Sunday, 19 July 2020



1. Little men get trapped in little ideas of nationalism. Pettiness cannot be patriotism, though.

2. I am not very fond of fanatical people who are hell-bent upon pulling one to their preferred ideology. I am a liberal of sorts who, nonetheless, reserves the right to defend universal principles against fanatical counter-thrusts.

3. Man has been created in the image of God, says the Christian. Vedanta says, God has been created in the image of the Real Man. Now, what do you say?

4. Self-publicity has now become the norm of public patriotism. Indeed, the capitalist bug is on which thrives on profit at any cost.

5. We must keep our temples clean. And this habit will be if we keep our houses clean.

6. Wounded and dying but unyielding, the deathless hero, Jatindranath Mukherjee, alias, Bagha Jatin.

7. I am a leftist in my intellectual leanings, a rightist in my religious ones and a centrist in the harmony that I have forged of the twain in my being that leans not.

8. To label Netaji 'His Majesty's Opponent' is to demean him and is symptomatic of the author's psychological subservience to British royalty. The colonial hangover continues.

9. We will progress if we are scientifically oriented. May reason lead to realisation !

10. নেতাজীকে ভুলেছেন তাঁরা বেশী যাঁরা দিবারাত্র সোচ্চার তাঁর সশব্দ সেনারূপে । তাঁর যথার্থ সৈনিক বীর, স্থির, ধীর, ভদ্র, সুভাষিত । তাঁরা অপরের নিন্দায় আত্মপ্রসাদ লাভ করেন না ।

11. নেতাজীর এক বিরাট সংখ্যক ভক্ত নেতাজীকে শ্রদ্ধা করার চেয়েও তাঁর তথাকথিত প্রতিপক্ষদের ঘৃণা করেন বেশী । এটি ব্যক্তিপূজার এক অতি দুঃখজনক পরিণতি ।

12. Rajendranath Lahiri, mastermind of the Dakshineshwar Bomb Case and the Kakori Train Robbery, who was hanged for his seditious activities along with Ramprasad Bismil, Ashfaqulla Khan and Thakur Roshan Singh.

13. The master of a myriad disguise, the revolutionary nonpareil, Rash Behari Bose, who plotted the downfall of the Raj like none else, before or after, but lies in the shadow of our utter unconcern even today. But the Japanese honoured him duly and in time. Shall we?

14. Do you believe in the Resurrection of Christ?

15. The great betrayal by Muhammad Ali Jinnah in partitioning the motherland.

16. Those Indians who have adopted British citizenship have in effect accepted the British Queen as their monarch and themselves as her loyal subjects. Shame !

17. Do you believe in the Resurrection of Christ?

18. Social media has brought to the fore the levels of average (a) 'intelligence' (b) 'knowledge' (c) 'tolerance' (d) 'courage'.

19. এই 'NETAJI-নেতাজী' গ্রুপে এত সদস্যের মনে কিছু নেতার প্রতি এত ঘৃণা কেন ? এ কি নেতাজীর প্রতি অনুরাগের যথার্থ নিদর্শন ?

20. The hero of the early phase of the revolutionary movement, Bagha Jatin of imperishable memory.

21. How clean is the explanation of science and how convoluted and obscure that of religion ! The best brains are all scientific.

22. I was alarmed to discover from the 'World Population Clock' that the population of India is increasing at a far faster rate than that of China. If this trend persists, there is grave danger to India's future prospects.

23. Each of us must try to educate ourselves even at this late hour in life so that we may fruitfully contribute to our country's fortunes.

24. নেতাজীর নাম নিয়ে ধর্মান্ধতা ছড়ানো -- এ এক আজব নতুন প্রহসন । যুবক যুবতীরা, এ ফাঁদে পা দিও না ।

25. নেতাজীর ভক্ত কখনো সাম্প্রদায়িক মনোভাবাপন্ন হতে পারেন না এবং সাম্প্রদায়িক মনোভাবাপন্ন মানুষ কখনো নেতাজীর যথার্থ ভক্ত হতে পারেন না ।

26. Language is a liberator but we are trapped in language, too.

27. When will my 'readers' read my articles instead of just viewing them and marvelling at the skill of the photographers?

