Sugata Bose Abhisek Metya এগুলি আমার রচনা আপনাদের জন্য । স্বতঃস্ফূর্ত প্রস্রবণ ।
Sugata Bose Abhisek Metya Could you please clarify what prompted you to think that these writings have been gleaned by me from some supposed source other than my creative mind which in effect would be tantamount to myself not having authored them and pilfered them from someone else's writings?
Sugata Bose Abhisek Metya বলছি যে আপনার কেন মনে হল যে "এই সকল স্পিচ আপনি কোথা থেকে সংগ্রহ করেন? খুবই উচ্চমানের ইংরেজিতে লেখা। " ? অন্য কারো লেখা ভাবলেন কেন ?
Sugata Bose @ Swami Ekarthananda Puri : Few, alas, Maharaj, are honest enough to either face the truth or to articulate it in clear unambiguous terms. And worst of all are those who use intellectualism to confound the gullible masses in their conscious bid or unconscious effort to delude them and keep them asleep to the hard facts of life which are of momentous consequence to their future survival as a race.
Sugata Bose @ Swami Ekarthananda Puri : A much neglected truth. You are highlighting issues which many are ignorant of or are vain enough to pseudo-rationally contradict, holding these as archaic conceptions which are not corroborated by the findings of genetic science and the rule of the DNA till date. But your persistent projection of these thoughts which form our heritage and culture is changing perceptions, if even on a minuscule scale, and that is your gift to the culture of the times. My reverence heartily accept for your intrepid crusade against pretence and perversion of our national culture.
Sugata Bose Nilanjana Chakraborty No. My health is in a precarious condition owing to certain factors.
Sugata Bose Arnab Das কায়মনোবাক্যে পবিত্রতারক্ষা । মনকে ইন্দ্রিয়পরবশ হতে না দেওয়া । মনঃসংযম রক্ষা করা । ভোগমুখী মনকে ঈশ্বরমুখী করা । পৌরুষের প্রকাশ করা জীবনের প্রতিটি পদক্ষেপে । স্বামীজীর বক্তৃতা, পত্রাবলী ও রচনা সানুগ্রহে অধ্যয়ন । বিরাট আদর্শের দিকে এগিয়ে চলা বীরবিক্রমে । অসীম উৎসাহে মানবসমাজের সর্ববিধ কল্যাণসাধনে ব্রতী হওয়া ত্যাগ ও সেবার আদর্শে অনুপ্রাণিত হয়ে ।
Sugata Bose Arnab Das পবিত্রতারক্ষার জন্য 'শ্রীশ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ কথামৃত' পাঠ ও 'স্বামী বিবেকানন্দের বাণী ও রচনা' অতি উত্তম উপায় ।
Sugata Bose Shaikh Abdul Alim Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed under the orders of Truman. Hence. Lenin, Milosevic, Nixon, Bush (Sr.) and a host of others had also to be excluded, although, they have unleashed horrific war and terror on whole populations.
Sugata Bose Brenda Arnold Mattox Lovely perception. It really did not occur to me. The selection was that way completely unconscious of this omission of Indians from the list. Thank you for thus pointing out so beautifully this wonderful feature of the Indian civilisation which in absentia so gloriously stands out here as the model for all nations to follow after adapting it to their respective requirements. Indeed, I have been myself wonder-struck at this crisp comment of yours which in itself is an encyclopedia of expression.
Sugata Bose Mao killed his own men and that is the most brutal feature of his cleansing of opposition to cling to power.
Sugata Bose Brenda Arnold Mattox When you visit India, do honour me by visiting our house in Kolkata.P.S. Have you had spiritual initiation with the mantra?
Sugata Bose Subhrajyoti Bhowmick I have, at your earlier request made to the first proposition, made the second and third propositions, and I mean to continue. Please go through all of them and see how you in your personal capacity can contribute even a wee bit to this proposed national agenda.
Sugata Bose Subhrajyoti Bhowmick My idea is the total separation of religion from public affairs of the state including that of election campaigning when religious references must be made a criminal offence punishable by expulsion from electoral politics for a stipulated period of time with immediate effect. This is in accordance with what Netaji himself had advocated by way of his aspiration for administration of the polity in independent India. However, you have your distinct views and in a democracy you are at liberty to hold yours as I do mine.
Sugata Bose Subhrajyoti Bhowmick Here we have work to do. To bring about the activation of the secular spirit in public life, existing governments must actively work. That needs vision and strong will and the utter absence of communal feeling in administrative activity. Political parties running on communal lines must by legislation be checked from indulging in such sectarian activity before they are eventually outlawed. It will take time but that is the only way out if we have to build an integrated nation in the near or in the distant future. Appeasement of the minority or majoritarianism, both of these are detrimental to the nation and must be with scalpel precision be excised from the body politic of the nation whose survival will eventually depend on the validation of secular principles.
Sugata Bose Yuvraj Singh Could you kindly clarify your statement please? It is unclear to me what you mean by what you have thus said.
Sugata Bose Burman Goutam স্বামীজীর কর্মযজ্ঞ মূলত ঊনবিংশ শতাব্দীতে আর নেতাজীকে আনলে আরো অনেকে তালিকায় যুক্ত হওয়ার দাবিদার হয়ে পড়বেন । যুদ্ধে লিপ্ত ছিলেন যাঁরা তাঁদের এই তালিকায় অন্তর্ভুক্ত করিনি ।
Sugata Bose Shaswat Jain Good that you are reading. Take all the necessary precautions for virus safety though these days. Look up the WHO website and follow their directives. God bless you !
