Tuesday, 28 May 2024



Sugata Bose @Manash Dutta : এ তো হিন্দুজনোচিত কথা হল না | আর 'তিমির অবগুন্ঠনে বদন তব ঢাকি' কেন ? প্রলাপ অর্থহীনই হয় কিন্তু কোথায় পেলেন এত প্রলাপবাক্য আমার Profile Wallএ ? সবটা না হ'ক কিছুটা পড়ুন, নইলে যে আপনার বোধগম্য হবে না আমার বৌদ্ধিক অবস্থান | তবে আপনার আক্রমণের উৎসটি ভাল, হিন্দুর কাপুরুষতার বিরুদ্ধে ধর্মযুদ্ধ ঘোষণা এবং বাংলার বক্রবুদ্ধিজীবীর কপট পাণ্ডিত্যের কাছে ও সরকারপ্রদত্ত ভাতার কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ---সম্ভবতঃ এই দুই মূল কারণ | কিন্তু সনাতন সভ্যতার রক্ষাকল্পে কাজ করছেন যাঁরা, এমন ধর্মযোদ্ধাদের আক্রমণ করলে তো চলবে না বন্ধু | সে তো আত্মহনন হয়ে যাবে | তাতে শত্রু অধিকতর শক্তিমান হবে, নিজবল হ্রাস পাবে | 

শুধু নেতিবাচক কাজ করলে চলবে না, যথা মানুষকে গালমন্দ করা | এতে জনসমবেদনা (public sympathy) হারাতে হবে | ইতিবাচক কর্মও করতে হবে, যথা উচ্চমানের বৌদ্ধিক রচনা প্রকাশ, শাস্ত্রালোচনা ইত্যাদি | Mere sloganeering will be of no avail. উচ্চরবে শুধু কলরবে কাজ 'চলবে না রে, চলবে না' | অতএব, সম্মিলিতভাবে সংগ্রামে নামুন, যে যেমন পারেন | আমি রচনার মধ্য দিয়ে হিন্দুজাগরণের কাজ করছি | আপনি আপনার মত করুন | Let us stop cavilling and cursing each other and in cooperative, conjoint, coordinated action work towards strengthening the Hindu polity that it may protect itself and preserve its civilisation that has its roots in remotest but brightest antiquity. 🕉 Hindu!

Sugata Bose @Parag Kumar Mitra :  You have a wry sense of humour. Also a nice play with words. Humour, of course, is a sign of sharp intellect, especially when so subtly delivered.

Sugata Bose @Indrani Dey : No amount of money-making maketh a nation Vishvaguru in the spiritual sense. That is what I meant. We are already for ages Vishvaguru, being the land where sprang and flourished the Sanatan Dharma, the science of the Self, whence the flood of the Dharma deluged the world setting civilisations in motion. The whole of Asia and parts of Europe bear testimony to that. Hence, this constant assertion that we will one day become Vishvaguru or the spiritual preceptor of the world by dint of burgeoning economy is puerile and poor in taste and civilisational comprehension. 🕉 Hindu!

Sugata Bose @Manash Dutta : Do you imply by this statement that the TMC Government has been so anarchical that the Central Government should have long back imposed President's Rule in West Bengal?

Sugata Bose @Mbra Sakib Hasan II : What else? Ought I to start with the Qur'an and end with the Fatah-e-Ālamgiri? Would that be a better representation of the Sanātan Dharma? 🕉 Hindu!

Sugata Bose @Manash Dutta : 4th June (2024) [Lok Sabha Election Result Day] will reveal. Be ready to swallow your own words then in case...

