Thursday 30 December 2021



Revered Ramakrishna Mission inter-faith interlocutor Maharaj,

In your next inter-faith meet with Christian and Muslim representatives do question them kindly on this business of conversion of Hindus 🕉 and others to their fold. 

Sweet talk goes on in these meets about universal brotherhood, love and peace, and contentious frictional issues are deftly avoided. That is a travesty of truth, fairplay and justice, and renders these inter-faith meets puerile, even positively pretentious, a feature most unbecoming when coming from monastics, priests and clerics who ought to be absolutely honest in their discussion dealings.

If these meets are mere sportive pastimes, then you are welcome to such frivolities and need not bother about this request from me, a serious adherent of the Sanatan Dharma. But if they be otherwise and are conducted with the mission of securing inter-faith understanding and harmony in real earnest, then this plea will be well worth a serious consideration.

Thanking you and hoping for a right redress of this key issue en route to realising your harmonic objective,

I remain, 

Yours ever in the Sanatan Dharma,

Sugata Bose

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