকার যথাযথভাবে আজও পালন না করে, তবে আগামী কাল জনরোষ তুঙ্গে উঠবে |

44. There is a political party in India that is patently up to appeasing the Muslims. Totally antinational.

45. Antinational forces must be crushed and the nation made to rapidly advance to its age-old numero uno position in the world.

46. Why does Modi speak of India soon becoming the world's third largest economy? Why not the largest as has historically been her position?

47. How will Modi be remembered in history? As India's greatest PM? As India's worst PM? As the deliverer? As the despot? In between?

48. যে সকলকে তুষ্ট করে নিজের গ্রহণযোগ্যতা বাড়ায়, তার আদর্শগত মেরুদণ্ড এখনও গঠিত হয়নি |

49. মিঠে রচনার দিন নয় আজ, সংগ্রামের দিন | কারণ কালরজনী সম্মুখে, নিধনে উদ্যত | এখনও সময় আছে, জাগো !

50. As more Indians become billionaires, one question arises-How much of the generated wealth is migrating to Swiss bank accounts?

51. Why should Muslims feel 'othered' when they are scripturally commanded to 'other' all else as kaffir but their co-religionists?

52. We must have 'unity in diversity',  but how do you propose to do so with regard to intolerant and exclusive Islam, Christianity and Communism?

53. Aspects of Hindutva, sublimated though, are traceable in Swami Vivekananda's messages if one is thorough in reading the texts.

54. I have scant faith in spiritual organsations, for, welfare-bound as they are, they make money at the slightest pretext.

55. Swamiji had long back said that Hindus must study Sanskrit. It is time that proponents of Hindutva religiously do so. 🕉

56. We have to Hinduise our thoughts, not merely pretend to be linguistic Hindus while thinking all along in the western mode. 🕉 

57. Ramakrishna rejected formal education to keep his mind free of any artificial impression. He went straight to Nature for Truth. 

58. Unless Hindutvādis combine, we will never be strong enough to combat the inimical forces hell-bent upon the destruction of Sanatanis.

59. Our dharmic preaching must be aggressive with a missionary zeal guiding course. Else, our influence will progressively shrink. 🕉

60. Media muzzled to such an extent that it has become the handmaiden of the ruling party and its leader. How far is this true?

61. Hindus through long sufferance are awaking. The deep slumber is over. Light is streaming through their awakened consciousness.

62. To retreat is to advance. This often is political expediency and also strategy in war.

63. If you want to learn acting, join politics.

64. Now there are two types of citizens: flatterers of Modi and denouncers of Modi. Nothing in between. All black and white, no grey.

65. স্বামীজীর সবচেয়ে বড় শক্তি, আর দশজন মনীষী ও মহামানবের থেকে স্বাতন্ত্র ছিল এই যে তিনি ছিলেন অখণ্ড ব্রহ্মচারী, আকুমার ঊর্ধ্বরেতা |

66. Arrogance is not strength.

67. বিনয়, নিরভিমানতা, আত্মপ্রচারবিমুখতা---এই সব গুণগুলো গতকালের বৃত্তি হয়ে গেছে, আজ অচল | আজ নিজের ঢাক যত পেটাও তত ভাল |

68. It is high time to confer the Bharat Ratna on Syamaprasad Mookerjee. In fact it is long overdue.

69. সব পণ্য হয়ে ঘুরে বেড়াচ্ছে, শান্তি নেই কারো প্রাণে | তাই চৈতন্য সম্পাদনের জন্য ঠাকুর বলেছিলেন, "টাকা মাটি, মাটি টাকা |" শুনল কে ?

70. উবের ধনকুবেরের জন্য; হন্টন সর্বসাধারণের |

71. Mr. Modi, why are you delaying the conferment of the Bharat Ratna on Gandhiji? Do you not consider him worthy of it?

72. বসুদেবের পুত্র রাসবিহারী | তাই তো রাসবিহারী বসু | ধরা ছোঁয়ার বাইরে তিনি, স্বতন্ত্র | তাই তো ধরা পড়েন নি কভু | বুঝে নাও ঠারেঠোরে |

73. আমার কি আর খেয়ে দেয়ে কাজ নেই ? প্রতিটি গরুর সাথেই হাম্বা হাম্বা করতে হবে ?

