Thursday, 16 July 2020



1. There is a life beneath this surface layer that goes unnoticed. And, yet, it is the soul of the terrestrial scheme of things.

2. Hordes of followers do not make a movement but a select group of dedicated ones who can sacrifice their hours for its worthwhile propagation.

3. The distracted mind keeps on making wrong decisions. And herein lies the utility of practising spiritual concentration.

4. It is the quality of thoughts that you have that determines your personality.

5. The heritage of the Hindus dates back to antiquity which is shrouded in the dark of prehistory. But the dark owes itself to it having been unrecorded. Otherwise, it is a luminous period still.

6. Delight deflects as much as despair. Give up both and manifest your divinity.

7. The atheist knows not that he himself in essence is God.

8. The limit of love is the limit of life.

9. What is it that makes one person great and another person average? It is sincerity of the soul or its absence.

10. Netaji must be studied more and the best way forward will be to absorb lessons from his 'The Indian Struggle' which is a classic treatise on contemporary historical developments in India.

11. জ্ঞান ও প্রেম, এর যুগপৎ প্রকাশ, এরই নাম হোক জীবন ।

12. Let sects multiply but let not sects fight to extinguish each other's hopes. Sects provide alternate routes to the same goal.

13. To live is to learn and to love.

14. That which is probable cannot be predicted.

15. কখনো পূর্ণকুম্ভ হয়োনা । শেখার তো শেষ নেই ।

16. Men have so much hate in their hearts. Communication has become so corrosive that one contemplates the peace of retirement.

17. They never allow me rest. They hound me day and night. Such is the online predicament. Peace lies in retirement.

18. Social distancing has another connotation - 'vairagya' or renunciation.

19. কথাটি 'করোনা' নয়, 'কোরোনা' ।

20. Purity does more for propagation of the Truth than cartloads of preaching.

21. Let the yearning for the present be.
In fullness shall ye fulfilment see.

22. Words of fire flow from the lips of the one whose character has been forged in the furnace of renunciation.

23. We need a nucleus of workers who will infuse strength in society, who shall spread the divine message like a raging fire through the woods of this world.

24. Let optimism fire up young hearts who shall work for the Lord. Purity of purpose and chastity in thought, word and deed will yet awaken a thousand souls for the redemption of the world, now sinking in the mire of material misery.

25. From the dualistic standpoint independence is perfected divine dependence. But from the non-dualistic standpoint all such distinctions must go. Union in its essence and not in the faintest of separation for the savouring of bliss is the ideal to be realised and be established in.

26. All around is the trap of Maya. Men see only the grosser forms. But the subtler ones bind with a deadlier grip and are well nigh impossible to get to rid of, for they assume the garb of culture refined. When men and women by the hordes rationalise weakness, one pities their plight in supposed sensate delight and must hold one's guard against their inebriated talk that like the proverbial 'Devil doth quote the scripture for his purpose.'

27. মরণশীল জগতে যে বাঁচতে চায় সে বাঁচতে পারে । যে মরতে চায় তাকে ঠেকায় কে ?

28. Girls must be taught the invigorating classical dances in their pristine, pure form and not injected with the weakening, paralysing impulses of so-called Tagorean dance.

29. The organised theft that is capitalism, fuelled and sustained by greed, has been thrust on humanity as the inhuman necessity of the times. Such is the fiat of socioeconomic evolution.

30. It is true, it is true, study itself is austerity. It builds up concentration. It floods the system with energy. It conserves the forces, the elements that make up man.

31. বিষয়কর্মে প্রাণশক্তির হ্রাস ঘটে, ধ্যানে পায় বৃদ্ধি । তাই দিনের সূচনা ও সমাপ্তিতে ধ্যান করা শ্রেয় ।

32. A modicum of genuine humility born of one's awareness of incompleteness of understanding would career one faster to comprehension that has thus eluded one.

33. We must rise to the level of intellectual thinking but not get caught in it. For the Truth lies beyond words and images.

34. Few listen to comprehend perspectives. Most have their preconceptions duly ratified in their misapprehensions daily.

35. Dualism has its delights but it has its terrible pitfalls as well. This tendency to reduce principle to personality is the bane of religion. Here science has something to offer to religion.

36. How my posts, my messages and my conversations get misapprehended as men construe things after their fashion !

37. When personality and the principle harmoniously complement each other, a movement conduces to human good.

38. The name and the superstition centring it holds. Adulation must not blind one's perspective as to Truth.

39. There are so many holes in the web of Maya that one can easily fall through any one of them into a deeper net that holds.

