Saturday 11 December 2021



Islam does not believe in coexistence. It must convert all others to its fold and have exclusive existence in the world. Hence, Hindus have been converted, Hindustan partitioned, Hindus evicted from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Kashmir and these integral parts (barring Kashmir) of erstwhile age-old India snatched away from the Hindus to the fold of the Islamic Ummah. The programme is of 1400 years of which the invasion into Hindu heartland has been going on for 1309 years ever since the fall of Sindh in 712 CE.

If Hindus are not aware of this danger to their future existence as a race, as a culture, as a civilisation, then extinction will be their lot. Even today we see the growing influence of Islam in our democratic polity with open namaz on avenues, indiscriminately loud Azaan five times a day over the loudspeaker that disturbs civic peace, riots caused at the drop of a hat citing insult to religious sensitivity and the special privileges afforded by the Constitution over and above the normal citizen's rights by way of minority rights. Hindus are indeed a persecuted lot in their very land and the future seems bleak for them when large masses of the community choose to sleep over this danger of extinction that threatens them in the not-so-distant future.

Written by Sugata Bose

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