1. A God that curses is no God at all.
2. যে ভগবান অভিশাপ দেন, সে ভগবান ভগবানই নন ।
3. Out of the golden womb of woman springs forth the shining form of man.
4. The mind must be stopped. Then the void will consume all. In nothingness the Self abides. It will reveal.
5. 'Work alone' seems to be the final lesson learnt.
6. To read, reflect and realise -- let this be the motto. Let the heart expand till it embraces all.
7. It is wrong to assume that the tiny form of the Mother is all that She is. Her form stretches through the dark black sky from end to end of the cosmos and lands luminous beyond.
8. We assert our freedom to exist but deny God His freedom to do so. The folly of atheism of an unthinking kind !
9. Let us bid each other godspeed with our differences along our radial lines of distinctive individual evolution en route to the focus of all life, the Atman.
10. The body is a perishable commodity. The mind is in a flux ever. This life is a great, great opportunity to realise the Self. Must we lose it in vain frivolity, in the puerile pursuit of sensory pleasures?
11. 1857-1947 এই নব্বই বছরের বিপ্লবের ইতিহাসের একটি সুন্দর প্রতিবেদন প্রার্থনীয় ।
12. রাসবিহারী বসুর বিষয়ে প্রতিবেদন প্রার্থনা করি । সকলে সচেষ্ট হন ।
13. নেতাজী পড়াশোনায় অত্যন্ত ভাল ছিলেন । নেতাজীর তরুণ ভক্তদের উদ্দেশ্য বলি, "তোমরা লেখাপড়া করো, মেধাচর্চা করো, চরিত্র গঠন করো, মানুষ হও ।"
14. সুভাষচন্দ্র ছিলেন সুভাষিত । আর আমরা তাঁর কিছু অনুগামীরা, যাঁরা দুর্ভাষণে অভ্যস্ত হয়ে চলেছি, তাঁরা কি তাঁর সুনীল ঐতিহ্যের মান যথাযথভাবে রাখছি ?
15. আমার অনুশাসিত কোন সম্মেলনে (গ্রুপে) লেখকের নাম ও তথ্যসূত্র না দিলে লেখা অনুমোদিত হবে না ।
16. The grosser actions people can see. The subtler ones elude attention but they are potent, nonetheless.
17. The only way to preach Vivekananda is through purity and love, and the only way to receive him in is through purity and love as well.
18. He has encapsulated himself in a human form but it would be folly to think that he is human. He, the abiding Lord of things, has descended into human clay to release us from bondage.
19. As the years roll on, my father and mother more and more appear as God who I could scarce recognise then. They seem transfigured in their shining spiritual presence in my life.
20. Submission should be deep, not superficial. Only then genuine devotion develops.
21. Love is the interface between the dual and the non-dual.
22. The eternal mother is suckling the child. That is all there is to life, nothing more.
23. What is religion? To love God and to serve man.
24. Arrogance exposes one's ignorance.
25. There is a mighty will working out the destiny of man and individual wills are but its faint reflections. This cosmic will is also of the individual's, though, that of the Real Man.
26. I exhort all of you to zealously spread the word of Swami Vivekananda, exact and undiluted by personal addition.
27. The life of the Spirit is the life of lonesomeness with God and a re-embracing of the whole of humanity, nay, the whole of sentience as oneself on return to the world, now viewed in the light of the Divine.
28. Proselytising faiths have killed humanity, destroyed culture and defiled Truth itself. It is time for the zealous propagation of the Sanatan Dharma.
29. The least trace of ego in the personality fouls up the process of spiritual evolution.
30. Love is the solvent which dissolves the ego.
31. What you eye all around is the 'I' which you are.
32. Study is austerity.
33. বীর্যবতী মা বীর্যবান সন্তান প্রসব করেন ।
34. স্বামীজী সংগীত ও সাহিত্যে ওজস্বীতা চেয়েছিলেন । পৌরুষপূর্ণ ব্যবহার তাঁর অভিপ্রেত ছিল । স্নায়বিক দৌর্বল্য উদয় করে যে সংস্কৃতি, তার ঘোরতর বিরোধী ছিলেন তিনি ।
35. Young men, be men. Shed effeminacy.
36. Learn to encourage others instead of picking faults ever in their writings. Expand your souls to be able to absorb others as your own. Magnanimity is manifestly divine.
