1. Numbers count, Sir, numbers count. Your numbers are dwindling relative to your neighbours who are readying to take over your house.
2. Devotees lack character. That is why they cannot muster courage enough to rise in defence of the Hindus against Abrahamic aggression.
3. যে সকল হিন্দু ধর্মীয় প্রতিষ্ঠান ইসলাম ও ক্রীস্টিয়্যানিটির স্বরূপ গোপন করিয়া হিন্দুদের বিধর্মীর আক্রমণের মুখে অজান্তে পতিত করেন, তাহাদের দিশা পরিবর্তনের সময় আজ সমুপস্থিত | তাহা যদি তাহারা না করেন তো তাহারা অচিরেই একঘরে হইবেন |
4. Religion begins with perception of the Spirit. Before that it is all nursery play.
5. Is there a God sitting high up in the seventh heaven waiting to retribute? Childish fantasy, foolish fear!
6. Life on earth is cyclical, transmigratory. It is not one birth alone and then no more. There is no Last Day to fear. Superstition!
7. Who judges whom? No God to judge you. You are ever your own judge. Your karm determines your fate. Act carefully.
8. The moment gone never returns. But where does it go?
9. Covered consciousness---discover it. This is the whole game plan.
10. Is there a moon that is within brahmanical reach?
11. If the Yamuna dries, where will Krishna sport?
12. We need a simplified Hindu Dharm.
We have arrived, have we?
Not yet.
It is a long way to go.
We are trapped.
Is there a way out?
There is.
You fire in the dark.
I fire in light.
Will our arrows meet?
Who can say when we will meet again?
Will we ever?
17. The major television channels are all batting for the ruling party and its Prime Minister. Neutrality a conspicuous absentee. It is a shameful state of journalism indeed, no doubt brought about by inordinate political pressure.
18. Unless we give birth to more refined selves and train them further in a civilised environment, we cannot develop our nation to fullness. Birth and circumstance then play their respective parts in a conjoined bid to raise the nation.
19. If the ideology be criminal, its adherents have a high likelihood of turning to crime.
20. বস্তুবাদী আস্তিককে নাস্তিক বলি আর ভাববাদী নাস্তিককে আস্তিক | বেদের বিচারে নয় |
21. রাসবিহারী বসু কোনদিন গান্ধীর তাঁবেদারী করেননি | উনি ভিন্ন প্রকৃতির বিপ্লবী ছিলেন, সম্পূর্ণ স্বাধীন, গান্ধীর চেয়ে অনেক বড় |
22. There is no other way than missionary aggression on the part of Hindus to combat Abrahamic missionary assault unleashed on them.
23. Hindus, read the Qur'an, the Hadees and the Sira if you must survive the Islamic onslaught.
24. We must stop the progressive Islamisation of this historically Hindu motherland of ours. The subcontinent must be Sanatanised, sanitised of Arab influence.
25. হিন্দুর লঘুচিত্ততা হিন্দুর বিনাশের কারণ | তাই ঠাকুর বলতেন, "শুধু ওপর ওপর ভাসলে কি হবে? ডুব দাও |"
26. Do not dilute Swamiji. Every word of his is surcharged with power, every phrase full of revolutionary fervour, every expression explosive in core content.
27. Who cares for liberation while my own ones die? It is better to battle and die game that they may live who are my flesh and blood.
28. "Face the brute," Swamiji said. Now face it.
29. Raise your children like warriors, like lions, not lambs.
30. How is it that superstition supercedes science? How is it that desert cults go past enlightened dharma?
31. We must aggressively preach robust Hinduism in simple and clear terms. The kshatriya spirit must be awakened. Let 🕉 unite Hindus.
32. I cannot die till I ensure that Hindus are safe in this glorious Aryavarta of yore.
33. শুধু বেনেবুদ্ধি হলে দেশ দাঁড়াবে না | ক্ষাত্রবীর্য চাই | চাই ব্রহ্মতেজ | আর চাই শুদ্রশক্তি |
34. স্বামীজীর 'স্বদেশ মন্ত্র'টি কিন্তু সম্পূর্ণ হিন্দু মন্ত্র | এর থেকেই বুঝতে হবে ভারতের স্বরূপ কি, সংবিধান যাই বলুক |
35. The enemy lies within. The virus multiplies and kills. It is a cancerous condition of the polity for a millennium.
36. We had scaled sublime heights. We have sunk to abysmal depths. Our strength lies in unity forged in the foundry of clear thinking.
37. Is there a way to combat the enemy? Know his ideological source text and stop befriending him who wishes to uproot your dharma.
38. Did Swamiji only preach harmony of religions? Did he not say as well, 'Be as meek as a lamb to your friends and as ferocious as a lion to your enemies.'?
39. 'যত মত তত পথ' কি দুৃষ্ট ধর্মমতকেও সত্য বলে আলিঙ্গন করবে, নাকি অবতারের আদি প্রতিশ্রুতিমত দুষ্ট মতকে যথোচিত দমন করবে ?
