Thursday 30 December 2021

JIHAD ... 1

JIHAD ... 1

Jihad is both aggressive and defensive war, the dual element of Islamic expansionism. Internal purification of oneself is jihad and external persecution of the kafir is also jihad. Jihad is a comprehensive philosophy of warfare, the terrible tool of territorial expansion followed by imposition of absolutist Islamic rule.

Jihad is a unique way of proselytising in effect, the complete course of reprogramming the world of infidels unto accepting and observing Islam. Unnumbered means may be employed to bring this about but always with the fixed aim of exacting total submission to Allah by all of humanity.

Jihad must be waged by each and every Muslim. It is bounden on them to do so. One cannot be a Muslim who refuses to be in some way a jihadi, especially when the occasion demands it in Islamic terms, and by this no aspersion is being cast on any believer in the doctrine as in common parlance is understood by the term. Muslims are duty-bound to either actively or passively support jihad in one or more of its manifold ways as per situation and circumstance. That is the call of the Deen. 

And this jihad has been going on for over 1400 years since the inception of Islam and especially since its Messenger's migration to Medina, and will persist till the whole world becomes the Dar-al-lslam or the House of Islam ☪️. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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