Sugata Bose Subhadeep Banerjee None whatsoever beyond a surprise at this discovery when I first stumbled upon the fact. However, if I wish, I may draw my own inferences based on unscientific reasoning of sorts from this curious assemblage of off-shore or exterior personalities dominating their respective inland political affairs.
Sugata Bose Ila Dutta This is what is called usage of the language. These are the nuances of a word and the word 'soul' is not to be mistaken as the 'Self' (Atman). I am sure you have come across the statements 'Oh, he is a good soul.' or 'Oh, Hitler was an evil soul.' You are mistakenly attributing to the English language the significance of the Bengali or the Sanskrit equivalent terms for 'soul' and are being led to this conclusion, if even by way of a query thus being made.
Sugata Bose Ila Dutta Didi, this is why I respect you so much. Who on earth admits his or her mistake and that, too, of the slightest kind? Most, after commenting, if countered and defeated in argument, pretend not have seen the said counter-remark. Herein lies dishonesty of theirs and the transparent simplicity, innocence and nobility of being of yours. Incidentally, we are spiritual sister and brother, having been initiated into spiritual life by the same venerable preceptor, our great Guru, Shrimat Swami Gahananandaji Maharaj. Stay safe and in proximity to Thakur-Ma is the constant prayer of this spiritual brother of yours.
Sugata Bose Haradhan Mukhopadhyay Yes, the human brain is pliable enough for such indoctrination. It is also the reason why the human mind has the capacity to learn from the environment which is the basis of education and civilisation. Unfortunately, this extreme pliability makes the human brain susceptible to indoctrination as well which is at the root of fanatical movements resorting to such enforced orientation of their following that has caused civilisation despair. But even on the personal front in the domestic environment people behave rudely to each other as per (a) their preconditioning in childhood (b) their genetic coding (c) their social environmental attributes (d) their life's experience. But, differing as the causes may be, rudeness still remains the resolution of a certain crudeness of the soul as the post avers.
Sugata Bose Subhrajyoti Bhowmick Read the Constitution of India and come to your own conclusions. But you have to be a little well-trained in reasoning and unbiased in approach which is what is called the scientific method of going about things.
Sugata Bose Cdt Arghya Biswas They [ Gandhiji and Pandit Nehru ] were good men and great at that. So, the very question that you have raised is extraneous and unworthy of attention.
Sugata Bose Vaskar Dutta In a list of your worst ten you may do so. Here, in my enlisted ten, I could only accommodate these men.
Sugata Bose Cdt Arghya Biswas You are losing perspective and mixing up proportions. The list is of the ten most evil men of the 20th century and it will be laughable if Gandhiji and Pandit Nehru were to be included in it.
Sugata Bose Subhankar Das You are welcome to your own mansion of conceptions and convictions and of manners, means and modes thereof.
Sugata Bose Satadru Sovon Ghosh Fair enough. I have stated earlier about these things. Do care to look through the comment stream.
Sugata Bose Soumen Sarkar True enough from the perspective of global influence where Gandhiji stands head and shoulders above all other leaders of the 20th century, and this I state on the basis of statements made by luminaries like Einstein and Tagore themselves who happen to adorn this list of stupendous personalities of world significance.
Sugata Bose Neeta Banerjee This is a matter of historical research. Popular opinion deems Tagore to have adorned Gandhiji with the 'Mahatma' epithet first. But research has shown that he had already been addressed by that honorific by some others. An article to this effect was posted by Sri Utpal Aich where he had detailed the history of this title afforded to Gandhiji. However, I cannot quite recall the content of his essay at this deferred point in time from the posting of the write-up.
Sugata Bose Subhrajyoti Bhowmick You are incorrigible. An amendment is a legal part of the Constitution. Do you wish to say that the Constitution keeps its static stance ever after its inception?
Sugata Bose Subhrajyoti Bhowmick Perhaps, the very fact that India declared herself to be a democratic republic automatically implied that she was a secular state.
Sugata Bose Subhadeep Banerjee When or where have I said that it was not so? How do you come to these sweeping conclusions about me? Read the post properly. It is mentioned therein to this effect and the dangerous consequence thereof.
Sugata Bose Yuvraj Singh Could you kindly clarify your statement please? It is unclear to me what you mean by what you have thus said.
Sugata Bose Burman Goutam স্বামীজীর কর্মযজ্ঞ মূলত ঊনবিংশ শতাব্দীতে আর নেতাজীকে আনলে আরো অনেকে তালিকায় যুক্ত হওয়ার দাবিদার হয়ে পড়বেন । যুদ্ধে লিপ্ত ছিলেন যাঁরা তাঁদের এই তালিকায় অন্তর্ভুক্ত করিনি ।
Sugata Bose Neeta Banerjee This is a matter of historical research. Popular opinion deems Tagore to have adorned Gandhiji with the 'Mahatma' epithet first. But research has shown that he had already been addressed by that honorific by some others. An article to this effect was posted by Sri Utpal Aich where he had detailed the history of this title afforded to Gandhiji. However, I cannot quite recall the content of his essay at this deferred point in time from the posting of the write-up.
Sugata Bose Subhankar Das You are welcome to your own mansion of conceptions and convictions and of manners, means and modes thereof.
Sugata Bose Soumen Sarkar True enough from the perspective of global influence where Gandhiji stands head and shoulders above all other leaders of the 20th century, and this I state on the basis of statements made by luminaries like Einstein and Tagore themselves who happen to adorn this list of stupendous personalities of world significance.
Sugata Bose Satadru Sovon Ghosh Fair enough. I have stated earlier about these things. Do care to look through the comment stream.
Bhaskar Sen Sharma Varied interpretations may follow as this may not be accepted as be - all and end-all, sadhak Sugata.
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