Thursday 9 July 2020


Devotees of Sri Ramakrishna the world over must unite to vigorously campaign for spreading the word of light and truth that is ever inclusive and never exclusive. The Upanishads must be preached the world over in thundering tones to set fire to the dark designs of proselytising ignorance of the exclusive faiths whose agenda is to create rift and schism in the fabric of the emerging common humanity.
Sri Ramakrishna's and Swami Vivekananda's universal message must be preached in its true intent and not so in placating terms to please all and sundry to acquire worldly benefits.
The world thirsts for truth and the times are ripe for the dissemination of such truth as would fulfil humanity in its most urgent needs and deepest aspirations. The exigencies of the times call for the flooding of the world with the Word of the Vedanta for it is now of seminal moment that it should be so for its very survival. Greater or lesser dangers have threatened man throughout human history but never before has his very survival as a species been so much in peril. The sacred waters of the seeking soul now need to flow into the ocean of immortality to keep up the pulsating tides of life vibrant for future terrestrial existence of man.
Hence, preachers armed in character and light must go out in all directions and inundate the world right to its remotest corners with the message of the undying soul of man, with the message of hope and inspiration and with the gospel of the divinity of the human soul.
Where do Ramakrishna and Vivekananda fit into this whole picture? Well, they shall provide the nucleus for this movement to flourish, shall be the embodiment of its essential features in human and humanly attained and attainable terms, and the galvanic source for devotees to seek spiritual inspiration from to engage in fruitful and enlightening work.
Written by Sugata Bose
Riya Bhattacharya, Vikash Upadhyay and 8 others

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