37. If you have limited sympathy for man, you cannot have limitless love for God.
38. Words keep flowing unto me and I cannot but help record them. More often than not, they are an onrush, a deluge that spares me not a moment of reflexive contemplation.
39. The ego hides the Self. So, beware ! Dislodge it.
40. The only way to preach Swamiji will be to not indulge in self-publicity.
41. Hold fast onto Swamiji, O youth of the world, and emerge lions among men, fired with his spirit that he had promised would bore into your brains and from which you would never be able to get away.
42. Vivekananda must become a world movement. This is the imperative of the times.
43. Live, love and learn.
44. সব যায়, তবু অহং যায় না । আত্মার মায়িক রূপ কিনা ? অবিনাশীর নশ্বর বিকল্প ! তবু বিকল্প তো বটে । ছাড়ি কেমন করে ?
45. মানুষ হিমবাহের ন্যায় -- স্বল্পাংশ জলের ওপরে, বাকি গভীর জলে ।
46. Mere material efficiency reduces man to the animal. It is spiritual efficiency that we want to be able to climb up the ladder of evolution and become divine.
47. হৃদয়ের প্রসার না হলে স্বামীজীর ভাব প্রচার হবে না । নিঃস্বার্থ সেবাভাবই একমাত্র উপায়, যথার্থ সম্বল ।
48. বক্রবুদ্ধি পরিত্যাজ্য । শুভবুদ্ধির উদয় হোক ! এই বুদ্ধিরথেই পথপরিক্রমণ মহামুক্তির সন্ধানে ।
49. Our poor people are our very own. We must treat them well. We must not exploit them or deprive them of their dues. The poor are the strength of India.
50. There is a gap between feeling and the expressed word, between deed and the claim to divinity. This gap must go. Sincerity deems it so.
51. Culture is the outflow of character.
52. This wearisome world, how it taxes my nerves ! But the very thought of the Lord then refreshes. Glory unto Him 'who is the author and preserver of the universe' !
53. Why hunt for the black spot in the white cloth? Be blissful to behold the pervasive whiteness.
54. Our leader is the Lord and my Lord is Sri Ramakrishna.
55. Even in self-surrender there persists the residual ego. It will just not be uprooted it seems. The fire of dawning knowledge finally consumes it and reduces it to nothingness.
56. Ego, subtle and sincere, never leaves the soul.
57. I am the published version of God. What I publish is of secondary significance, of scant consequence in the vast order of things.
58. Swami Vivekananda's power was admittedly on account of his observance of absolute continence. But there was something more to it.
59. Let me have a dozen committed souls who shall preach Hinduism, overcoming the challenges that interpose and impede the movement of the mission supreme.
60. Translation of words to deeds is the call of the hour. Character forged in the fire of the Spirit is the sine qua non for the emerging movement.
61. All of Swamiji's infantry, post in the pertinent groups with vigour his volcanic words. Let the lion of the Vedanta roar, as the Swami was wont to saying.
62. We have to build up a movement that will give solidarity to the cause of the Sanatan Dharma.
63. Russia was the clinching factor that defeated both Napoleon and Hitler. Perhaps, she will be so in a future Sino-US conflict.
64. Were nuclear weapons there in ancient India?
65. From the depths of a dream
Even that is gone !
66. স্বপ্নের অলক্ষ্য লোক হতে
তাও গেল !
67. The preceptor-pupil spiritual succession sequence -- this is the unbroken chain that holds the Sanatan Dharma and maintains its vitality from primeval times to this day.
68. In the absence of audience writing online becomes meaningless. Better to keep one's own counsel and hold conference with oneself.
69. There is a thing called soul-vision. There is a thing called intellectual light. There is a thing called sight of the heart.
70. আত্মসত্তা বিস্মৃত হতে পারেন সাময়িক, হারাতে পারেন না ।
71. One thing can never be taken away from yourself and that is your Self.
72. Was acquainted with one great soul in Belur Math. His name was Panna Maharaj.
73. একজন মহাপুরুষকে দেখেছিলাম বেলুর মঠে । তাঁর নাম পান্না মহারাজ ।
74. We float on a sea of consciousness that none can deny, for it is our very existence as well.
75. The love of life is the cause of death. Get beyond both and be free.
76. Men preach but without the force of character behind. Wasted words !
I shall deprive the many.