40. বাইরের ঘটনাবলীই আমরা দেখি | নেপথ্যের কাহিনীর সংবাদ রাখিনা | কর্মের নিগূঢ় প্রবাহ ইতিহাস রচনা করে | ঐতিহাসিক কি বুঝবে তার ?
41. Weak people are arrogant enough to never admit fault and always defend themselves in an offensive way. Then they pray.
42. We have a nationalist party at the Centre and there are a host of antinational parties attempting to pull it down.
43. Muslim women are more fertile than Hindu women, not biologically but psychologically and sociologically by scriptural inspiration.
44. What is ambition? The waste of the mind.
45. Abuse if you will and get blocked forthwith. Sent a senior man hopping home for hurling abuse at me. Will rot it out there now.
46. Nationalism is not an anti-Hindu's cup of tea. Those who are loyal to Arab culture, how can they be genuine nationalists?
47. The life of an ant is the life of a plant. All of life is integrated in an evolving biosphere.
48. West Bengal and Bangladesh---siblings in Islamisation? Kerala a close cousin?
49. All likes, dislikes must dissolve in Him that never yields till all are gone. So, give up these if ye shalt win thy premier prize.
50. After the takeover of NDTV from the Roys, the standard of journalism in this channel has plummeted. A sad decline indeed!
51. Muslim population on the rise throughout the world. There will be an Islamic takeover if ideologically this issue is not resolved.
52. We must resist agencies that allow illegal immigration. Else, our doom is sealed. Demography is the determinant in a democracy.
53. The situation of Hindus in Bangladesh is precarious. Raped, murdered, looted, evicted, they hang on to dear life with secular Hindus here watching the fun and with clever subterfuge helping Islamise India further. Alas, a civilisation cannot survive with so many crooks abound!
54. All Indian dharma traditions must combine to combat the Christo-Islamic threat.
55. All Islamic organisations that precipitate collective roadside roguery must be monitored, not banned. Underground activity worse.
56. হিন্দুর বিনাশ তো মুসলমান, কৃস্চান, কমিউনিস্ট, 'দ্রাবিড়', সেকুউলার, সকলেই চায় | কৌরবকুল প্রস্তুত পাণ্ডবের বিনাশকল্পে | অর্জুন, তুমি প্রস্তুত তো ?
57. Stop passive piety. Take up warrior-like devotion to the cause of defending the Dharma and its active propagation. 🕉
58. Secular Hindus opposing Hindutva do the greatest disservice to us. They are shallow and partial but accuse Hindutvavādis to be so.
59. Young people have fresh bodies which respond to delight well. As the body ages, the system wanes and delight turns to despair. Rare indeed is the one who can maintain his level of delight optimally throughout. Such a person has solved the riddle of earthly existence. Blessed indeed is he. But if you investigate you will find that he has largely lived a continent life to have been able to maintain his lifelong youthful vigour, energy, enthusiasm, optimism and joy. Such is the preserving power of purity.
60. সম্পূর্ণ সনাতন অখণ্ড ভারত চাই | নইলে বিপজ্জনক |
61. Hindu-Muslim unity impossible so long as Islam mandates Muslims to consider Hindus despicable kaffirs fit for conversion or death.
62. Hindus are terribly ignorant of Islam which is why they talk of Hindu-Muslim unity. Muslim leaders also speak of it to camouflage intent before they through demographic transition impose the Sharia. Read the Islamic scriptural trinity of the Qur'an, the Hadees and the Sira, Jadunath Sarkar, Sita Ram Goel and Ram Swarup to know the reality of Islam. Then speak of Hindu-Muslim unity if you still are deluded by utopian idealism.
63. The world has woken up to Islamic jihad. But have we, Hindus, woken up to it despite suffering it for nearly 1400 years?
64. Mere being titular Hindus is not enough. We must feel proud to be so and be active proponents of the Sanatan Dharma. 🕉
65. The rightists are right in trying to save what is left of their civilisations. The leftists are bent upon destroying what is left.
66. Those who are supporting me in defence of the Dharma, I bear them my eternal gratitude. We face an existential threat today.
67. We mustn't follow the European model of multiculturalism and come to ruin. The Sanatan civilisation is our identity and that's it.
কৌরবের কাছে পাণ্ডব শত্রু,
পাণ্ডবের কাছে কৌরব ভাই |
কৌরবের আছে পূর্ণ শত্রুবোধ,
পাণ্ডবের তার কণাও নাই ||
69. Why is it that Muslim fertility rate is higher than that of all other major religious groups? What is the underlying cause?