Sugata Bose @Chanakya Charitro : তাহলে আর বেদান্ত কি ? মুখে 'আমি আত্মা' আর কর্মে 'আমি দেহমন' ? এ তো বেদান্তের ব্যভিচার | ভয়কেই যদি জয় না করা গেল তো 'অভীঃ' শব্দ প্রচারে hypocrisy হয়ে গেল না ? মুখে বেদান্ত, মনে ভয় | বড়ই ভয়ানক | এতে তো কাজ চলে না | প্রচার করব দিবারাত্র 'আমি Pure Consciousness' আর কার্যক্ষেত্র খুঁজব safe place যেখানে প্রাণের ভয় নেই ও জীবন অনাড়ম্বর হলেও স্বচ্ছন্দ ? এমন বেদান্তে কোন্ সুরক্ষা আসবে নিপীড়িত হিন্দুর মুসলমানের হাতে, কোন্ মার্কিন সরকার জঙ্গি হামলা থামাবে পৃৃথিবীতে, কোন্ যুদ্ধক্ষেত্রে পাঞ্চজন্য বাজবে অধর্মনাশের জন্য ? স্বামীজী শুধু নিজে সাহসী ছিলেন তা নয় | তিনি তাঁর অনুগামীদেরও সাহসী হতে উদ্বুদ্ধ করেছিলেন | কিন্তু হল কই ? বিস্তারিত লিখলে অনেক 'মহাপুরুষ' সম্বন্ধে অপ্রিয় সত্য কথা বলতে হবে যা এই মুহূর্তে এখানে অনভিপ্রেত | তাই বিরত রইলাম | দেখি নিজে সম্পূর্ণ ভয়হীন হতে পারি কিনা | ওইখানে পরিক্ষা | 🕉 হিন্দু !

Sugata Bose @Manash Dutta : Perish? At whose hands? What is your suggestion to avoid such a fatality?

Sugata Bose @YouTube [NDTV] : Makkah Islam going on in India with sporadic Madinah Islam interspersing course. The Maulana is lying about Islam. He is a munafiq therefore.

Sugata Bose @Manjunath Narasimhamurthy : Indeed they are doing so. A suicidal race that never learns from past mistakes and its savaged history at the hands of invaders, settlers and colonisers, in short, fanatical Abrahamic religions that are scripturally or institutionally mandated to destroy pagan religions among which 'polytheistic' Hinduism is uppermost unfinished business. 🕉 Hindu!

Sugata Bose @Kanu Debroy : Perfect. Hence, help me spread the message. Do not be passive but arise lionlike in defence of the Dharma with unfaltering voice, intrepid articulation and masculine march unto the aspired end. 🕉 Hindu!

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Yes, indeed, and a host of allied Hindutva books written by him (Sitā Rām Goel)

Sugata Bose @হিড়িম্বাপুত্র ঘটোৎকচ : What to do? This (Facebook) is the only available space right now under the existent circumstance. And X.

Sugata Bose @Indibar Gurdas Mukherjee : And this was not the first exodus of Kashmiri Pandits (Hindus) by Kashmiri Muslims but the seventh such. For 1300+ years Islamic atrocity has been going on on the Hindus. From no Muslim in the subcontinent they are now 33% of its population and growing, with a corresponding increase in their perpetrated acts of violence inspired by the doctrine of Jihad.

Sugata Bose @Facebook friend : So what? Be brave enough to brave the assault.

Sugata Bose @Satyanand Bhattacharjee : Bharatvarsha has done it throughout history, risen in civilisation holding herself by Dharma.

Sugata Bose @Sadhan Kumar : Thank you for pointing it out. Rectified it hopefully. Keep correcting me likewise in the future as well whenever I err in spelling as now. Purity of linguistic culture demands it.

P.S. You are a good teacher who teaches through hints, leaving the taught to discover where he has erred, rather than disclose his error directly.

Sugata Bose @Debashish Chittaranjan Roy : Ahalyābāi Holkar actually. The online version Ahilyābāi is incorrect in terms of spelling. Kindly note this. অহল্যাবাই হোলকার |

Sugata Bose @SuvRo BoSe : Really? Then why is it that in Muslim-majority constituencies all parties field Muslim candidates?

Sugata Bose @SuvRo BoSe : So, what? Hindu-Muslim discussion---is it also not valid in a democracy, if even on titular Constitutional basis it happens to be secular? Is it not being done on citizens with divergent ideological persuasions? Are you conversant with Islamic oppression of Hindus over the last 1300 years and running? 🕉 Hindu!

Sugata Bose @Goutam Ghosh : Because Kumbhakarna is courageous whereas pretending Hindus are cowards.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [NewsX Live] : This is not the original voice of Swami Vivekananda. There was no facility in those days to record such a long speech. Please do not spread misinformation like this. Verify facts before presenting.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Hothat Jodi Uthlo Kotha] : Fantastic presentation as always. Clear, bold, unhesitant, unfaltering, impeccable articulation. An example for others to emulate. May Mother bless you! 🕉

Sugata Bose @Jayanti Rakshit: I am doing my work in an intrepid manner. So do you. So will others follow. In this way a movement will build on. And there are kindred spirits everywhere who are making their individual and collective efforts. Out of this cumulative force will be born a string of leaders and organisations who will bring about the aspired for transformation. The RSS has been doing seminal work in this regard since 1925. But they are yet to see much wider and deeper popular participation. But the movement is in the right direction and gathering momentum. Swamiji has prophesied his readvent 200 years from his previous appearance along with Sri Ramakrishna who is due as per his prophecy in 2036 or thereabouts. Till then let us grease the wheels of the Dharmachakra and lend momentum to the movement of mass awakening that will usher in a golden age of Sanatan civilisation at its highest. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Arun Sengupta : Eternal relation, that of divinity arbitrarily imposed on humanity by force which necessitates such reaction which you are opposed to.

