If you condition babies from birth in fanatical articles of faith, you cannot later get rational beings sensitive to other's feelings.
If you mandate scriptural killing of the infidel just because they repose faith in some other system of thought, you are ensuring continuous terrorism on earth.
If you demand democratic rights when in minority and then crush democracy itself as man-made, flawed system, inferior to your divine, scripturally ordained one, then you are being duplicitous in your ways and means.
If it is alright to lie and deceive to further your cause of domination over the infidel, then in truth it must be said that your ethical code is outright toxic.
If you wish to eliminate opposition and stifle progress by asserting constancy of stagnation in terms of scriptural dictate, though millenia may roll, then you have signed the charter of civilisational degeneration whence a revolutionary rejection of your chosen faith seems the only way out.
If in classic conditioning into easy ignorance consequent on pliability of the human brain you have lapsed into a phase of inertial relay of doctrinaire untruth and refuse to see light or reason, then you are running the final lap of your race to extinction as a system which has outlived almost its hour.
But you will survive still though your system will not, for the force of evolution separates the grain from the chaff and truth triumphs over untruth thus.
Welcome then to the mansion of reason, of enlightenment, realisation et al.
Composed by Sugata Bose
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