Wednesday 8 July 2020



Subhrajyoti Bhowmick
 Reading is for sure the prerequisite but realisation must follow as its natural sequel, although, here one must revolt against the shackles that very Nature has imposed. The aspirants of the day must not merely develop into devotees of a debilitated kind who are content to seek personal satisfaction and a compromised peace with truth fashioned to suit their reformed vanities of life -- for Maya simply will not let go easily the fool from Her bonds -- but must ignite into volcanic souls whose flowing lava of articulate word and action will metamorphose society unto a higher order. In such a perfected harmony between personal salvation (not in the Christian sense) and collective spiritual evolution effected lies the future of the propagated Word of the Rishis we so adoringly call the Veda but care not to preach its realised life-giving message.

 এ পথে অমরত্ব লাভ ।

 You know them very well. So you are asking me to name them. I rather return the request unto you. Please comply. ঠক বাছতে গাঁ উজার হয়ে যাবে ভাই ।

 No, two of the biggest ones are of southern origin. They are ruling, though, throughout India with their brands of 'kriya' and 'engineering' of sorts.
Diganta Sengupta
 No, in terms of the degree of acceptance of India's ideals and in terms of greatness of soul, mass influence and the genius of original thinking and creative excellence. It is a rating on the conjoint basis of all these considerations. The aim is to trigger thinking among the polity regarding these seminal personalities and to induce research on them. Perhaps, a fruitless, futile and foolish exercise on my part but, nonetheless, a foray into the frivolous in that case, a venture -- even a misadventure, you might say, -- into the vanity of ignorance that remains intrepid in such numeral enlistment.

 Because to my mind Gandhiji was far greater in the resolved sense of multiple factors that came into consideration, as I have mentioned.

 Difficult to keep writing so much by way of explanation in the comment box. Suffice it to say by way of a condensed offering that great savants like Einstein and Rolland are standing testimonies to Gandhiji's supreme greatness and these luminaries were naturally no fools.

 To quote Shakespeare, 'Men may construe things after their own fashion. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves that we are underlings."

 Whole truths, half-truths and untruths.

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