Tuesday 21 December 2021



In Pakistan Hindu girls are regularly abducted, converted to Islam and married off to Muslim men. This is a mischievous way of reducing Hindu population by taking away potential future Hindu mothers from the fold and increasing Muslim population by bringing in fresh wombs, however disgusting it may seem to you when I mention this. It is the brutal truth and the malicious motivation that actuates such action. Demographic domination is all that dictates such diabolism and all that these religious rogues care for. The bottom line for over thirteen hundred years has been -- destroy Hinduism and establish Islam in the Indian subcontinent anyhow. That is Ghazwa-e-Hind.

Now think how you will protect Hindus and Hinduism from these converted crooks who pose the greatest threat to humanity everywhere, have tormented India for well over a millennium, partitioned the motherland, murdered, raped, plundered, desecrated, virtually obliterated the Sanatan culture in large chunks of the ancient Hindu landmass and are now hellbent upon finishing unfinished business. Vande Mataram!

Written by Sugata Bose

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