74. একটা মানুষ জন্মায় না এ দেশে ? হাহাকার করে মরে গেছেন স্বামীজী ! আজও সেই দশা | বুদ্ধি বন্ধকে রাখা, চাপল্যে ভরপুর | লেখার অর্থ বোঝে কে ?


জীবদ্দশায় কোন মহান পান স্বীকৃতিফল ?

যুগের আগে চলেন যিনি,

যুগদিশারী তাই তো তিনি |

কেমন করে বুঝবে তাঁকে মূর্খ বিজ্ঞদল ?

76. The safety and security of women in Bengal has reached its nadir. There is growing anarchy as progressive Islamisation carries on.

77. When satire falls flat, I retire.

78. কিন্তু রাসুচাঁদকে ধরল কই ? সে তো বার বার ছবি হয়ে উধাও |

79. ভারতের ভাগ্যাকাশের দুই চন্দ্র : সুভাষচন্দ্র ও করমচন্দ্র |

80. Slaves cannot realise God, freemen can.

81. A nation rises when the polity is communicative. Communication is the basis of social functioning. In its due absence a race is ruined.

82. এত তেল এই বয়সে সয় ? নেন কি করে ? অবলীলায় তৈলসেবন | মন্ত্রীবর মর্দনে মর্দনে তৈলাক্তকলেবর !

83. বিজেপি তো বর্ণাশ্রমে বিশ্বাসী | তাহলে বানপ্রস্থী মন্ত্রীগণ মণ্ডলে কি করছেন ? ২০২৫এ তো আবার প্রধানমন্ত্রী ৭৫ বর্ষ পূর্ণ করবেন, অর্থাৎ, আশ্রমের নিয়মানুসারে সন্ন্যাসগ্রহণের সময় | নেবেন কি ?

84. অঙ্ক বোঝে, ভাব বোঝে না, বিশ্বগুরু হবে |

85. Muslim population proliferation will pose a danger to India's integration in the coming decades. Demographic balance is necessary.

86. The exclusive tenets of religious ideologies must be made non-functional if this nation and its age-old civilisation is to last.

87. Svachchha Bhārat Abhiyān needs to incorporate corporates as well. Their endeavours in industry need transparency.

88. This is the last generation of hopeless politicians, I hope.

89. এখন মানুষ তো নয়, রঙ বেরঙের ঢং |

90. যত আশ তত বাঁশ |

91. Hindus must propagate their religion in an organised way. Aggressive propagation with a missionary zeal is the call of the hour.

92. Swamiji had held the propagation of the Vedanta our foremost foreign policy.

93. Muslims are scripturally commanded not to integrate with kafirs. Where's the hope then of social cohesion as Muslims multiply?

94. Islam is a major threat in Europe thus far sleeping to the dangers of increased immigration and proliferation thereof.

95. Reconversion of all Indian Muslims and Christians to Hinduism is the only way to secure lasting peace and stability in India.

96. Bharat was once exclusively a Hindu country and it must again become so. Then alone will she find her true civilisational bearings.

97. Swamiji had sounded the Kathopanishad clarion call, 'Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached.' Now we can comprehend its civilisational current as we face a prospective demographic runover. Awake, Hindus, awake! Else, you will be annihilated once more as in 1946-47.

98. Hindus, if you want to save your civilisation, read Sita Ram Goel.

99. রাবিন্দ্রিক নাচগান কিন্তু শত্রুর তরবারির সামনে দাঁড়াতে পারবে না | এখনও সময় আছে | হিন্দু, জাগো! বিপদকালে শত্রুবোধ যার জাগে না, তার বিনাশ অবশ্যম্ভাবী |

100. কোরান পড়, হাদীস পড়, সিরাহ্ পড় | তবে তো বুঝবে হাজার বছরের দাসত্বের মূল সূত্র কি | তখনই জাগবে, তখনই বাঁচবে | নইলে বিনাশ নিশ্চিত |

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