70. কোরান (Qur'an) পড়েই তো আমার ইসলাম সম্বন্ধে চোখ খুলল | আপনিও পড়ুন, আপনারও চোখ খুলবে |
71. গীতা পাঠ করে কিছুই বুঝবেন না ইসলামের উদ্দেশ্য ও উপায় | কোরান পড়ুন, বুঝবেন | নইলে পরাজয় অবশ্যাম্ভাবী |
72. ঘুমিয়ে ঘুমিয়ে কি জাগা যায় ? নাকি শত্রুর আদর্শ, উদ্দেশ্য ও উপায় না বুঝে যুদ্ধ করা যায় ? শুধু নিজের শক্তি ও দুর্বলতা জানলে কাজ চলে না | শত্রুর শক্তি ও দুর্বলতাও জানা চাই | নচেৎ, পরাজয় নিশ্চিত |
73. Some live in reality, others daydream.
74. জপধ্যান ভাল করে করুন আর বই পড়ুন | শাস্ত্রপাঠ শক্তি জোগাবে | স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ অবশ্য পাঠ্য | আর নিত্য কথামৃত | নির্ভয় হোন |
75. March ahead in victory mode.
76. 'Rationalists' only target 'regressive' Hindu practices and turn a blind eye towards 'abhorrent' Abrahamic ones. Why this one-eyed approach? Why this partiality? Is this rationality, progressiveness et al or is this the deliberate attempt to subvert Hindu culture in order to get a firm foothold in India where left movements have thus far been largely unsuccessful and yet continue to aspire for an eventual victory? So, destroy Hinduism---is this the agenda?
77. We all need to be progressive but it need not be along atheistic lines. Vedanta is free of all superstition and what can be more progressive than it?
78. Climate change will kill us all if we do not act now. But we are in denial mode or busy with other things. What awaits us then?
79. Short-sighted USA can destroy us all. If India indeed is the Vishvaguru, she must take the lead in providing light to the world. Climate change will kill us all if we do not act now despite America.
80. It's a shame that some Indian academics try to shame our government in foreign media. This is unacceptable unpatriotic behaviour.
81. Kashmiri Pandits have suffered long. It is time to rehabilitate them in the Valley. Being exiles in one's homeland? Unbelievable!
82. Unemployment is a serious problem in the country. A country that is ever increasing in population, what can be done to address it?
83. It's been a treat to hear the PM lay open his breast on various television channels these past few days. Got to know him deeper.
84. There is only one Islam and that is in observance of the Qur'an and the Sunnah.
85. No problem in accommodating refugees. Conditional. Just give up your religion and accept ours. Then you will integrate, otherwise not.
86. As of now since Independence we are in the Makkah phase of Islam. Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan are in the Madinah phase. It will be India's turn to face Madinah Islam in the decades ahead when Muslims through demographic transition will have imposed the Sharia in India in full force and India will be declared an Islamic state. Ghazwa-e-Hind will then become unnecessary unless of course the Islamic takeover of India turns bloody through robust Hindu resistance.
87. We hear of forced conversion to Islam. What about Christian conversion? All through love and charity? Was it any less barbaric?
88. We have the Purān, they have the Qur'ān. Where lies harmony? In the Vedanta which places Man above God.
89. দেশ কাঁদছে, তুমি হাসছ | আত্মা আনন্দময় | তাই তো? ওটি পুত্রবিয়োগবিধুরা মাকে বোঝাতে পারবে তো অথবা সদ্য বিবাহিতা মেয়েটিকে যে অকালে বিধবা হল স্বামীকে সীমান্তরক্ষার কাজে হারিয়ে?
90. We are indeed image worshippers. See how the 'likes' grow with every nice photograph, every bit of colour.
91. This world is evil because we are as yet in the dark days of evolution. Praying to God for better days will not alter things.
92. ঠাকুর বলেছিলেন, "সত্য কথাই কলির তপস্যা |" অর্থাৎ, সর্বদা সত্য কথা বলব, সত্য তথ্য গোপন করে অসত্য প্রচার পরোক্ষে করব না | তাই কি করি আমরা ? সমানে হিন্দুধর্ম ও হিন্দুদের আক্রমণ আর মুসলমানদের হয় তোষণ নয় তাদের ধর্ম সম্বন্ধে মৌনাবলম্বন নয় মিথ্যা শান্তি-সমন্বয়ের প্রচার | এই কি যথাযথ ধর্মাচরণ, ঠাকুরের মতাবলম্বন ?
93. ভারতীয় সনাতন শিক্ষার দ্রুত ব্যাপক প্রসার আধুনিক বিজ্ঞানের সাথে দেশকে শক্তিশালী করতে সমর্থ | এ ছাড়া উপায় নেই |
94. I have no respect for two religions that convert Hindus to their fold. It is like demoting doctoral scholars to Montessori course.
95. 'Enlightened secular' Hindus who criticise Hindutva are shamelessly silent over Jihadi Islam. Hindus are soft targets, eh?
96. What a tragedy befell the Kashmiri Pandits in 1990 and they live as refugees in their own country for 34 years!
97. The genocide of Kashmiri Pandits in January 1990 is the most brutal episode of Jihād in independent India. Hindus, awake!
98. Never forget 19 January, 1990, the night of Jihād against 500,000 Kashmiri Pandits. Never forget!
99. For centuries Kashmiri Hindus were force-converted to Islam. Seven exoduses culminating in the last one in 1990.
100. Shame on professors who inject antinational ideas in students, infect their minds with anti-Hindu sentiments. Poisonous perfidious professors!
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