Tuesday, 14 July 2020



1. Life spent for a golden ideal is life well-spent. Have an ideal and live up to it.

2. Do not mistake yourself to be the shadow. You are the effulgence that casts no shadow for it shines free of all earthly barrier that bars.

3. The shadow follows you everywhere but when it strikes noon and the sun of knowledge shines overhead, it is gone, never to return in its darkening attire.

4. Unless you save yourself, no prophet can save you. The nuclear Vedantic truth is your own prophethood, your own perception of the undying, eternal, self-brooding Self.

5. The tragedy of life is in its transience but redemption from it is embedded in it as well. Impermanence impels one to seek the permanent.

6. Behold not a person as a man or a woman but behold everybody as incarnate divinity. See the soul in all and you will not be bound.

7. The classical and the neoclassical ages are gone. Now it is the age of the commoner in all its cultural coarseness.

8. As education attains its universal spread, culture in inverse variation declines.

9. To appropriate the common wealth of man and call it success is the singular vice of the capitalist. Success thus achieved by causing untold misery to the masses can never be deemed a virtue.

10. The one who is centred in the Self is the most selfless.

11. Happy is the man who has none but himself to relate to, in singular and in collective terms.

12. The Upanishads are the mine of infinite spiritual strength for they call upon the divinity of man universally and never so in any exclusive prophetic sense or for a preferred religious community.

13. The world is full of suffering because of the impermanence of human life. Death, disease, disappointment, disaster ever stalk man and destroy human hopes.

14. The perfect man is one who has gone beyond the senses to 'sense' his own godhead in the Self.

15. As long as desires flood the system, stress will necessarily be. To do stress-management with a house full of desires is like rowing an anchored boat.

16. The way of the world is the way of desire. The flesh is entangled in its web. Freedom lies in the ridding of desires.

17. Freedom must be preserved at any cost. No infringement of it, no encroachment into self-territory must be allowed.

18. Vivekananda speaks not from the heavens beyond but firmly from this earth. Read his words and read into life. Read right to the essence of it all.

19. Cast the burdens of the earth aside and spring to life and joy.

20. Live freely as the air and fill the earth with your fragrance.

21. Attachment, thou seed of all misery !

22. Purity breaks the bonds of the flesh and frees the soul. This is the essence of practical religion.

23. There's something more to colour than colour itself. The abstract shines through the prism of the mind and disperses into its coloured beams.

24. The immanent God runs through the fabric of Maya like the thread through the pearls in a necklace.

25. The love of life is the death of the Spirit. The Spirit unfolds beyond the dual throng of life and death.

26. This Atman is ever quarantined from Maya of a myriad mazes. No worldly virus ever reaches it.

27. What you wish for in this world of dual dreams, you will get for sure, sooner or later, but the rose shall come with the thorns. So, beware of what you wish for !

28. The sannyasi stands on the threshold of life and brings to us tidings of the world beyond.

29. A dark certitude is the sign of an arrogant ignorance. Incertitude based on reasoned reflection has advanced the horizons of knowledge.

30. বিনয় বিদ্যার ভূষণমাত্র নয়, বিনয় বিদ্যার জনকও বটে । তাই বিনয়ের মাপদণ্ডে বিদ্যার যথার্থ পরিমাপ সম্ভব ।

31. Have tremendous faith in your abilities and you will do fine.

32. The Atman dares the universe of impermanent dreams. Must you debase it with paralysing poetry and debilitating culture of a decadent sort?

33. Even if neoclassical culture be soft and weakening, reject it as poison.

34. Strength is to be manifested in every way, in every aspect of life. Give up pretensions to strength in manifested ultra-softness that shows up in decadent culture, in literature, in music and in mannerisms.

35. Is there a dream that goes unfulfilled? But is there fulfilment in dreams?

36. Read the 'Letters of Swami Vivekananda' over and over again till it forges a fiery man out of you.

37. Attributes cover up the Self. Attributes form the fabric of Maya.

38. The magic of life is best felt when you let go of its bonds and stand shorn of life's fetters, free and blissful.

39. Vedanta personified is Vivekananda.

40. Who holds, must free. Who frees, will hold.

41. Mother showers her love on all. Tarry awhile to feel it. Then return the love in an equal measure.

42. Ramakrishna walks ahead. Pace on and hold his hallowed feet. Then walk with him.

43. Art is not the tortured expression of one's inner incongruities but the beauteous expression of one's sublimity in thought and harmony in the Self.

44. Music, pure and simple, straightens the soul.

45. First fix an ideal. Then live up to it.

46. Love is the least touch of God.

47. This world is coloured but the soul, colourless.

48. First you look down, then look ahead, then up and, last of all, you look in. The rest you know. Who else can?

49. Slow you lay the bricks, one by one, slower still build the floors till the vast edifice is complete. Then rejoice on the roof of realisation.

50. Is there an ideal that is ever achieved save by hard work, a daily grind that aligns the soul and sets its straight unto its end?

51. The path of life is tortuous but the path of the Spirit is straight, a direct flight unto the Self.

52. The ideal in absolute terms is one but the ideal in practical terms is what you make of it. Your progressive conception and action thereof ever actualises the ideal in real life terms.

53. There is the absolute ideal of Self-realisation and there are the relative ideals that approximate it.

54. A constant disapproval of our fellow countrymen's actions out of pettiness of the mind weakens the nation. We must encourage each other.

55. So-called selective liberalism has its intolerance, too.

56. Be merry and buoyant. Cheerfulness is religion.

57. Hinduism is the only major world religion that accepts all religions as true.

58. We have covered ourselves with ignorance. Now it is for us to remove it. No God may be blamed for our predicament when we are the only God that exists.

