Thursday, 16 December 2021



Pious wishes leading to nothing. When inter-faith meets cannot 'call a spade a spade' but hide discussion behind delectable language, when discussion avoids essential elements of discord such as forcible conversion, fundamental doctrinaire intolerance of exclusive Semitic religions such as Islam ☪️ and Christianity ✝️, when the idea is to avoid naming the culprit, be it religious founders, religions or political ideologies and states, such meets are bound to remain parlour meetings of no consequence and may only serve to amuse the fancies of those who wish to indulge in self-gratification exercises by way of passing the idle hour.

The world needs a straight talker -- and there are many who are doing such straight-talking who will never find representation in these harmless, harmony meets -- who can deliver direct volleys at the demon that causes distress among the world polity on account of doctrinaire dictate. Such a one was Vivekananda whose 128th anniversary of address at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago is the focus of this webinar and the inspiration behind this inter-faith peace meet.

Vivekananda in contrast to the panellists, barring Bibi Kiranjyot Kaur, was a flaming soul who spelled out his words in bolts of thunder and never shirked from 'calling a spade a spade'. His views on harmony have been amply mentioned by all in this meet but his exposure of Islamic ☪️ and Christian ✝️ bigotry by name has been conveniently left out.

These two proselytising religions for the last fourteen years (in the case of Islam) and eighteen hundred years (Christianity, after the first three hundred years of suffering persecution itself) respectively spread in the world through savage barbarism, converting all that fell in their way by the sword. Civilisations they wiped out as masses of men they converted. Islam in conjuction with Anglo-American geopolitical designs partitioned India, leading to the loss of over a million lives and the displacement of over ten million people, literally reduced overnight to destitution. All such brutalities were piously passed over with none having the courage even to call terrorism as Islamic terrorism which it truly is, none having the boldness to pull up the American, the Russian and the Chinese governments for causing state terror that has thus far cost the lives of tens of millions which even 20th and 21st century Islam is way behind in matching by weight of numbers.

Islam's doctrine none touched upon. Only pious protestations and pleas were presented by the speakers barring Bibi Kiranjyot Kaur who was the lone exception to this parade of pretentious speakers. The young lady, Ms Kehkashan Basu, was sincere in her own way and spoke eloquently and with great linguistic flair on issues environmental and deserves the highest praise for that. She for one showed how real earnestness works out solutions instead of mere indulging in words by way of showing counterfeit concern for a world gone serious wrong. None among the panellists had the courage of conviction or strength of character to address the central issues of Islam which dictates the murder of the kaffir as holy duty of a Muslim for which the reward is eternal paradise with 72 houries serving delectable delicacies of the senses.

The proverb goes, ''Hate the sin, not the sinner." By extension that would mean, Muslims must not be targeted but the Islamic scriptures that preach violence to infidel as essential doctrine must be at least the subject of discussion of an inter-faith meet in an age when Islam ☪️ by precept and practice is the cause of the overwhelming bulk of global terrorism. 

Everybody was content to call the 9/11 New York attacks acts of terrorism but none dared or had the honesty to call it Islamic terrorism. This patent insincerity has led to the predictable failure of this inter-faith meet to bring off the desired result. Fulfilment in this regard can only be when some braveheart has the heart to direct criticism where it is due and will not shy away from a statement of truth under a cover of clever manipulation of words and pious pleas, protestations, pledges and primrose promises. Better honesty next time. Else, farce will follow farce to lend strength to fanatics of all shades. Moreover, preach tolerance and acceptance to the adherents of the two fanatical religions, Islam ☪️ and Christianity ✝️ and not to Hindus who by heritage and constitution are already harmonic. Apply the medicine on the diseased where it is due and not on the healthy Hindu who must be spared such undue medicinal touch.

Written by Sugata Bose

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