Sunday, 19 May 2024



It is necessary to have a single religious ideology in India and that is the Sanatan Dharma which is why we should always resist Islam and Christianity, both of which are fanatically exclusive in principle and practice. Both these Abrahamic religions proselytise, that is, convert others to their fold in their bid to extend their global hegemony. The Sanatan Dharma is completely opposed to this violent expansionist ideology and aims to make man spiritual. It does not proselytise. It has no political ambitions like Islam and Christianity. It is the spiritual thought of the land, humanity at its highest, spirituality at its best. Hence, its undermining by Islam and Christianity cannot be allowed which is why we must maintain an overwhelmingly high Hindu majority in the country.

But demography speaks otherwise. Muslims are multiplying much faster than Hindus and will be a far more major minority in the future, enough to overturn the political tables on secular India. As they grow in numbers, there will be more and more unrest in society which as usual will be blamed on Hindutvavādis who will be resisting expansionist Islam. Once Islam has gained significant sway over the politics of India, its stated objective of establishing an Islamic state will be more and more aggressively pursued till it is achieved. Then the Constitution will be amended or annulled to allow Sharia to rule India and all religious denominations other than Islam will be persecuted as has historically been the case everywhere and which Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan bear ample testimony to even today. Christians who are subverting the dharmic cause of the Hindus by converting them will not be spared as well. Hence, it is in the best interests of the Christians as well not to disturb the Hindus by proselytising but to aid them in the common fight against radical Islam.

The Communists are against all religion. Yet, in India they align themselves with the Islamists to combat Hindutva. They did so in Iran as well where with the Islamists they pulled down the Shah from his throne, only to be barbecued by Ayatolla Khomeini's Islamic regime thereafter. It did not pay them in Iran, yet Communists the world over always form alliance with the significant minority religious group in a particular country to subvert the ruling dispensation and gain control. This is called leftism.

Sita Ram Goel identified three ideologies which are the civilisational enemies of the Hindus. They are Christianity, Islam and Communism. The former two are God-bound Abrahamic religions whose stated purpose is the conversion of the whole world to its exclusive fold while the latter is a modern European godless political and economic creed which has as its stated method the elimination of all religions en route to establishing its materialistic utopia on earth. All three have historically been extremely violent in their dispositions as all of them are intolerant of all else to an absurd degree. Christianity's influence in India had peaked during the colonial conquest of the land by European nations and would have waned post-independence but for Nehru's patronising of unhindered proselytising which has cost us, Hindus, dear. Many of the border states of the North-east are Christian-majority now and not all is well with it. Muslims are ever on the rise in numbers and that is a real demographic threat to the Hindus. The Communists have managed to get in charge of academia and are passing on their Marxist narrative of Indian history which goes against the grain of our civilisational past and divorces our younger generations from the glory that was India and the glory that is India despite her protracted sufferance of servitude at Islamic and Euro-Christian hands.

Ever since the fall of Sindh in 712 C.E. conditions were precipitating towards a resolution of contrary forces, rising Islam on one side and resurgent Hinduism on the other, in India's evolutionary march towards an integrated modern state in the coming millenia. In 788 C.E. with the advent of Adi Shankaracharya the march of the Sanatan Dharma at its pristine best began. India became in parts enslaved to Islamic regimes since 1192 C.E., the extent of Islamisation reaching its culmination under Aurangzeb. As if in response to the threat Sanatan civilisation would face soon at Islamic hands and to the decadent threat which it was already facing at the hands of declining Buddhism, this wonder boy from the South rose, the Sanskritised soul of India.

It is important to note that because of the Vindhyas South India was far less affected by the Islamic onslaught than the North. It was only from the time of Allauddin Khilji that the South got invaded and its culture in places and for periods got disrupted whereas in the North it was a ceaseless savaging of civilisation by Turko-Arab barbarians. The result was that the Hindu renaissance came from the South by way of advent of the Acharyas.

Written by Sugata Bose

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