Tuesday 21 December 2021


Dear Sushilji,

I consider you the greatest exemplar of Hindu intellect and the best ambassador of our culture. Intrepid, forceful, articulate upholder that you are of our age-old Sanatan Sanskriti, I hold you in utmost reverence. In an age of terrible compromise when Hindus are being marginalised in their very homeland of which you have been the worst sufferer, I see in you a beacon of light that can guide us, hopelessly adrift mass of men suffering from cultural amnesia. As such I am sending you this friend request so that I can work for the protection of Hindu 🕉 interests in conjunction with you. How much I am capable I do not know but the intent is sincere and should advance the cause of our motherland. Kindly accept my friend request so that we may be in closer communication with each other for the furtherance of our common cause.

Yours in the motherland, 

Sugata Bose

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