Sunday, 19 July 2020



As researchers and speakers on Netaji we must learn the art of articulation. We must speak concisely, precisely and rationally to establish our viewpoint and uphold the contentious point without digressing unduly which confuses discussion and comprehension thereof. Speakers must be trained in diction so that they can effectively communicate. There must no swallowing of words and sudden digressions from one point to another without completing the point under discussion. Pronunciation must be good and for this training is necessary, for mispronunciation of words makes for audience discomfort.

Speakers must be well-versed in the subject they speak on. Thus, a thorough grounding in the life and works of Netaji is a sine qua non for being a propagator of his cause. No half-measures will do but perfected preparation will be the prerequisite for such a vocation. Also, speakers must be trained in logical thinking, rational argumentation and precision in comprehension of a co-debater's line of thinking. A modicum of mathematical rigour must be ingrained in the speaker, else, he will ever fail to make his mark in convincing others his viewpoint with cogent arguments.

Having witnessed the cacophony that has now become the characteristic of both the disappearance debate on Netaji and the embittered relation of Gandhi with our patriot premier, and having consistently witnessed the drubbing received on national television by the vociferous enthusiasts of the hero at the hands of the scholarly historians of reputed universities, I feel dead sure that it is because of the lack of basic intellectual training of the former that the outcome is so obviously one-sided always. It hardly does our hero's cause any good for ill-prepared protagonists of his to suffer punishment in debate at the hands of smart moderators and adversaries who not only outwit them but also thereby establish historical heresies to the detriment of our nation and its citizenry. These enthusiasts of Netaji must well consider their credentials before countering trained journalists and historians in verbal combat on issues related to Netaji. Else, each time they will return from the studio with a bloody nose and will have to thence resort to mere trolling their victors in the social media.

Time it is, therefore, for a change. A massive preparation in assimilation of the data already available in the public domain is the call of the hour. Along with it preparation in debating skills, linguistic refinement, diction, pronunciation, rationality and the art of holding the audience captive must be mastered before one is to set foot on a public platform to represent his case about Netaji. For this, trainers will be necessary and sincere aspirants will never be short of the tools required to refine their attributes or bolster their arsenal of ideas and ideals that will stand them in good stead when the war of words ensues. If this writer may be of any use to any in this cause, he shall consider it his privilege to extend his support in any way that is deemed best by the collective wisdom of all.

P.S. Remember Netaji was a perfectionist and would brook no ill-preparedness on the part of his associates, himself being the epitome of all the attributes he sought in his colleagues and comrades-in-arms. So, we have no excuse there at any rate if we consider ourselves as representatives of his case at this distant date from his disappearance.

Jai Hind!

Written by Sugata Bose

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