Sugata Bose @Halley Goswami : He (Chandra Kumar Bose) has not read the Qur'an nor the Hadees nor the Sira. How will he know the principle, purpose and politics of the whole system that is exemplified in the barbaric history of this movement that has mounted skulls to form minars time and time again, desecrating holy India, destroying her civilisation and sending 80 million Hindus to the Fire, as they say, not we? Ignorance posing as wisdom faces this predicament. This, alas, is the state of 'educated hardly-Hindus' and this must change with the progressive exposure of core Islamic doctrines online, a movement that is being bravely spearheaded by ex-Muslims but is being hindered by cowardly apologists in the guise of spreading an impossible harmony with a creed fundamentally poised to eliminate all else from the face of the earth barring itself. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Anil Kumar Nigam : This is exactly what happens when one reads the scriptural text instead of indulging in vain imagination about the beauty of the religion. The sheer toxicity leaves you reeling.

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava :


Both Meloni and Modi are well aware of the demographic danger and are taking measures to avert the prospective catastrophe. So, their glee, so aptly captured here in frame, is suggestive of their optimistic mode in adopting the relevant measures within reasonable bounds, though, for, after all, democratic constraints do restrain governments from being dictatorial to a diabolical degree after all, and neither Meloni nor Modi, despite belonging to far right political parties, are fascist after all.

Sugata Bose @Joseph Naduvilpeedika Who is Netaji to stop the propagation of truth? And what is this 'Netajian' all about? You have not the knowledge of history, Christian and Islamic, that has destroyed Hindu India. Hence, your objection in ignorance of facts. We hardly do anything in India than reveal historical truths and Abrahamic scriptural tenets that lie at the basis of what we have suffered and continue to do. Had it been any other country that had undergone such a historical hurt and yet survived,---for both Christianity and Islam have wiped off civilisations---you would have seen a vitriolic response, vigorous and even vicious, which you do not see in us, for we are civilised Hindus. Study the history of Islamic and Euro-Christian colonial Bharatvarsha before you speak words of 'wisdom' advising any as to what they should do or what Netaji would have allowed or not. At any rate I am no slave to Netaji or any, myself being a sovereign soul within civic and civilised bounds. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Joseph Naduvilpeedika : And why only humanism? Why not animism as well and all such paraphernalia that have historically abounded? Why be so segmented and sectarian, so to say, communal in your mind, perhaps, as to place humanism above all when it falls well short of the absolute divine ideal? Your partial affirmation is exceeded in articulation and scope by the Sanatan Dharma way way more. Brother, that is what Hinduism is all about, universal in scope and acceptance, unlike your Abrahamic religions which are one-sided and narrow, condemning non-believers to Hell and rewarding believers with Heaven, and creating division between man and man thus. Humanism is but a fraction, a tiny bit, of the Sanatan Dharma, and blessed be it by the benediction of the Vedas for the welfare work that it may be doing at the present moment before it finds its roots in the Upanishads. That is why I say, study Vivekananda and dispel delusion. Had you done so, you would have understood the import of the post better and blessed me instead of reviling me in whatsoever meagre amount. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : Superbly written. You really have a sense of humour, a vanishing attribute, alas, these days.

Sugata Bose @Joseph Naduvilpeedika : The Sanatan Dharma is universal, not communal like the Abrahamic religions. Therein lies the difference between dharma and religion.

Sugata Bose @Sayan Bhattacharjee : No time to entertain your misperception of my post.

Sugata Bose @Sayan Bhattacharjee : If you have no sense of literary punning, the fault, dear friend, is yours, not mine.

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Nath : Thank you. You are a friend in that regard, a comrade-in-arms. [Bhaskar Nath has confirmed having read the Islamic trinity of scriptures.]