So muses the mystic monk.
78. Attachment is the seed of all misery. It drags the soul down, makes it sink in the quagmire of material existence. Peaceful is the man who lives detached.
79. কী অসাধারণ সূচনা এই সম্মেলনের ! ধন্য উজ্জ্বল !
80. ঠাকুর-মা-স্বামীজীর অঝোর আশীর্বাদ বর্ষিত হোক সকলের ওপর আজি এই নবপ্রভাতের নতুন আলোয় !
81. England enslaved India cleverly over a protracted period of time. Now India must expose that brutal colonisation in incisive intelligent terms.
82. May science be the religion of man now at this hour of unprecedented crisis ! Be rational, shun superstition and lock yourself in logic and law.
83. যা ঘটে, তাই তো ইতিহাস । তবু পরে স্মৃতিতে রাখতে হয় ।
84. The whole world is caught in the web of words. Cut through the word, cut through the image and be free.
85. It is time for both individual and institution to be humble and not pretend to be the source of benediction to all. There is a presiding God who laughs at such vanity.
86. Capitalism is making society rot to its roots and communism with its practising barbaric totalitarianism is no solution to it. Whither humanity?
87. First understand the import of my posts, then proceed to challenge me or give supercilious advice of sorts. Else, desist from making untoward comments.
88. The balance of spiritual and material knowledge holds the key to humanity's future survival in a hostile world made so by vice and spiritual ignorance.
89. This virus will finally spare us but will we change our lifestyle? Else, an environmental disaster lies in wait for us that will surely annihilate the whole of humanity.
90. রন্ধ্রে রন্ধ্রে যিনি, কোথায় খোঁজ তাঁরে ?
91. ভগবান আর কি? ভাবঘনমূর্তি । আবার বিমূর্ত তিনি, মহাশূণ্যাবস্থান ।
92. ব্যক্তিপূজার পরিবর্তে আদর্শপুরুষের আদর্শকে অনুধাবন করুন, উপলব্ধি করুন ও স্বীয়জীবনে প্রতিফলিত করুন । আদর্শ মানব হওয়ার এই উপায় ।
93. বুদ্ধি থাকলেই হয় না । কুবুদ্ধিই তো বেশী দেখা যাচ্ছে তথাকথিত শিক্ষিত সমাজে । জড়বাদের এই পরিণামই স্বামীজী ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করেছিলেন ।
94. Scholarship these days has become the domain of the intellectually impoverished. And what a scholarship it is turning out to be !
95. A lack of perfection in every endeavour has become the hallmark of our people. Excellence of output demands perfection in the means adopted.
96. উচ্চারণ শুদ্ধ করুন, ইংরেজি, বাংলা দুই ।
97. ঠাকুর বলতেন, " আগে বহুদক, পরে কুটিঢক । " তাঁর অমোঘবাক্যের আজ বিশ্বজোড়া বড়ই অদ্ভূত প্রতিফলন । কিন্তু আজও তো আমরা অন্তর্মুখী নই । তবে এ কেমন 'কুটিচক' ?
98. The Coronacrisis has set industry and locomotives to a standstill and, ironically, cleared the air for free-breathing in ages.
99. At this hour of unprecedented Coronacrisis I invoke the blessings of Swamiji to tide over it. May he inspire in us courage and fortitude to overcome the challenge !
100. Look within, O vain man ! You are not the final arbiter of things on earth. See what a small virus can do.
101. The world is held in self-interest and is dying on account of that. Now let us shed it and save our dying world.
102. Please suggest how Swamiji's-Netaji's ideology may come of help now in fighting this dreaded Coronavirus.
103. The world is one, let us realise this, if even so late as this, for it is never quite so late as to learn a good lesson.
104. I am no doomsday prophet but I say unto you that the time has come when we must seriously look inwards and amend our ways.
105. Terrible times await us if we do not act prompt, do not act wise n fail to alter our decadent lifestyle that has landed us here.
106. This is a type of Third World War that we are facing, only it is humanity versus the virus. War, it seems, has evolved !
107. Coronavirus kills without distinction of country, class, creed or cult. What a hard way to learn that humanity is one !
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