Sunday, 19 December 2021



1. There is nothing called moderate Islam, although, many Muslims may be moderate in their ways and not strictly abide by Islamic injunctions. They would then be labelled kaffirs or non-Muslims.

2. A moderate Muslim ☪️ who, therefore, does not abide strictly by extreme Qur'anic injunctions is deemed a non-Muslim or a kaffir.

3. All those who are non-believers in Islam are kaffirs.

4. Simplicity is holiness, simplicity is peace.

5. He who has gone past age is the sage.

6. The sea and its waves compose the gamut of spiritual truth. He who has seen the link is the seer.

7. Detachment is independence. Independence is bliss.

8. Why does everybody talk at the same time during a television panel discussion? Why such a ruckus?

9. Television anchors have reduced discussions to a farce. It is commerce all the way, a torture for genuine news-seekers.

10. Purity is power. Purity is peace. Purity is perfection.

11. Our country needs qualitative improvement in its polity, not quantitative increase of population any more.

12. Civilisation is the progress of man through the turbulence of violence and war.

13. The most precious thing in life is time. Let us not waste it in fruitless pastimes. Let us utilize our hour to the full.

14. He who believes in the Vedas is a Hindu 🕉. The Vedas should be declared national scripture.

15. Is Tarek Fatah right when he distinguishes between 'Allah ka Islam' and 'Mullah ka Islam'? Are there two Islams after all?

16. We must foster brotherhood among all Hindus and cater to each other's welfare. If we can do so, we will be a force to reckon with.

17. How much of a Hindu was Gandhiji?

18. Jihad is intended to convert all non-Muslims to Islam.

19. Defeat argument by argument. Why by sword? Why behead the detractor? Why even today such 'fatwas' are given?

20. 'Halal' is that which is admissible in Islam and 'Haram' is that which is inadmissible.

21. Non-Muslims are kaffirs.

22. There are hordes of Muslims who have mentally renounced Islam but dare not say so publicly.

23. বিদ্যাশক্তি যত বাড়বে দেশে শক্তি ততই বাড়বে |

24. সমস্যা সঙ্গিন | সনাতন সংস্কৃতি সার্বিকভাবে উপমহাদেশে পুনঃপ্রতিষ্ঠিত না হলে দেশের সংহতি সুরক্ষিত হবে না |

25. বলপূর্বক, ছলপূর্বক হিন্দু ছেলেমেয়েদের ধর্মান্তরকরণ আর কতদিন চলবে ? একি সভ্যতার নিদর্শন নাকি মধ্যযুগের বর্বরতা ?

26. Why is there no memorial in Kolkata for the Hindu victims of the Great Calcutta Killing of 16 August, 1946?

27. Leaders must be accountable to the people. That cannot be if the people care not to criticise but are content only to praise even if leaders ruin the economy of the nation. Religion cannot function on empty belly, thus spake Sri Ramakrishna.

28. Each and every individual is Shiva. Serving the Lord thus the highest merit is obtained.

29. Why do ex-Muslims in general hide their identity on YouTube?

30. Saffron is the sign of renunciation and awakened spiritual consciousness.

31. The Islamisation of Kashmir has changed its cultural character which is a civilisational loss for India. How much more will our Sanatan Sanskriti (Eternal Culture) and its guardians, the Hindus, suffer at the hands of aggressive Islamic savagery that has been the result of invasion but is now being bred at home and distributed worldwide?

32. Indoctrination is easy for the brain is plastic and amenable to moulding. It is this cerebral feature that fosters fanaticism under the right roguish induction.

33. Why allow children in the first place to suffer extreme religious indoctrination?

34. Hyderabad could be renamed Bhagyanagar. Your views, please.

35. Why does Islam not allow questioning of its essential doctrine? Why is assassination of all such questioners resorted to?

36. At a time when jihadis are threatening civic peace the world over, mere meek religious discourse that seeks superficial peace by overlooking real peace issues and focusing only on transcendental stuff is, to my mind, irresponsible and cowardly. The battle is to be fought bravely and square on and not quite avoided citing apolitical universalism that nonetheless betrays a terrible cowardliness.

