Tuesday 21 July 2020



This group will not be allowed to degenerate into a fanatical cult's forum where certain vociferous elements entertaining vicious ideas can neither accept nor tolerate any political adversary of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and bear scant respect to our seminal leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Pandit Nehru who were, despite their political indiscretions and conniving against Subhas Bose, great in their own way and deserve not our constant vilification. If a semblance of such derogatory epithets were used by other adversarial elements against Netaji today to compound the historical injustices meted out to him, how would we feel?

It is, thus, in the fullness and fitness of things that such verbal assaults against the great leaders of the Congress be forthwith stopped and sanity restored in the conversation that shall abound in this group. Fanaticism will not be tolerated. This group must rediscover its glorious past of enlightened articulate intercourse and serve the cause for which it stands in the rightful way. Members who indulge in verbal diatribe are being cautioned to refrain from such indiscretion and being exhorted to manfully contribute to the proceedings of this public forum.

Written by Sugata Bose

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