Wednesday 8 July 2020


It is the word that holds, the flesh that is in the mind, the soul that is in the flesh, the barricade of the body. Words, words, frothy words, articulate images, substanceless, senseless surface coherence having no depth significance. Reality laughs at its mundane mimicry couched in pretentious package. The whole affair of pedestrian civilisation is the very antithesis of all that civilisation is meant to be.
Surface scratching is not science nor mere intellectual gymnastics philosophy. There is a depth to it that links them to Reality and this link must never be severed if knowledge is to mature into realisation. For the soul of knowledge is in realisation of the stated principle and realisation unites one to the Being.
Education ought not to be the accumulation of words and images galore that pulls the pupil pelmel and reduces him to a library of unassimilated thoughts. But we witness all around us educated men and women carrying cans of surface information which they present in routine rational terms that are only sophisticated forms of surface presentations. The result is that the legacy passes on from one generation to the next and culture climbs from its depth habitat to its crust spread-out. And surface learning perpetuates. And shallow men are evolved out of this mass machinery of information masquerading as knowledge, of knowledge pretending to be wisdom, and of wisdom thumping its authority as realisation of abstraction in essence or declaring such abstract reality as merely an intellectual notion, at best having some concrete connotation in sensible Nature but having no real existence beyond the limitations of the senses.
So, this is where we stand as a civilisation, a surface existence bound in the body, with the mind and the soul simply elevated expressions of the same old fool, the flesh, carrying its career out in vital, emotional and intellectual planes and without having access to the blissful plane beyond. It is body all the way. But must it be so? Must civilisation be sold so cheap after hundreds of millions of years of organic evolution?
Written by Sugata Bose
Prithwiraj Sarkar, Riya Bhattacharya and 15 others
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