37. It is never too late to take stock of the situation, to fight back and to carve out one's destiny.

38. Every moment affirm your freedom even if every moment you find yourself desperately bound. The shackles are imaginary. They will fall off, the delusions dissipate like distanct dreams.

39. Slow strengthening of the will in the individual will go a long way to strengthening national resolve to meeting its challenges.

40. Work, daily and disciplined, study, sincere and systematic, builds will power in the individual. Its aggregate is national strength.

41. The only way to stop excessive green house effect is to simplify life.

42. Simplicity is spirituality.


Tomorrow evening is the great eve of informal renunciation by the young eagles of the Master at Antpur. 24 December, 1886.

44. দেশসেবা তো পরে হবে | আগে তো ভদ্র হতে হবে |

45. Peace can only come through confronting the demon of falsity and fiction in the name of chronicled history. Only when the true history of the nation is known can self-respect, self-confidence and self-consciousness come whose fruition is secured peace and a secure peace, for in truth lies strength, in strength security and in security the pursuit and preservation of peace.

46. When enemies fight they know not that it is brothers fighting brothers.

47. See how after the 2005 Peace deal between Israel and Palestine the Israreli army helped evacuate the settled Israelis from the occupied Gaza strip to their horror and devastation. The Israreli government only requested the Palestinian authorities after reoccupation to respect the Jewish synagogue which stood in the heartland while themselves taking care to bulldoze the rest of the residential and civic buildings of the place. This much they said they expected of the Palestinians by way of respect for the Jewish place of worship. And what did the Palestinians do in return after relocating themselves to their lost homeland? The first thing they did was to vandalise the Jewish ✡ synagogue. Now do you see the writing on the wall? This is Islamic ☪️ tolerance of other religions. Hindu 🕉 liberals, learn!

48. Islam is not a religion, said one Islamic cleric. It is the Deen, a comprehensive political and civic way of living in absolute submission to Allah, His dictates and in imitation of the Sunnah or the Way of the Prophet Muhammad.

49. I want to see the super-rich Hindu Gurus living lives of poverty. Then they will be worth listening to.

50. In Pakistan they teach history to children that begins with the Islamic invasion of Sindh. So I gather from conversations on media.

51. Many people across the world are developing character enough and readying to reject regressive religions and accept the Sanatan Dharma, the spiritual science of the Upanishads and the Geeta.


Q. What is the proof that Allah exists?

A. Because Allah says so in the Qur'an.


Q. What is the proof that the Qur'an is the Word of Allah?

A. Because Allah's Rasul (PBUH) says so.

Q. What is the proof that Allah's Rasul (PBUH) is Allah's Rasul (PBUH)?

A. Because the Qur'an says so.

54. Reality is far deeper than what the Semitic religions make of it. The Upanishads made it to the unitary basis of this reality.

55. To be religious is to be restrained in every sense.

56. GOD THE GREATEST exists because GOD THE GREATEST exists? Is that the rationale? Circular reasoning?

57. There is a striking similarity between Islam and Communism. Both are totalitarian systems utterly intolerant of opposition. 

58. A scriptural mistake after all is never a mistake. It needs the correct interpretation in the original language. Hence, the Sanatan Dharma alone progresses, not its infallible Semitic adversarial sibling that is fixed and fixated.

59. Jihad is intrinsic to Islam and not its aberration. Its purpose is to convert the whole world to Islam and it is binding on each Muslim.

60. Sita Ram Goel, intrepid warrior in defence of the Sanatan Dharma and the Sanatanists.


প্রশ্ন : হিন্দুরা এত দুর্বল কেন?

উত্তর : হিন্দুরা ওপর ওপর ভাসে বলে | ঠাকুর বলতেন, "ডুব দাও | শুধু ওপরে ভাসলে কি হবে?"

62. It is strange that a man of peace, Jesus Christ, should have inspired so much war in his name. And the conversion continues!

63. Superstition yet converts Western Christians to Islam. My Western friends, give up superstition and embrace the Vedanta. Muslims as well, embrace the Sanatan Dharma. In it lies the way to peace and blessedness.

