Wednesday 1 December 2021



We have to understand that it was Islamic core ideology that forced Partition on undivided India and not the British in quite the manner it is put out before the gullible public. The British did use their 'Divide and Rule' policy in India which it is said eventually caused Partition but many imperial powers have in history done so on other nations without such nations suffering inevitable break-up on gaining freedom.

And, yet, the Partition of India did take place. Why? It was at base a subconscious Islamic drive among Muslims ☪️ to fulfil Qur'anic obligations incumbent upon them that fuelled the fire for Partition. The fundamental Islamic principle of establishing Islamic hegemony in the world  and the Islamic doctrine of the Muslim being commanded by Allah not to befriend or unduly associate with the kaffir (infidel) which according to Islam the idolatrous Hindu is, did not let the demand for a separate homeland for the Muslims for a moment die. Compromise could not be reached owing to the Muslim League's intransigent stand on Partition. Moreover, after centuries of imperial domination over the Hindus, the Muslims could not accept the thought of living in a Hindu-majority state which they interpreted as living as second class citizens under the Hindus, a la Dhimmi status of non-Muslims in Islamic states ruled by the Sharia. The Muslims feared that the Hindus were now likely to seek retribution on them for their thousand year old tyranny over the Hindus. Pakistan was the offspring of such a paranoia and such a fundamental feature of Islam whose political ideology the All India Muslim League was inspired by and persistently adhered to till the dastardly deed of dismemberment was done.

The British at best facilitated the process through unwise short-term thinking and going only for immediate geopolitical gains which they reckoned would be to their long-term advantage as well. History has proved otherwise as Pakistan has turned out to be a terrorist state, the hub of all Islamic criminal activity the world over, fulfilling in the process the true Jihadic intent of political Islam despite excuses galore offered by apologists on behalf of Islam. 

The British could have strengthened Hindu 🕉 hands but did not do so to keep their imperial control over India. Hence, the Congress leaders, in order to avoid a direct confrontation with such a vast number of aggressive Muslims, first acceded to the violent demand for Partition (refer, the Great Calcutta Killing of 16 August, 1946 and the subsequent two and a half month long Noakhali genocide of Hindus in the same year), then, instead of laying the blame squarely on the Muslims for Partition, conveniently made the British the sole party responsible for the dastardly deed of the dismemberment of India.

Yet, the real reason of Partition must be sought in the Islamic scripture which divides the world into Dar-ul-Islam (House of Islam) and Dar-ul-Harb (House of the Kaffir or Infidel) and enjoins every Muslim to wage war (Jihad) till the Dar-ul-Harb becomes Dar-ul-Islam. In this way by war and by conversion the whole world must be Islamised -- this is the fundamental doctrine and political objective of Islam whose consequence in our motherland was her dismemberment. The British were responsible for it in a large measure, so were the Congress leaders, but ultimately it was Islam's core ideology that forced it. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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