Tuesday 14 May 2024



If there is one sin on earth, it is apathy. Just self-concern is not enough to make a man. He lives in society. Hence, indifference to the suffering of others in a world of universal suffering is an unpardonable offence, no less. 

It hardly befits a man to be a 'pigeon of happiness' (সুখের পায়রা) when it comes to social life. One is obligated to serve others which is the foundational principle upon which society is built for cooperative living. Hence, apathy to human suffering but care for one's own interest are the two faces of a single coin which may be dubbed selfishness. 

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo: A great man who could never bear to be indifferent to human suffering all around, even the suffering of dumb animals. Vidyasagar stands luminous in our collective memory as one who was the friend and sympathiser of the destitute and the distressed.

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