64. Worship your own self by immersing yourself in the Self as far as you can. That will inspire self-confidence as well.

65. Loudspeaker azaan is also jihad, sonic jihad.

66. We, Hindus 🕉, need to cultivate the warrior in us, that heroic martial spirit. Else, we will be annihilated in the tide of times.

67. Men must be masculine. Too much effeminacy I see these days among my brethren, and it is spreading.

68. Is preparation for self-defence against prospective religious terrorism morally wrong?

69. When my posts are not liked, I know they are read best.

70. Islam ☪️ is perpetual jihad till its objective of world conversion is complete.

71. If a religion suppresses divinity and awakens sensuality, then such a religion is best given up.

72. Mass immigration must be absolutely disallowed in India. Hindus 🕉 are already under civilisational threat. Immigration will further complicate matters.

73. Hinduism 🕉 is exactly opposite to Islam ☪️. And yet there are those Hindus who say that all religions preach the same thing.

74. Westerners keep harbouring illusions about Islam, having never gone through its scriptural texts thoroughly.

75. You may indulge in idle speculations about Islam and come to wrong conclusions. Unless you study the Qur'an you cannot know Islam.

76. Read the trinity of Islamic texts - the Qur'an, the Hadith and the Sirah - if you wish to know Islam ☪️.

77. In Kashmir in 1990 mosques blared the message, 'Convert, leave or die.' And 500,000 Hindu Pandits left the valley overnight.

78. Is polygamy legal in India?

79. Is Sharia the perfect legal code because Islam is the perfect religion?

80.  আচ্ছা, ভীতু হলেও কি হিন্দুত্ববাদী হওয়া যায় ?

81. Sri Ramakrishna saw God/Goddess. But I believe. That will not do. I must also see God/Goddess to believe that Sri Ramakrishna saw Him/Her.

82. The inviolability of Islam is its greatest strength and its fatal weakness which history has shown and future history will yet show.

83. Are we sure that a book of God is actually a book of God? Or, could it be that it is man-made and is being passed off as divine revelation, especially since it is littered with philosophical and scientific errors and seemingly plagiarised from prior texts?

84. Pakistan? Where?

85. Swami Vivekananda said that the climactic evolution of philosophy was reached when the Advaita (non-dualism) was discovered in later Vedic times. Was he wrong? Because the perfected philosophy started being delivered in Arabia only 1411 years back and ended only 1389 years ago. One wonders, wonders indeed!

86. Incorrigible optimism is the sign of ingrained idiocy and a lazy refusal to be aware of impending danger that will realism may better be averted.

87. Branding critics of Islam indiscriminately as Islamophobic is camouflaged jihad. This the West ought to learn.

88. Does a religion that divides the world into its believers and disbelievers and discriminates terribly against the latter have any right to protest against discrimination done unto it?

89. Will a religion that converts others to its fold allow its faithful to convert to other faiths as well?

90. Will a religion that allows polygamy permit polyandry as well?

91. Will a religion that allows husbands to beat their wives allow wives to beat their husbands as well?

92. Jihad in simplest terms is the expansion of Islamic influence.

93. মুসলমানদের ধর্মই রাজনীতি |

94. In a country where everything is going wrong there is so much inspiration to set things right. This keeps me going.

95. যে সংগীতের মধ্য দিয়ে মায়ার বিচ্ছুরণ হয়, এমন সংগীত পরিবেশন করবেন না | স্বামীজী যে মায়ারাহিত্য, যে বলিষ্ঠ পৌরুষের কথা বলেছিলেন, তা স্মরণ রাখবেন |

96. বাঙালী কতটুকু সাড়া দিচ্ছে আজ স্বামীজীর স্বদেশমন্ত্রের আহ্বানে?

97. An individual begins a movement and it builds up through desire and vice, superstition and a crazy craving for power. Guess which movement it is?

98. Was the text revealed or was it plagiarised and written by man over a period of time to suit political exigencies, for the content is pretty ordinary, less than ordinary, should I say, full of scientific errors and crudeness with vile vituperation against adversaries, and does not seem divine at all?

99. Reality is here and now.


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