Sri Ramakrishna is perhaps the greatest spiritual personage in history but his followers in being unduly meek are making a mockery of the bold message that he preached. Ramakrishna anointed Vivekananda as his successor who would instruct humanity. And so did the Swami, spanning continents with his valorous, victorious message which now lies compromised in cowardly capitulation before capitalist forces that are consumed in pecuniary gains of an inerior order. And the manhood Swamiji preached and upheld as the gist of his life's message has in debilitating dance and song culture been reduced to effeminacy. Christian and Islamic conversion of Hindus goes on unabated and the followers of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda raise not a voice of protest. They are too keen to preserve petty organisational interest, whatever that may mean, while the body politic of the Hindus goes to ruins through invasive Abrahamic attacks. The virus is working, undermining the Sanatan Dharma and its affiliates, while the anti-virus that Ramakrishna released unto the world in Vivekananda is being shelved till Kingdom come.
Weakness was not Vivekananda's message; strength was. And what the Sikhs imbibed from their Gurus, especially from the times of the martyred fifth Guru Arjan Devji unto its martial culmination in the tenth Guru Gobind Singhji, is what the followers of Vivekananda post the revolutionaries of Bengal who were inspired unto action by the Swami, have failed to absorb and implement in their lives. Mere passive piety is not enough but a vigorous, valorous expression of one's spiritual conviction must find its due place in individual and collective living. Swamiji frequently exhorted his countrymen to imbibe the martial spirit. Now the Sikhs and the Muslims are both militant in spirit. So, it is the vast body of Hindus that he must have addressed when he invoked martial manliness in them and the vigour to fight. Here Ramakrishna-Vivekananda's message has been largely neglected.
Ramakrishna's renunciation of money is now not even mentioned from the podium by preachers who are busy raising funds at any cost, even by lowering original ideals. And Vivekananda's valour has been replaced by an effeminacy unthinkable in the Swami's lifetime and in the first decades thereafter.
The Hindu polity is under constant attack from crafty Christian missionaries working assiduously at their conversion work, and from jihadi Muslim clerics corrupting the minds of their wards in hundreds of thousands of madrassas spread across the country. Hindus suffer endlessly at the hands of exclusive, violent Abrahamic religions and Ramakrishna Mission utters not a word against them. Instead of exposing the intolerant tenets of Islam and Christianity, Ramakrishna Mission continues to harp on an imaginary harmony of essentially antithetical religions. This confuses the Hindus and prepares them for being victims of false preaching by Christians and Muslims who cleverly camouflage intent and draw Hindu minds unto conversion. Is this what is expected of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda's followers, that they should cherry-pick passages from their Masters and reduce Hindus to this state of defencelessness? Or ought they also not to state whatever criticisms Ramakrishna-Vivekananda had for Christianity and Islam so that Hindus remain forewarned about the dangers that they are exposed to in a secular India where they are conveniently preyed upon?
Last but not the least, monks would do well to once more begin body-building as Vivekananda had instituted the practice of instead of indulging in effeminate dance and song culture as is the wont these days in the name of Ramakrishnabhakti. đ
Written by Sugata Bose
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