40. Godspeed unto glory, all of you, my children !

41. বাসনাই প্রকাশোন্মুখ চৈতন্যের পথে প্রতিবন্ধক । তাই বাসনাবিবর্জনই বুদ্ধের বাণী ।

42. প্রার্থনার দ্বারা নিজের অন্তর্নিহিত শক্তির জাগরণ ঘটে । প্রার্থনা তো পরিশেষে নিজের আভ্যন্তরীণ অস্তিত্বকেই । স্বয়ংই তিনি - এই বোধই তো চৈতন্যের শেষ পরিণতি ।

43. Is there a way to get out of this imperative called life? Yes, to embrace every moment the idea of its impermanence.

44. Time flies and this is Maya.

45. The screen shifts and the life of the Spirit unfolds.

46. The renunciate must have fire in his voice and a character of steel - innocent, pure, pristine. Otherwise, he will influence men in the contrary direction.

47. আমি কোনো বাদী নই । আমি মানবতাবাদী । সর্বমানব আমার আপনজন । প্রেমই আমার ধর্ম ।

48. Not a curse did ever come out of the lips of Ramakrishna. So, I have laid out my heart's ardour at his hallowed feet.

49. স্বনির্ভর হওয়াই ধার্মিকতা, আধ্যাত্মিকতার প্রথম সোপানে আরোহণ ।

50. ' রামকৃষ্ণ ' নাম শক্তির আকর । জপাৎ সিদ্ধি ।

51. মেরুদণ্ড সোজা করে দাঁড়াতে শেখো । মাথা যেন ঋজু, উন্নত থাকে । কোমর থেকে পা যেন বেঁকে না যায় । দৃষ্টি যেন ঊর্ধ্বগামী হয় । আর, সর্বোপরি, চরিত্রবান, নির্ভীক হও ।

52. হে সিংহশাবক, স্বস্বরূপ বিস্মৃত হও কেন ?

53. ভগবানের কাছে শক্তি প্রার্থনা করবেন না । ভগবানের পূর্ণ শক্তি ভেতরে রয়েছে । মনঃসংযমসহায়ে তাকে প্রকাশ করুন ।

54. সবলতা বর্বরতা নয় । সাংস্কৃতিক উন্নয়ন ব্রহ্মবীর্যের প্রকাশ হোক, বর্বরতার প্রশ্রয় নয় !

55. বাংলাভাষার রন্ধ্রে রন্ধ্রে ভোগপরায়ণতা ও দুর্বলতা অনুপ্রবিষ্ট । পৌরুষদৃপ্ত রচনা যেমন রামমোহন, মধুসূদন, বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র ও বিবেকানন্দের, তা প্রায় বিরল ।

56. বাংলাভাষাকে নতুন ছাঁচে গড়তে হবে । ভাষায় ভাবদৌর্বল্যের লেশমাত্র থাকলে চলবে না । সত্বর তা বর্জনীয় বলে পরিগণিত হওয়া আবশ্যক ।

57. ভাষা ওজস্বী হোক, ভাব বলিষ্ঠ ! সর্বদুর্বলতা পরিহারপূর্বক ব্রহ্মবীর্যে প্রতিষ্ঠিত হোক চরিত্র !

58. Allegiance to a personal ideal, however great, has never been my cup of tea for it entails a terrible bondage and fouls up the freedom of the soul.

59. The British conquest of India was the cheapest act of colonial treachery.

60. My allegiance is to Truth and to Truth alone, to none else, to none else.

61. Self-establishment is spirituality.

62. আত্মপ্রতিষ্ঠ হওয়ার নামই আধ্যাত্মিকতা ।

63. What you renounce chases you.

64. Endless are the dreams, endless the aspirations, but how few the possibilities are for fulfilment of these in a world desperately constrained in concrete.

65. Spiritual claims are many, spiritual realisations few.

66. In the many have I roamed, seeking the One. The One have I found and I seek it in the many again.

67. It is a vast wavy ignorance afloat on a vast sea of knowledge that waveless lies.

68. Man fights a gory battle all life and in death is discharged to don afresh his warrior's garb to resume the fight. Thus is rebirth a re-declaration of war against the bondage of heaven and earth and all that lie in between.

69. To be caught in a bottle is the fate of man. We must escape into the limpid spaces of the being that lie all around.

70. O woman, my mighty mother, lend me thy blessings that I may tide this ocean of turbulence unto the shore of infinite radiance !

71. " ব্রহ্মচর্যের অভাবে দেশটা উচ্ছন্নে গেছে," বলেছিলেন স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ । তিনি চেয়েছিলেন ভাষায়, ভাবে, সাহিত্যে, সংগীতে পৌরুষের প্রমূর্ত প্রকাশ । আসুন, স্বামীজীর অপূর্ণ কর্ম সম্পন্ন করি ।

72. Domestic rudeness much impairs human growth, stifles creativity and impedes the flourishing of the human personality.

