Sunday 12 May 2024



We need a strong polity in defence of the Dharma. Each one of us must be armed in courage of conviction arising from Self-knowledge. The Atman is the repository of all strength. These are not mere words but are the realisations of rishis which are verifiable and are being verified in every age. Each one of us can be a rishi and we must. Only then will fear cease. And only then will we begin to live a life worth living. For what is a life fraught with fear? Instead of endlessly worrying about what may befall us, take up the cause of the defence of the Dharma and see how power flows. Read the Bhagavadgeetā, Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Sitā Rām Goel, Rām Swarūp, K.S.Lāl, Jadunāth Sārkār, the Qur'an, the Hadees and the Sirā, and that great scripture 'Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathāmrita' religiously, and see 'what an electric change comes.' 

Meditation concentrates the mind and the focussed mind is the repository of all power. Keep the mind concentrated. Build up thus the polity's concentration. National concentration strengthened, national growth is but inevitable. The Dharma will then flourish. Reconversion of all perverts to Islam and Christianity must be effected through strong adherence to the Sanātan Dharma by Sanātanis and by effective preaching in every phase and movement of life. The atmosphere must throb with the vibration of the Vedas till the whole subcontinent is rendered Sanātan. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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