Monday 13 May 2024



Go to the West, get intellectually trained in the best universities there, then use such developed faculties to subvert their culture and impose yours with all its regressive religious rudiments. How delightfully you spread your religion and how deceitfully so---rupturing the West from within! You stated your objective in 1924 and a century later are still pursuing it and with remarkable success. But what an organised treachery! It indeed is the clash of civilisations as Samuel P. Huntington prophesied. And it indeed is in fulfilment of Will Durant's thesis of a civilisation being destroyed not only by the external enemy but by the virus multiplying from within. Be on your guard fast, O western nations, for your colonising karma is at last recoiling on you. And it will spell your doom, the demise of your wonderful civilisation. That cannot be allowed. So, resist. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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