Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Superb. Perfect. Just as she (Mother Teresa) looked. I say this from first-hand sight of her. No wonder you are so talented. Genetic transmission. Indeed, it was 1987 that I first saw her. So, here I have got a visual recall of how she then looked.
Sugata Bose @Khalid Umar : Your posts will gain greater credibility if they are edited to exclude error, punctuated to perfection and the appended pictures allowed adequate aesthetic appeal.
Sugata Bose @Joyaditta Brahmachari : Have you stayed there (at the monks' quarters in Belur Math) ever that you are so intimate with it? When are you beginning your demolition work and do you require my approval for your proposed heinous act when apparently you have already contemplated its execution? Are you informing the Press and the Television, too, to go live with you for wider dissemination of the news of your proposed dastardly deed?
These super-rich Gurus are fraudsters. To bring in Belur Math to the fray in relation to them is outrageous and positively wicked, a malicious idea that needs denunciation in no uncertain terms. Henceforth, sit at the feet of the monks of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission and learn a bit of civility, humanity and, if ever you graduate to a better order of sensitivity, perhaps a bit of spirituality as well, though from your roguish remark such a qualification is unexpected it seems.
Now fall upon your knees, prostrate fully and beg forgiveness of Sri Ramakrishna for this uncouth and violent remark about the Belur Math that you have made. Otherwise, your prospects terrestrial and transcendental will both remain terribly compromised. May Sri Ramakrishna bless you with sanity and bearings worthy of a gentleman!
Sugata Bose @Arunangshu Mandal : Unbelievably serious for such a humorous person. Perhaps, seriously contemplating the next cracker of a joke or a hilarious story! Anyhow, Merry Christmas to someone who with his seminal creations makes us so merry throughout the year!
Sugata Bose @Dr. Bill Warner, your research is rich and rewarding for us who wish to know more about Islam.
Sugata Bose @Joyaditta Brahmachari : Quite the reverse. You got it where you deserved and how richly you deserved it, too, and with what telling effect that such future references will be more circumspect in you!
Sugata Bose @Joyaditta Brahmachari : That is your convenient supposition. The brave do not quit battle by ignoring iniquity. They vanquish the adversary by righteous rejoinder. Perhaps, you reckon my reply as offering you too much of a respect which you feel you do not deserve. But forget not, my friend, that as a child of immortal bliss (amritasya putra) you deserve much more than you deem you do.
Sugata Bose @Joyaditta Brahmachari : That is subterfuge and unbecoming of one who is vouching to be righteous about Gurus who in his estimation are not fraudsters but are only amassing holy money by duping the gullible and the guilty. But, as the saying goes, association does reap its rightful results, its hideous harvest in truest terms. If these fraudsters have been singled out, it has done them the good which, if others now replicate, will cleanse the country of a corruption that is shaming our grand Sanatan Dharma in its practical execution these days.
Sugata Bose @Joyaditta Brahmachari : Pretence is the best defence for the deluded and the deceiver. Your whole argument is flawed. If you do not know the standard that a Sadguru ought to preserve, study diligently 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' and 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' for enlightenment on that count. At a time when Islam and Christianity are threatening our existence as adherents of the Sanatan Dharma it is meet that we introspect about our failings and corruptions that are eating into the vitals of our Hindu Samaj instead of bypassing them to our prospective perversion beyond repair.
Sugata Bose @Joyaditta Brahmachari : Thanks for the compliment. It's been some time that I've received one. An appetizer, though, not quite a whole meal. However, to make matters straight, if there was any perceived lack of clarity in my initial observation which was personal to me and, hence, put forth on my personal profile, public though it be, the perception was entirely yours which hardly merited such an unwarranted pernicious proposition as the destruction of the monks' quarters at Belur Math. Apologies are made for vicious remarks as you have initially made and not for statement of fact which will go to create correct impression about these corrosive practitioners of commerce in the name of high-sounding fake spirituality.
Sugata Bose @YouTube Christian Prince : This Muslim ☪️ lady is not Muslim after all. She is a strong and virtuous young woman with a mind of her own. She is a free soul, independent and brave, brave enough to bear all the indignities that were being heaped on her by this devious commentator with a dubious design and yet she did not once foul her mouth or mind by uttering anything profane.
Sugata Bose @Joyaditta Brahmachari : To be returned with thanks to your mouth.
Sugata Bose @Comal Mahadevan Amrtheswaran : Your inability to understand the essence of my statement makes rejoinder beyond this redundant. Moreover, I voice my opinion irrespective of any desire for social approval as such, knowing full well that truth has fewer but more resolute supporters than the multitude of mediocre appreciation and understanding. Swami Vivekananda had rightly said, "The majority are fools, men of common intellect."
