Sugata Bose @Souvik Biswas : The lunatic asylum of the subconscious. This is in accordance with Freudian psychology. And it is here that yoga has its field of work, that of ordering chaos unto quelling all disquiet till the tranquility of soulful silence be reached in the supreme samadhi. The question arises -- is such a tranquility possible to reach? Historical testimony of yogic attainment says, yes. There are instances galore to prove so, the latest and the most glorious being that of the sage of Dakshineshwar, Sri Ramakrishna of luminous significance in this regard.
Sugata Bose @Agnimitra Bhattacharjee : It is an endless, continuous life, though, not quite the pragmatic Confucian way.
Sugata Bose @Bhairab Bagdi : Islamic jihad is incessant, relentless. That is the doctrine enjoined unto execution on devout Muslims ☪️ by their God and Prophet.
Sugata Bose @Bhairab Bagdi : Rejection of the doctrine itself by the bulk of the Muslims which right now seems improbable owing to geopolitical considerations and insufficient evolution of thought among Islamic communities the world over. But eventually this ideology will be cast away by its adherents as Muslims, tired of its tyranny, will seek freedom in modernity and rational living.
Sugata Bose @Deepanjan Mitra : This apparently simple word ["उध्दरेदात्मनात्मानम् — (udhdaredātmanātmānam) Save yourself by yourself."] has deep connotations. From its most obvious practical aspect of self-help and self-dependence it ranges to dispelling delusion unto absolute realisation of the Self by the Self when the gamut of cosmic nescience disappears in a final act of discrimination that is so subtle as to be inexpressible in words. It is a final dropping off of delusion that was real only as unreality and has now vanished into the nothingness whence it had arisen.
Sugata Bose @YouTube : Sadguru only in name, in essence a charlatan.
Sugata Bose @Shaon Malik : Yes, the devout Sunni one (Aurangzeb) who was also in communication with Sufi ascetics.
Sugata Bose @Haimanti Chatterjee : So is renewed hope after dark despair.
Sugata Bose @Soham Pain : Emasculation also is nuanced as weakness. Even Swamiji used to exhort the awakening of manhood, manliness in the polity by way of strengthening the nation. Gender insensitivie it may seem superficially from strictest linguistic standpoint but it is extraneous to the intent here as in Swamiji's words as well. When kshatriya valour is exhorted, it does not in a like manner automatically imply the denigrating of other varnas or classes of men. Same with nationalism which necessarily is not anti-internationalism. Extension of meaning is possible but the intent is better understood. Otherwise, crust will cover core consciousness, the surface hide the substance.
Sugata Bose @Soham Pain : I understand what you have said but the fault, dear Brutus, lies in language and not in intent.
Sugata Bose @Soham Pain : Very right. We need, indeed, to ponder these pertinent points and no more pander to our patriarchal vanities.
Sugata Bose@YouTube : 🕉 Shankar Sharanji is spreading the message in the correct way. Civilised, informed discourse devoid of needless vituperation. It carries the intended message better, disseminates it more smoothly, more effectively to a wider audience 🕉.
Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : Not so if the woman marrying a Muslim man is a Jew or a Christian. She can then keep her religion. But a Muslim woman is forbidden from marrying beyond the fold of Islam unless the groom converts to Islam and makes the marriage valid.
Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : I understand what you are saying from, perhaps, close association within the community.
Sugata Bose @Subrata Ghosh : We? You mean, Christians? Fear of God is an Abrahamic concept, not Hindu from original principles.
Sugata Bose @Subrata Ghosh : Between the principle and practice lies the person of pronounced imperfection. Hence, this divorce between word and deed. But this is extraneous to the post as I see it.
Sugata Bose @Bhairab Bagdi : No, I believe all politicians do not have a crystal-clear understanding of Islam. They are neither literate about Islam nor informed about it. They need to read first-hand the doctrine from the Qur'an, the Hadith and the Sirah. In fact outside of the fold of Islam ☪️ few know the doctrine in depth. Hence, non-Muslims harbour vague notions about Islam but proceed, nonetheless, to preach pompously about Hindu-Muslim unity, no doubt a laudable objective but bound to fail horribly unless the fundamentals of the faiths are clear.
Sugata Bose @Surya Sarathi Roy : Those who are opposed to aggressive Hinduism do not care even to know the basic tenets of Islam, its fundamental principle of jihad and its ultimate objective of establishing Dar-al-lslam whose first phase has already been historically witnessed in the Partition of India. Should we, Hindus, then plead for a repeat performance of perfidy in a renewed Islamic thrust at dismemberment of the nation?
Sugata Bose @Mrinmaya Bandyapadhya : Not comparing that way as such, just enlivening discussion. At least people will think along comparative, contrasting, constructive lines to comprehend correctly their relative merits which through lack of care they may be apt to forget.