28. Gandhiji led the country to sanity. One shudders to think what would have happened otherwise.

29. Where in the world has such a leader like Mahatma Gandhi been born whose supreme humanity has moulded the lives of generations and will do so for aeons to come?

30. My allegiance is to Truth, not to any personality who may supposedly be embodying it. For no one can be conduit to the whole of Truth, each one being but a fractional representation of it.

31. Hitler, Stalin and Mao have been the three biggest players in the international arena of the 20th century.

32. England enslaved India cleverly over a protracted period of time. Now India must expose that brutal colonisation in incisive intelligent terms.

33. Chinese authorities lie flat on the face to debunk any charges of human rights violation occurring there. [Pun unintended]

34. History has to be rewritten. Now, Monsieur, who is to do it? Why do you not take the lead and fulfil the task?

35. If anybody dares insult any as someone is right now doing it unto me, he will be forthwith banned from this group.[Sugata Bose (admin)]

36. শুধুমাত্র স্বামী ব্রহ্মানন্দ বিষয়ক লেখা অথবা ভিডিও উপস্থাপন করবেন এই পৃষ্ঠাটিতে অনুগ্রহ করে । অন্য কিছু গৃহীত হবে না ।

37. মানুষগুলো সব মুখোশ পড়ে রয়েছে । ভেতরে ভগবান, বাইরে মানুষের ভান । কত রঙ্গ দেখালে মা, কত রঙ্গ দেখালে !

38. My posts hardly get 'likes'. Ah, what a terrible lack of fame !

39. At this hour of unprecedented Coronacrisis I invoke the blessings of Netaji to tide over it. May he inspire in us courage and fortitude to overcome the challenge !

40. পোস্ট করার সময় লেখকের নাম ও তথ্যসূত্র দেবেন অনুগ্রহ করে । নইলে পোস্ট গৃহীত হবে না ।

41. ব্যক্তিপূজার পরিবর্তে আদর্শপুরুষের আদর্শকে অনুধাবন করুন, উপলব্ধি করুন ও স্বীয়জীবনে প্রতিফলিত করুন । আদর্শ মানব হওয়ার এই উপায় ।

42. Subscription to faith one has to give up before one can call oneself scientific. Evidence-based education holds the key to future civilisation and not acceptance of holy text on mere authority.

43. Does God exist?

44. My mobile has gone dead. The charge had fallen to 6% and it showed up as 'battery critically low'. Now what is the matter with it?

45. Excellence is the key. Strive for excellence in every endeavour and that will conduce to national welfare.

46. What a poor circulation my paper has ! Soon it will go out of print for I refuse to take in the refuse of advertisement to run it.

47. We are free today. Let us build our nation and stop fighting like petty people. Poverty must be eradicated for good.

48. We have a nation in our hands. It is our motherland. Let us contribute individually to her collective good and build her fortunes.

49. It is important that we stop our stupid disunity across religions and regions and unite to build a strong nation.

50. War is the most detestable thing for a civilised human being. And, yet, the world revels in armament that is the seed of future war.

51. I am moved by the sublime personality of Gandhiji when I view him in relation to other world leaders. He is nonpareil.

52. Churchill was a criminal who was raised by the evolutionary forces to counter other criminals, all of the barbaric sort of scant civilisation beyond technological attainments and proficiency of the intellect that is devoid of the heart that accounts for humanity.

53. @ Shaswat Jain : What a glorious day for you and for so many of your friends, and how beautifully you spoke, from the heart, sincere, free of ego and unaffected ! Your sincere simplicity has made you inspirational for others of your age.

54. Churchill was a criminal who was raised by the evolutionary forces to counter other criminals, all of the barbaric sort of scant civilisation beyond technological attainments and proficiency of the intellect that is devoid of the heart that accounts for a modicum of humanity.

55. All religions, if they stick to humanistic principles and do not proselytise, are wonderful.

56. If Churchill and Stalin both used the principle 'my enemy's enemy is my friend' and are hailed for it, why then must Netaji be perennially blamed for doing the same?

57. People speak against religion but a Godless world is worse. It is the haunt of the Devil.

58. What a hatred of Gandhiji is there in the minds of petty men ! Where are we headed?

59. It seems we are going through a dark age that so many are hell-bent upon vilifying the premier personality of our times, Gandhiji.

