Wednesday 8 July 2020


There is a law to life that binds and a lawlessness that raises the hope that one may finally escape from the shackles that bind. Else, in a strictly legal world such a flight unto freedom would be impossible.
And, yet, we feel freedom even in bondage and aspire for the ultimate liberation from bonds and bondage therein. And we finally break free. Such is the divine destiny, the climactic evolution of the embodied soul.
This lawlessness of Nature in the substratum leads us unto freedom even as the surface laws hold us to fulfil ephemeral dreams till the contradictions of life give the secret out and we renounce life itself to seek repose in that which in truth lies beyond, the transcendental Truth of our own Self-existence.
Pleasure which caters to the body and the mind may be primary pursuits of the organic man but can never hold his attention for good. Man rises higher than the plane of sensory art and science to the realm of realisation which no poetry or music that panders to the vanities of the senses can help him reach save in inducing a confirmed disgust with their delusive modes. Man renounces to find truth and arrives at its final residence far beyond the contaminating culture of all that is carnal, yet, masquerading itself as all that is refined and uplifting.
Indeed, the law holds and we must lawless be, in tune with the higher disharmony of Nature and, so, go beyond its bounds.
To a temporary truce at best with Nature then and no signing of a permanent treaty of peace with Her. Each one of us must eventually declare war on Her for such is the inexorable progression of the soul. Let no poet or false philosopher stand in the way, preaching a compromise with the elements and deepening the dream of the soul.
Dream? No, no, a veritable nightmare to one that has even partially awakened to the higher call.
Arise ! Awake ! Smash the dream and break free. Be not deluded by poetic fancy.
Written by Sugata Bose
Riya Bhattacharya, Goutam Bose and 15 others
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