Sugata Bose @Parthasarathi Biswas : পৃথিবীতে বৈচিত্র কি শুধু যীশু আর মুহম্মদে ? যে ধর্মগুলি সনাতন ধর্মকে ও প্রচলিত হিন্দুধর্মকে মিথ্যা বলে আখ্যা দেয়, সেগুলিকেই বুঝি বেশী করে সত্য বলে গণ্য করতে হবে ও তা প্রমাণ করতে তৎপর হতে হবে ?
Sugata Bose @Narendra Singh : Yes, quite so, in opposition to Qur'anic prescription, if that is what you mean or would have us believe. Standard good gullibility!
Sugata Bose @Ex-Muslim Bharti : The anchor, Punamji, is insensitive to the pain of a girl who has suffered so much in her life and is needlessly probing her personal life beyond a point of propriety. This is unfortunate and saddening to a degree that has prompted me to remark thus. A YouTube channel's subscription seems more important than sympathy that ought to have been shown to this brutalised girl. I feel sorry for her even as I feel saddened by this insensitivity on the part of the anchor. This is no way to seeve the Sanatan Dharma. These present protagonists of Hinduism 🕉 need to be better groomed in humanity, more grounded in humility before they assume such august office. Exposing a girl thus that reduces her to tears is harassment as well and this ought to be remembered by anchors who periodically stray from such buoyant roots in the rough discourse they initiate to ensure desired commercial consequences. This ought not to be for it is abuse of journalistic privilege and a sacrilege of fundamental humanity.
Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : Why? Do you not want it?
Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : Are you an ex-Muslim?
Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : That everybody is. But do you believe in Islam ☪️? Whatever be your status in terms of conviction, feel free either to answer or not to, for I do not wish to compromise your safety and security. Your silence will confirm my well-founded surmise.
Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : Do not take me amiss. I respect your privacy of conviction and station in life. Please continue conversing along humanistic lines.
Let us change gears. Why do you think rationalisation of the Muslim ☪️ polity is near impossible? They are human beings endowed with the power to think like all other human beings. Why then this assertion of yours? Is it purely your personal experience in this regard that prompts youbto dol say so or are there other conditional constraints that you reckon will prevent the progress of the process?
Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : When you say that not everybody is human, you must be implying that not all human beings have the requisite humanity that could credit them worthily with that 'human' epithet.
Well, it seems you have quit course and I cannot self-converse, neither do I feel inclined to indulge in soliloquy. In case you return, I shall be happy to continue conversation, for you are a creative person with clear-cut views on life and are forthright in your articulation thereof which makes you pleasant company in conversation online.
Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : Please forgive me for my indiscretion in asking you the pertinent question. I have enormous respect for individuals like you who are discreetly battling against all odds to usher in a brighter day for humanity, long suppressed but not suffocated yet. Please keep corresponding with me and I shall maintain strict confidentiality. I request you to do so because I am as well working for this larger cause of the emancipation of humanity from the thraldom of tyranny. Also feel free to comment on my posts as and when you like and deem it best, and I promise you I shall safeguard your security in every measure. Stay safe, both from the deadly virus that is rife and from the virus of inhumanity that plagues the world yet, rendering life itself on earth a veritable hell for freethinkers who dare challenge the status quo.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Pal : But Gandhiji practised it, did he not, after the age of 37? Even Siddhartha turned continent after fathering a son. So did Swami Brahmananda. Continence can be carried out by a determined will even after becoming a father. There are umpteen instances of it, albeit rare though they are. But I do appreciate what you mean in that continence is difficult for a man who has had initial carnal connections for such a long period of time as Gandhiji in adolescence, youth and middle age did.
Sugata Bose @Deepak Sarkar : You will be culpable to harbouring anti-Semitic sentiments. I hope you realise that. These are wild assertions that need establishing in tangible terms along credible legal lines and cannot conduce to any good when sprayed about indiscriminately like seeds in desert sand.
Sugata Bose @Narendra Singh : All strength be yours! Read the Qur'an, but a bit at a time for your young impressionable mind will find the text a trifle toxic to begin with before realisation dawns on you as to its invalidity and frees you from implanted fear. Go slow but be sure that you read it through and read through it.
Sugata Bose @Narendra Singh : You will gain your level in Islam ☪️ then which will help level your imagined elevation of its doctrine to its grounded state whence you will gain perspective as to its depths as well in the reverse order of reality.
