Friday 31 December 2021



There is no freedom in the universe. It is law all the way. You have got to go beyond the senses to be free. You have got to transcend the trinity of space-time-causality to be the outlaw.

In the macroscopic world determinism holds and in the microscopic world quantum laws bind particles, if not in a predictable, deterministic way, but in an indeterminate, probabilistic manner, nonetheless. But they bind matter more or less, in strict causality or within statistical limits, whichever way.

There simply is no respite within the universe of the large or the little. The mighty powers its way through and the minuscule monitors events too. Where's the way to freedom in the world of matter? There is none.

And, yet, the inner world of the Spirit beckons, promising glad tidings of peace, bliss, blessedness and freedom. Let us hearken to its call.

Written by Sugata Bose

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