Friday 10 July 2020


A patriot must not be mean-minded. His broad sympathies must make him strong enough to defend his country from aggressors, both external and internal.
Love for all makes a man strong and never weak. Therefore, an aggressive show of patriotic feelings is hardly genuine patriotism. It is arrogance masquerading as love for the nation.
What we need is a common concern, a general attitude of welfare, endeavour for the common good. All these must be the attributes of a patriot.
The good of a nation lies in the good of one and all who are its citizens. The solidarity of a polity lends strength to it and strength lies in mutual exchange of positive energy leading to constructive work for the nation. Denunciation of each other does not conduce to the exchange of such positive energy. Rather it destroys social cohesion whose basis is mutual love and respect.
Hence, it will be meet if all of us, or at least a sizeable section of us, the citizens of this great nation, alter our negative attitudes and think and act affirmatively for the nation. In it lies the seed of the future flourishing of our grand civilisation as we step into the modern era in real earnest.
Written by Sugata Bose
People Reached

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