59. Perception of the oneness of existence is the prelude to peace.

60. Man must not be problem-prone. He must be solution-seeking. Then alone peace will prevail.

61. When man forsakes his self, he realises the Self.

62. The life of a leader is not so much in his followers but in the principles he espouses. Principle assimilated and rendered into personality - this is the cardinal transformation truth.

63. জনসংখ্যা বৃদ্ধির এক অমোঘ পরিণতি মানুষের সহজ ধৈর্যচ্যুতি ও অনায়াস অসহিষ্ণুতা । অতিরিক্ত লোকব্যবহারের ফল ।

64. সামান্য একটু জ্ঞান, অল্প কিছু ধন, এই নিয়ে আস্ফালন না করাই ভালো । ঈশ্বরের এমন অনন্ত আছে ।

65. দেশমাতৃকা, গর্ভধারিণী, জগজ্জননী - এই তিনই এক । আর এই তিনের ঘনীভূত একক প্রকাশ মৃন্ময়ী-চিন্ময়ীরূপে শ্রীমা সারদা দেবীতে । এটি আধ্যাত্মিক অনুধাবনের বিষয় ।

66. Man is a Spirit encased in a body. And the body is the Spirit, too, its frozen form, energy congealed in limiting terms.

67. The Lord, the only companion in this quest for conquest of the self.

68. Silence slowly restores the repose of the soul as the fever cools to restore equilibrium of forces.

69. The love of life holds man, the love of death releases. So, Swamiji prescribed love of death for the monk on the eve of his second visit to the West.

70. Distant dreams haunt us still as the near dream breaks.

71. The thread of love binds us all in a common fraternal bond. Let us live up to it.

72. Hundreds of superstitions crop up to prop up human weakness. How long must man serve imaginary demigods and fail to anchor in the true Self that unfailingly abides in solitary splendour?

73. The whole of Nature is in bondage to law. And the vast wheel rolls onward in perpetual thraldom till the wheel breaks, the chariot yields and the captive soul's released.

74. ভগবতকৃপা আর কিছুই নয়, ঈশ্বরের পুরষকার । আত্মকৃপা তেমনই স্বীয় পুরুষকার ।

75. বিষয়ে অনুরাগ দুঃখের কারণ । বৈরাগ্যই চিরশান্তির আশ্রয় । ঈশ্বরে অনুরাগ বৈরাগ্যের গন্তব্য ।

76. জীবনের সবচেয়ে বড় প্রাপ্তি যথার্থ ভক্তিলাভ । কিন্তু তা দুরূহ বস্তু । সমস্ত স্নায়ুর পূর্ণপ্রক্ষালনেই তা সম্ভব ।

77. সমস্ত স্নায়বিক তড়িৎপ্রবাহ একমুখী হোক । তবে তো শক্তি জাগবে । তবে তো ঠাকুরের কাজ হবে ।

78. Our politicians must be better educated. There is no other way. Look at Dr. Tsai Ing-wen, the President of Taiwan. She is a Ph.D. from the London School of Economics.

79. It is a worrying feature of our polity that the academic culture of our politicians is increasingly on the decline. This is true for the average literate citizen as well. And herein lies the causal link.

80. Our leaders must be literate to a pronounced degree. An ignorant leadership cannot give rise to an enlightened polity.

81. Politicians can be honest and upright as opposed to what we have today across the national political spectrum. The new generation must throw up such leaders.

82. Communists have historically denounced fascism but practical communism is a worse form of organised fascism with ideological tall talk as its facade.

83. Communism is an obsolete, evil system that has been cast away into the waste-bin of history throughout the world.

84. This world for all its vanities must bid me farewell when the hammer hits the gong and the clock strikes even in the darkening depths of the night. Then, my Lord, Thou alone shalt be by me, none else, none else.

85. Whosoever cares for the forsaken, cares for my Lord, the Lord of love who never fails, a love that never leaves.

86. In the depths of despair, my Lord, Thou art my shining hope of a resurrected morrow.

87. Man lives, then dies to re-emerge as posterity.

88. The message takes long to spread and the man passes away. But the idea outlives the man and grips the consciousness of emerging humanity in times to come.

89. A reorganisation is going on in the world. And each one of us must fall in line and reorganise our lives, too. Else, disrupted harmony will mar the emerging order.

90. The love of matter kills the spirit. And, yet, the spirit like the phoenix from the ashes rises to conquer and release man from the mortal fetters that bind him.

91. There is no sympathy in this wide world. It is trade all the way. Rare is the loving soul who cares without infringing into private terrain. Freedom's the call that beckons me on.

92. I am battle-scarred but not battle-weary. I will yet battle on.

93. The touch of matter sullies the soul and renders spiritual life sterile. Break away from such toxic touch.

94. If sanity be not there in civic discourse, why enter into it at all?

95. Theories are dry. Water them with the love of your heart to make them living and conducing to world welfare.

96. Let deed follow word in quick succession, and let the word be holy and the deed holy, too.

97. With every breath send out pulses of peace and goodwill to all. This is the surest way to blessedness.

98. One cannot build up a movement by attempting to do so in a day. Patient perseverance over years is necessary to see to its fruition.

99. Self-restraint is the price one pays to acquire freedom of the Self.

100. Without obedience to authority to begin with can one attain to power and authority oneself?

101. Insincerity is the common factor that afflicts the common man. Hence, the failure to achieve and the equal failure to renounce.

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