Sugata Bose @Partha Gupta : Because luxury is fundamentally opposed to monasticism. You have also failed to comprehend the content of the word 'poverty' in this context, owing perhaps to the brevity of the post, which in effect here means abstinence from riches and the greed for gain which are contradisposed to spirituality. Spirituality is primarily the pursuit of the Spirit which stands apart from undue material association as these fraudulent Gurus are keen on.
Sugata Bose @Swarnava Malakar : How can existence of anything, leave aside Allah, depend on human belief? Belief is imagination whereas existence is reality.
Sugata Bose @Veena Srivastava : You are absolutely right. They (Christian priests and pastors) have led the way and our fraudsters are following suit. If by reading my post it seems I am targeting Hindus, then you had better done some introspection instead. Hindu interests are being destroyed by fraudulent Gurus and not being safeguarded at all. Tomorrow do not say that Hindu hooligans also are serving Hindu interests. Read my posts diligently to discover my intent instead of casual flinging of unholy intent upon me.
Sugata Bose @Partha Gupta : When you call me opinionated just because I adequately contradicted your comment to your discomfiture, you become culpable to the selfsame offence. However, it seems your views are entirely your own and not backed up by scriptural (Vedic) affirmations or that of great seers like Sri Ramakrishna or Swami Vivekananda. Anyhow, be that as it may, it is pleasing to find in you a strong critic, albeit a bit irrational one at that. Stay well and return with better ammunition next time to fire your volleys, for the current crop are damp and ineffective, inconsistent that they are with the principles of the Sanatan Dharma. When people fail in logic, as you have eminently done, they take to making personal remarks as again you have done. So, good day for a breather from such fulminating.
P.S. By the way, do you know what 'svatantra' means in scriptural spiritual terms? And, if the scriptures are not to be followed to ascertain the truths of the Sanatan Dharma, pray, where else may we seek such guidance? And by scripture I also include the message and teachings of such great sages and divine incarnations as Shankaracharya, Ramanujacharya, Chaitanya, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda and the like.
As for your observation that I do not find too many comprehending the content and meaning of my posts, alas, it is true, and you, for one, are among the unfortunate lot of the multitude that fails to do so. After this pulverising rejoinder from me I am convinced you will be doubly sure that your opinionated view of myself being so has been vindicated.
Sugata Bose @Facebook friends : Partha Gupta has taken to his heels by blocking me for effectively countering his arguments. That much for his being 'the argumentative Indian' (courtesy, 8Amartya Sen). One less botheration from now.
Sugata Bose @Comal Mahadevan Amrtheswaran : I read it well enough and found it quite extraneous to the discussion that has been going on or at least ought to have gone on.
Sugata Bose @Surya Sarathi Roy : It truly seems so. Cultural conversion as well.
Sugata Bose @YouTube : Will Mecca be made accessible to non-Muslims after all this reformation?
Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : Energy conservation by self-restraint, physically, psychologically, emotionally, morally, intellectually and spiritually. Civility of behaviour, decorum, decency, cooperative alliance for efficient group activity, subordination of petty self-interest and a catering to the larger interest of the polity, be it provincial, national or global. Harmonic attitude, mutual respect, acceptance of diversity that is not otherwise dangerous for the greater social cohesion. Overall, a holding back of the lower instincts and allowance of the free flow of the higher attributes for greater self-fulfilment and group fruition.
Sugata Bose @Bibaswan Saha : Every year the same old words repeated by so many. Superficial sense of harmony in the mind that is distracted from the ground reality of terrible enmity of Islam and Christianity towards Hinduism.
Sugata Bose @jihadwatchRS (Robert Spencer) : Remember what the Hindu 🕉 scriptures teach about twofold Maya --
1) Avarani Shakti or the covering up of truth and
2) Viksheyp Shakti or deflection from the issue.
Beware of these two tactics of the enemy.
Sugata Bose @YouTube Vibhuti Jha : There are not 120 million Muslims in India but 200 million and multiplying. Get your statistics updated before you go live. Else, false impressions are created with their concomitant consequences.
Sugata Bose @Sandip Halder : But who are this 'they'? Why be so vague each time? Why use pronouns and not nouns? Fear? Ultrasensivity? Political expediency? Civility? What? And why does this legal board vouch for polygamy?
Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : No. It is Islamic law derived at source from the trinity of scriptural texts, that is, law that does not contradict the doctrine of Islam but rather fulfils it. It is the legal system that is followed in all Islamic states, eg. Saudi Arabia, Iran and the like.
Sugata Bose @Rakesh Kumar : Why can't you exert yourself a bit and read them up? They are all there in the Qur'an as you have yourself said. So, read the Qur'an and discover them yourself. That will be more convincing for the imprint will be deeper through gradual discovery, reflection and realisation.
Sugata Bose @Altaf Ahmed : Sanatani Hindu, absolutely right you are. It is symptomatic of the disease, emblematic of the faith, eloquence of the ignoramus and fulmination of the fool. Ahmediyas, I was of the impression, were the persecuted reformed lot of the Muslims. But after this vile vituperation I stand corrected. It seems reform is simply not possible where fundamentals are flawed and foul to a toxic degree. [@Anirban Dasgupta]
Sugata Bose @Siddhartha Ghanti : What disguise? Please divulge details. Will make for interesting reading. Vital information it will be, too.
Sugata Bose @Siddhartha Ghanti : As we wait, the weight of the adversary increases. So, enlighten now please and lighten the burden.
Sugata Bose @Bikram Mookerjee : Well said. Jihad is that state of mind, perpetual war against the kafir till Dar-ul-lslam is established in the whole world.
Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : Who are this 'they'? If the wives, then well, the religion does specify wife-beating for men. You mean, women can now start reciprocating in like terms on their own and need not bother about scriptural sanction? That is quite radical, revolutionary, I should say, a mighty step for the woman of the millenium, the grand departure unto devastating retribution! Men, now beware! "Vengeance is coming," saith the Lady.
Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : I am not laughing at all. I am deeply sympathetic about the plight of women, especially Muslim women who have to bear such a lot of repression and tyranny at the hands of their male counterparts while living within the bounds of a creed that legitimizes such oppression scripturally. I speak on their behalf and wish them well, offering my heart's ardour and my spirit's support towards their redemption from this earthly bondage and prospective fear of fire in hell.
Sugata Bose@Nilanjana Chakraborty : Then the Hindus 🕉 will die as a race, I dare say, for there will be no more woman left to bear in their wombs Hindus any more. However, both Hindu women and men must cultivate martial strength, valour along with virtue, for the future survival and flourishing of this grand race and its like culture.
Sugata Bose @Soham Pain : You have a superb sense of sarcasm. Grand work. This is a great way to inject the message where conventional methods generally bring in coarse confrontation. This is the contribution of humour to civic discourse, an intelligent invasion into enemy terrain where the fortress doors are holding good and the walls are becoming hard to breach. Sarcasm makes its way smoothly into walled minds without raising a stir, quite akin to bribing the enemy into yielding a way through the walled fortress and making a conquest without having to wage a deadly war. This tactic Gad Saad employs and many others also do to avoid facing legal charges while passing the intended message fair and fine. After all one needs to use the enemy's tactics to beat it at its own game. Moreover, your arguments are extremely well-grounded in reason and fact. Fact and tact make your statements like sizzling darts that make their mark straight without allowing the adversary room for countering argument afforded.
Sugata Bose @Arunangshu Mandal : Save all your humorous posts on Facebook. They are a treasure trove that are a source of perennial pleasure for all those who as yet have a modicum of refined humour left in them which unfortunately is now largely a dying art in this age of coarse commercialism and dry discourse full of wrangling and misperception. These must not be lost at any rate neither must you feel discouraged that they get such poor response from online observers. People have developed thick heads, much like the proverbial bull of which a specimen is on photographic display here and is the hero of this post, but then diamonds are appreciated by weight by many but by sparkle by few. So is humour of which you remain a lone protagonist and propagator. So, keep it up and keep at tickling the soul out of us with your splendid assault on our funny bone.
Sugata Bose @Deepanjan Mitra : Hindutva is perceived by its opponents as political Hinduism of an aggressive divisive kind designed to gain control of the electorate by spewing communal venom in the polity and, on gaining governmental control, carrying on with the Hindu 🕉 supremacist ideology as supposedly propagated by the RSS and its larger community of organisations, popularly called the Sangh Parivar. Defence of the Hindus 🕉 after over a millenium of Muslim persecution that eventually led to Partition is deemed communal and is dubbed Hindutva in popular parlance by its opponents. Its proponents call Hindutva the rightful, dutiful defence of the Sanatan Dharma and its adherents, especially in its temporal aspects, its political implications, against the ravages of proselytising Islam ☪️ and Christianity ✝️.
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