60. Were Einstein, Rolland, Tagore and Shaw wrong in hailing Gandhi as one of the outstanding spirits of the age?

61. 'Incorrigible' is the word reserved for the modern fanatical devotees of Netaji whose only business is Gandhi-baiting.

62. We must root out corruption from every phase of our individual lives before we expect our country to do well.

63. Unless we learn to serve, we cannot call ourselves spiritual by merely quoting vainly from our sublime scriptures.

64. Cheat and prosper - this has never been our national motto and never will be. Yet, the situation on the ground has become that.

65. If I die, I will leave behind these golden thoughts for men to ruminate on. If I live, I will keep on blasting messages of light.

66. It is pathetic to see how the common man cheats the common man to spare for himself a copper coin or two.

67. Businessmen should mind their morals and learn to serve instead of ruining the nation with the base desire for pernicious profit.

68. Wearing a mask without safe distancing of a metre will scarce protect against the corona virus. Maintain physical distance.

69. It was harrowing to witness the callous closeness of sales personnel in shops, girls touching the eyes periodically to do makeup.

70. Be cautious but cast off fear. Death will come one day at any rate but why hasten it through the flouting of corona regulations?

71. My countrymen, do something positive in your lives in any mean measure that would conduce to the welfare of the country.

72. Cheat not, be not cheated. This is the gospel I give unto thee. Above all, serve and sacrifice for the nation. That is patriotism.

73. The country needs character. Men have become slaves to money and will not serve to help a fellow countryman. Whither humanity?

74. Your allegiance may be to your corporate house but your soul should belong to the country. If there is a clash, choose the latter.

75. I pray to Sri Ramakrishna to lend me character that I may serve my nation to my dying breath.

76. Of what avail is reading the scriptures if in life you cannot fire yourselves up to serve unto self-extinction the motherland?

77. A lamp has been lit and it will blaze till in high noon the radiance overspreads the world. Resign unto Ramakrishna.

78. O youth of India, Vivekananda beckons you to serve the motherland ! Lend substance to civic life and add on to the forces of good.

79. In witnessing hand to hand corruption my soul has been set afire. We must act to build the nation. Serve !

80. Gurtej Singh I adore and not those who quote the Vedanta and then pursue selfish dreams while waging warfare with words online.

81. Ramakrishna had renounced money utterly. How can our country, while calling him God, so plunge itself in the perverse pursuit of money?

82. I am no rightist as leftists think. I am no leftist as rightists think. I am not even a centrist as both think. I am I.

83. Welcome all to the mansion of the Lord. Live the life within and be free.

84. The life of love is the life of freedom.

85. Humility bridges the gulf between man and man, arrogance the attribute that raises bars. Hence, humility is the hallmark of the wise.

86. When man befriends man in the truest spirit free of the motive of gain, he creates peace.

87. Is socialism the way out of the chaos created by capitalism? But how to motivate man to work out of sheer idealism?

88. The writer writes to communicate and the reader reads to communicate and the twain are bonded in the word that belongs to both.

89. Meditation is the diving down into the recesses of the mind wherein lies the Lord in silent ecstasy.

90. Myself am a nobody. Thou, O Lord, art all.

91. To surrender unto the Lord we will have to. Let us not delay the act and suffer more. Unto final submission lies eternal peace.

92. It is easy to realise the divine within but it is so hard to give up the human without.

93. Where there is a will, there is not a way. Where the will has been given up unto the divine will, there the way opens up.

94. But for Mother's grace now we will not survive. But Mother is with us. She can never forsake Her children.

95. Happy birthday, Harshita ! What more can I pray for you than the safety of you and yours in these difficult times?

96. Is 'fear of God the beginning of wisdom' as the Bible says? What do you say?

97. Are the scriptures truly and wholly revealed or are they much made up by men's intellect which have then been passed on as revealed?

98. Salvation can and must lie outside the Roman Catholic Church and even Christ as well for perfection is nobody's monopoly.

99. Was Buddha a divine incarnation or was he made by the Hindus into one so that he could be absorbed into the Hindu pantheon?

100. Does the Law of Karma allow the incorporation of divine intervention in human affairs?

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