There is no way for our country to go ahead unless we go scientific. This all-pervasive adherence to erroneous archaic notions in the name of spirituality will plunge our country eventually to darkness. Science must be taught to the masses in simple terms to make it interesting so that that the people are able to understand the general concepts and adopt a rational attitude to life and living.
In a progressively modern world science is the means not only for survival but the arsenal for our national defence as well. If poverty is to removed, it must be through science. If life must be made worthwhile, it must be through science. If spiritual philosophy is to be understood as well, it must be through the rationally oriented mind that ever seeks the truth and has an open mind that weighs in every piece of evidence before arriving at inferences or conclusions.
The technology available today can only be well utilised if we are a scientifically literate population by far. That will conduce to national prosperity which, for a large population that we have, is a sine qua non for sheer survival as a nation. Hence, science must be the way ahead.
The sheer wastage of human resource in India pursuing dubious trains of sterile thinking which we through ignorance of our scriptures call spiritual is a colossal loss to the nation and its future prospects. Instead of building temples and mosques and churches all over the country and trying to persuade people to going religious even more -- for our country has, as it is, a surfeit of religion -- it will be best to build temples of learning where the future generations can study the principles of Nature and, so, contribute more fruitfully to building up our future civilisation.
We must not forever live in the past. There is a great need to understand one's civilisation for which we need to delve deep into the historical past of our country but that should not deter us from having an attitude of advancement. We must not forget that the dictum of the Vedas is 'Charaiveti' (Advance). The moot point is whether we will be mere religious revivalists or scientific progressives. Upon our discretion and judgement hangs our fate as a nation. Now let us choose wisely our future course of action, our future way of living. Jai Hind !
Written by Sugata Bose
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