73. Rudeness of behaviour stems from crudeness of the soul.

74. Tap on my writings to zoom and then read to your expanded delight.

75. External observances notwithstanding, for inner illumination subscribe neither to science nor to religion, neither to authority temporal or transcendental, but attempt mightily to realise the Truth within.

76. Scepticism is my birthright, said Einstein. And this is the only way ahead through masses of heaped superstition that go on in the name of Truth. Doubt, reason, reflect, realise.

77. Even today the voice of Truth speaks unto man, " Seek ye alone Me and none else, none else. I am the source and the substance of thy being. I am the Being. "

78. It is better to side with Truth than with a universal set of lies masquerading as it. The greats of the world have ever been those who have dared the heavens to enter into Truth alone. Truth alone is my God and my only God.

79. Spirituality begins with the dethronement of an imperfect imaginary God and the seeking of inner enlightenment in the being wherein resides the highest Truth.

80. কাউকে ভয় পাওয়ার নেই । কাউকে নয়, মর্ত্যে, স্বর্গে অথবা নরকে, হেথায় অথবা অন্যখানে । নির্ভয় হন, নিশ্চিন্ত, আত্মপ্রতিষ্ঠ ।

81. There is none to fear on earth. There is none to fear in heaven or hell, this life or that, here or hereafter. Be fearless, I say.

82. I bow down to all the gods and goddesses who have led me to Truth. That Truth is the substance of my being.

83. Truth alone is my God. I cannot subscribe to any other God.

84. সত্যই আমার একমাত্র ভগবান । আর কোনো ভগবানই আর মানিনা ।

85. Domestic rudeness much impairs human growth, stifles creativity and impedes the flourishing of the human personality.

86. Rudeness of behaviour stems from crudeness of the soul.

87. A balanced view is very difficult to come by these days regarding contentious issues of the hour. People easily adopt a partisan stance.

88. Who was more violent - Stalin or Mao?

89. Alexander was born in Macedonia but ruled Greece. Napoleon was born in Corsica but ruled France. Hitler was born in Bavaria but ruled Germany. Stalin was born in Georgia but ruled Russia.

90. (a) Our first priority ought to be to bring about 99% literacy in India.

(b) Our second priority will then be to increase research facilities in India so that we can arrest the terrible brain drain to the West.

(c) Our third priority must be the strict separation of religion from politics and the affirmation of secular principles in public life.

(d)Our fourth national priority must be the modernisation and the strengthening of the armed forces.

(e) Our fifth priority must be nutrition, health and sports. We must produce a healthy polity and champions on the field. Hospitals must be run efficiently and national health insurance must be for all at easy rates.

(f) Our sixth priority must be to go green. Protection of the environment, preservation of natural resources, its judicious use free of rampant commercial exploitation, and the cleaning up of urban air must be our foremost programme now.

(g) Our seventh priority must be the arresting of the population at the present level through the one-child policy but this is a far cry.

91. Let the scientific spirit animate us as we go about building our nation. Let regressive religious motivations not divide us as a polity.

92. Perhaps, the time has come when we ought to be liberal internationalists and not chauvinistic nationalists. The planet is warming and warning us thus to be of universal conception and concern thereof.

93. Were nuclear weapons there in ancient India?

94. Russia was the clinching factor that defeated both Napoleon and Hitler. Perhaps, she will be so as well in a prospective Sino-US conflict engulfing the world. What are your views?

95. The left liberals, not hard-line communists, in many ways are the voice of the oppressed peoples of the world. The extreme right and the extreme left are the agencies of oppression.

96. We must build a nation and that can only be on the basis of a liberal cultural integration. Isolate the fanatics without yourself becoming fanatical. That is the way.

97. Why habitually hate others? Can you not come out of this narrative that perpetually separates you from brother man?

98. Are we civilised? Then why so much war? Or, perhaps, to wage war is the sign of civilisation. Is that it?

99. Religion, when compromised with political objectives, becomes the most pernicious agency of material domination. Spirituality then takes to flight as Mammon rules the roost.

100. Men must learn to think. Following sheep-like the bugle-tune of misguided politicians can only guide us to our drowning destiny in a sea of national despair. Beware !

101. In this world of ours is there anything beyond 'Might is right'?

102. Spare the universities. Let them function as independent centres of intellectual activity. Critiquing the government is not an act of sedition but, within legal bounds, is the sign of a vibrant democracy.

103. It is difficult to get over the death of parents. Although millions die all the time, the death of two individuals haunts my memory.

104. Witnessing from history the endless, indiscriminate violence in the world spanning millenia, I cannot but rank Mahatma Gandhi as the greatest personality since the Buddha.

105. Can we not unite as a nation ? Must we fight perpetually ?

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