Tuesday 14 December 2021



We want to build our nation. Let us begin by punctuating our sentences properly. Just look at people's comments and posts littered with punctuation errors or sheer absence of requisite punctuation.

When we sing, we cannot control modulations the way they ought to be. When we play, we do bring laurels home from the Olympics but meagre in proportion to our population relative to that of the world.

Impreciseness has become part of our constitution, absence of attention to details our characteristic feature. This way we cannot prosper as a civilisation. We must become precise, accurate, closer to truth in motivation, endeavour, enterprise and execution.

Next time you write, watch out for casual mistakes made, errors born of sheer negligence such as beginning a sentence with small letter, closing a sentence without a full stop, spacing words irregularly and punctuating with full stop where a note of interrogation (question mark) ought to be. This and so much more.

May Mother Saraswati bless us all with attention to detail, precision and perfection! 

Written by Sugata Bose

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