Tuesday 7 December 2021



If you've been fed from birth a form of cricket

That cross-batted has scored its wins,

And you grow up to witness in aliens then

A wondrous array of shots

That please the senses to paradise, 

You cling to your captain's coarseness

And announce it loud and clear

That it's perfection after all,

The model of batsmanship for all to follow

Who'll wield the willow thereon.

You pummel others where others caress, Hammer them hard where they ease in you,

And yet you say you alone are right

About everything you wrong in the game.

Your umpire high from pavillion passes

Puerile judgement on proceedings pure

On the playfield down,

On the green grass lush,

Breaking the law-book that rules the game

As and when he deems it fine,

As situations suit.

Your players play to foul the field

And fail to send the ball to fence.

So, your fans, they breach the fence to fight

And burn the greens with deathly scenes.

You swear in the name of law

But the law you breach at every bend.

You play a brand that has never been

But one that's outlawed in the game.

Your skipper skips every norm

To sound the call to war

When there's a game that's on

That must be done

In fairest terms alone.

Your chairman sits in icy chill

In cloudy chamber nine

With orderlies hanging by

To settle scores in final meet

And ban the players

Who played and perished

To fiery bodyline.

But those that bounced and bowled to kill,

They'll pass to play a more gorgeous game

On a stage that's been set for them

Where every champagne flows. 

My friends, it's simply not cricket!

Composed by Sugata Bose

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