Tuesday 21 December 2021



Love is a force that needs nurturing. In a desert heart there is no room for it. Hence, love remains unmanifest. All problems flow thereon.

Toxic doctrines through generational transmission spread and contaminate the world. Demography plays its due role. Psychology gets distorted. Democracy is made use of to subvert it.

As the critical mass of corruption is gained through lies, deceit, force and ploys, such a movement based on scriptural or ideological persuasion becomes a threat to civilisation. Cultures are destroyed. Whole nations are conquered, their habits and social mores supplanted by invasive insane practices. The almighty leader in effect rules with an absolute hand. Men, women and children are perpetually enslaved.

As the population of the adherents of this toxic system grows, democracy dwindles. In the face of increasing ideological demands democratic decline continues till democracy is no more. Then dictatorship prevails as the movement throws off its veil of pretence and resorts to direct action. Civilisation has returned to its primeval barbarous times. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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