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : পারেন বইকি | পারমার্থিক তত্ত্বজ্ঞাপনে তাঁর নির্ভুল সিদ্ধান্ত হলেও, জাগতিক বিষয়ে তাঁর ভুল প্রতিবারই হয়েছে এযাবৎ যে কারণে পরবর্তী আবির্ভাবে তা সংশোধনের প্রয়াস ইতিহাসে পরিলক্ষিত হয় | অবতার দেবমানব, স্বামী সারদানন্দের ভাষায় | দেবরূপে সনাতন সত্য নিরূপণে ও প্রবর্তনে অভ্রান্ত কিন্তু মানবরূপে জাগতিক প্রয়োগে কখনও কখনও ভ্রান্ত | তথ্যের ভিত্তিতে জগদ্বিষয়ে বিজ্ঞানীরা যা বহু আয়াসে সিদ্ধান্তে পৌঁছান, নিছক আধ্যাত্মিক দর্শনসহায়ে তা সম্ভব নয়, এ কথা সর্বজনবিদিত ও ইতিহাসে প্রমাণিত | আধ্যাত্মিক বিষয়ে আধ্যাত্মিক সিদ্ধান্ত প্রযোজ্য, অন্যত্র নয় | ইসলাম সম্বন্ধে মন্তব্যের পূর্বে ইসলামীয় শাস্ত্র ও ইতিহাস না জানা থাকলে ভ্রান্তি হবেই | তাই হয়েছে | খ্রীষ্টপন্থা সম্বন্ধেও একই ভুল হয়েছে কারণ এ ক্ষেত্রেও অবতারের উক্তি আংশিক ও অসম্পূর্ণ | বিজ্ঞানসহায়ে সিদ্ধান্তই শ্রেয় কারণ তা তথ্যনির্ভর, যুক্তিশীল ও ইতিহাসের সাপেক্ষে উপনীত | 🕉

Sugata Bose @Ashok Chakraborty : নেতারা তো শূণ্য থেকে উদ্ভূত নন, হিন্দু সমাজ হতেই জাতঃ |

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Women also willingly follow Islam, multitudes of them.

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : You have a special gift, mastery in contradicting any floated idea from your own inimitable angle. Glory unto you!

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Hadee Mosque] : Karen Armstrong cherrypicking Qur'anic passages to suit convenience. Insincere academic, compromised to scholarly corruption.

Forgiveness of the infidel after conversion to Islam, Ms. Armstrong, not otherwise. Do not spread lies.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Apostate Prophet] : What winding logic by this Imam! Disingenuous!

Sugata Bose @Jayanti Rakshit : We have to raise awareness in the first place, ourselves being on the guard and spreading the word around. Holding awareness classes/sessions at our respective residences where we may invite likeminded souls to be attendees will serve as well by way of a good starting point. Collective effort always wins. We must organise ourselves on a minuscule basis at the beginning. Such organisations will grow overtime and induce others to follow suit. We must read the relevant literature available and view the relevant videos on these issues. Reading the Qur'an is a must, knowledge of Christian theology as well. If sympathetic souls unite, much can be done within a short span of time in this regard. Thanks for the concern shown. Do follow upon it within your limited means is my earnest request. Help from my side will always be forthcoming if deemed worthwhile by you and others of your kind within my limited capacity and practical convenience. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Sumit Karmakar Pro : You start doing it (hissing in place of harming). After all you have rejected the doctrine of undue non-violence, I believe.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : And how about the Ramakrishna Mission's delightfully degenerate mode of raising funds in the name of one who exhorted spiritual aspirants to renounce 'woman and gold', the latter here forming a category to denote devotion when the Master had pronounced the equality of all devotees once they had touched the philosopher's stone that is the blessed feet of the divine beloved? This is despicable inducement of devotees unto gluttonous donation, the bait offered being akin to the selling of indulgences by the 16th century Catholic Church which caused Martin Luther to rise in open revolt against the rotting religiosity of the Church. Thakur-Ma-Swamiji must be horrified at this mass-scale corruption within the Order founded after them. There's no point in deflecting discourse to Assam. The photograph provided by me from the July, 2024 edition of Prabuddha Bharat was in response to your strong negation of the question asked by me in the post which I duly appreciate, and not to request you for donation as you may have misconstrued. Seeing the rampant raising of funds by the Mission, adhering to not so strictly spiritual principles, I have renounced campaigning to that end for the Mission from 2022 as you may well be knowing. 🕉 

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