Tuesday 21 July 2020



Noam Chomsky, the father of modern linguistics, was sidelined by the American media for decades for his critical anti-government stance. He was even arrested for his anti-Vietnam war protests. Was he, therefore, an anti-national? Today he is 91 and has remained a staunch supporter of the peoples across the world who have been and are being oppressed by the American state.

America, in Chomsky's publicly stated remarks, has killed directly or indirectly millions of people in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Haiti, Nicaragua, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lybia, Afghanistan, Guatemala and elsewhere throughout the world, destroyed economies and whole countries with their wanton state-conducted violence and sent civilisations to despair. Chomsky has been a voice for these violated peoples despite his being an eminent US citizen.

So, I reiterate. Has Noam Chomsky been all his life an anti-national for all his stupendous human sympathies?

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Noam Chomsky [ courtesy, Wikipedia ]

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