Hindus 🕉 are visionaries with a difference today when they foist Vedantic idealism on the crude content of Abrahamic religions. Islam ☪️ then is dressed up in the apparel of all-accepting Hinduism and happily harboured by Hindu 🕉 hearts as a benign faith which is kith and kin to the Vedic dharma. Sadly, though, truth is otherwise and your disillusionment on discovery of the truth will redress the wrong alright. Hence, onward unto reading the Qur'an!
Sugata Bose @Subhadeep Banerjee : Because they (highly literate Bengali Hindus) are en route to Upanishadic consciousness but are as yet caught in the terrestrial tussle with the senses, unknowingly but in real, with the tug-of-war between incomplete idealism and sensory weakness taking its toll, confusing comprehension and careering them towards common conflict as befits the part-person or the coward with a certain easy courage of conviction that aspires for assertion of truth but dares not articulate it against aggressive adherents of a faith such as Islam that can render terrible consequence for blasphemous statement made. Benign Hinduism, unknown to them through ascetic experience and its profundity realised, is easy target for them like the baby in womb kicking the mother. Hence, you see.
Sugata Bose @Sri Anando : Fatalistic, deterministic, yet, absolutist mode of thinking, contradictory and, hence, inconsistent with its articulated affirmations.
Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : Literate, true, but rejoicing in calling Hindus 🕉 names while carefully, and often craftily, avoiding criticism of Christianity ✝️ and Islam ☪️ for all their literate liberalism.
Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : The Sanatan Dharma, though, is spiritual philosophy quite like natural science. Hence, it is based on realisation of organic reality in the psychophysical domain and in the transcendental realm through introspection and discrimination between the real and the unreal in terms of absolute existence. Rationality is the intermediary phase of the Sanatan Dharma, its culmination post-rationalisation being supersensuous perception of the Absolute Reality that has been termed Brahman, although, it, being beyond name and form, has no name as such. Shravan, manan, nididhyaasan (hearing, reflection and meditation) -- these three follow each other in the practice of the dharma. Abrahamic religions, however, as you have rightly pointed out, are based on belief, dogma and doctrinaire imposition of supposedly uniquely revealed truths unto specifically selected personalities called prophets whose last representative by arbitrary Qur'anic assertion is the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Literacy, you see, is cerebral in a limited way and its liberalism is, thus, selective and opportunistic, suited to personal priorities of the hour and not wide and universal in scope as it by definition ought to be. Hence, literacy is hardly luminous the way we think it is and suffers from all the shortcomings, even more, than its contrasting sibling, illiteracy, is subject to. For, while the latter suffers errors in judgement from a paucity of information and a deficiency in analytical faculty, the former has no such excuse. The literate is a learned fool, substituting sensuality for superstition instead of 'shraddhaa' that would illumine, and is in no better a boat in his navigation through life than his illiterate counterpart.
Sugata Bose @Sonali Durga Chaudhari 'Bring in oil' (Aan tel / intellectual) and massage well the missionaries and the mullahs?
Sugata Bose @Smita Mukerji : He calls Ramakrishnananda and Nirmalananda brother disciples of Swami Vivekananda. Ramakrishnananda is accepted but ask him why Belur Math refuses to recognise Nirmalanandaji as direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna which acceptance alone in the Missions’s eyes would make him eligible for being brother disciple to Swami Vivekananda. There is much murky water there as well which is a separate issue altogether but a contentious organisational ploy, nonetheless. Besides, 'special offering is made to Muhammad as the God-incarnate, during worship on Sri Ramakrishna's birthday.' ['More About Ramakrishna ' by Swami Prabhananda] I have written proof of the above quote from Swami Prabhananda's book, 'More About Ramakrishna', available online in the website 'Online Reading Room -- Belur Math', I guess.
In RKM, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 'Nabi Dibas' is annually celebrated on Prophet Muhammad's birthday. Check the website of RKM, Dhaka for confirmation.
P.S. Sorry, the aforesaid book is not there online as mentioned earlier by me. I am posting for you the relevant portion with appended photograph of the same from my personal possession of the book.
Sugata Bose @Smita Mukerji : Perhaps, post initiation of the legal battle over attempting to acquire non-Hindu 'minority status' to combat West Bengal communist persecution of the Mission and its welfare activities. Refer Rahara, Vivekananda Centenary Memorial College Case for Minority Status.
For more information read the book 'Centred in Truth' by Shelley Brown, a tribute to Swami Nityaswarupananda, founder of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture. Incidentally, the venerable Swami was Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi's disciple and ran into much organisational trouble after publishing his booklet 'Back to Vivekananda' which was highly critical of the Ramakrishna Mission. The book was banned by the Mission etc. Details I will not divulge but they are all there in Brown's book. Portions from 'Back to Vivekananda' are also there which will give you goosebumps, such is the fiery presentation of Vivekananda in the booklet by Nityaswarupananda (Chintaharan Maharaj).
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