Wednesday, 29 December 2021



1. The flute on the lips is the sword in the hand, is the will in the mind, is the love in the heart. This is Shree Krishna.

2. It's graded imperfection, this universe is. Truth transcendental is perfect. Truth immanent, that is the immanent God, is imperfect as well to a minuscule degree, the universal imperfection increasing with gradual regression from the superconscious to the insensate stone.

3. The less we harbour superstition, the more spiritual will we become.

4. Reject authority, obey the dictates of your soul, but never in violation of others' rights to peaceful coexistence. Shed superstition and be free.

5. কত কষ্ট চতুর্দিকে ! আমরা তার কতটুকুই বা জানতে পারি ? এই জন্যই শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ বলেছিলেন, "শিবজ্ঞানে জীবসেবা |" এতে আধ্যাত্মিক উন্নতিও হল আর জীবনরক্ষাও হল | লক্ষ্য, উপলক্ষ্য দুই রইল | এখন প্রয়োজন বাণীকে রূপদান করা | তাহলেই সর্বকল্যাণ সাধিত হবে |

6. How about justifying the knowledge of Class XII with that of Class I? How many of you deem it a worthwhile venture?

7. দেশের চরিত্রগঠন করতে হবে | গণ্ডাখানেক ভণ্ডগুরু দিয়ে ইসলাম ও খ্রীষ্ঠধর্মকে রোধ করা যাবে না | স্বামী বিবেকানন্দকে অনুসরণ করতে হবে এ যুগে | নইলে উপায় নেই | ভুললে চলবে না স্বামীজী কি বলেছিলেন -- "চালাকির দ্বারা মহৎ কাজ হয় না |"

8. Hindus have the 🕉 as their common symbol of God and must unite under its banner irrespective of any other consideration.

9. The soul of man struggles through the body to get past it.

10. গণতন্ত্র কই ? স্বৈরাচার সর্বত্র |

11. You know what duping means? Speak one thing in public and quite another in private.

12. Competition brings in conflict. To eliminate conflict rise above competition.

13. We have to now be citizens of the world. You cannot have Indian welfare without world welfare.

14. Was not Mahatma Gandhi, after his period of the ordinary lay life, a lifelong brahmachari like Swami Vivekananda was?

15. Swamiji had exhorted Hindus to manifest manhood. Whither, Hindus, that manhood?

16. Why have Hindus largely become emasculate as a people?

17. With the exit of Aurobindo Ghosh from the Indian political scene and the entrance of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi India's freedom fortunes declined.


1) Should we celebrate Gandhiji or Swamiji? 

2) Whose philosophy should we follow?

19. A handful of ardent adherents of an ideal can revolutionise the world.

20. গান্ধীজীকে কি সমালোচনা করা অপরাধ ?

21. ব্যক্তিগত মান-অপমানকে বিসর্জন দিয়ে দেশ তথা জগতের সেবাকার্যে নামলে, তবেই তা সার্থক হবে |

22. মনের সংকীর্ণতা দূর না হলে কি আর মহাপুরুষের মাহাত্ম্য বোঝা যায় ? তখন শত পাণ্ডিত্যেও বুদ্ধি শুদ্ধ হয় না, শুধু তথ্যের বোঝা বয়ে বেড়ান পণ্ডিত |

23. Population boom poses the gravest threat to survival of the human species. By 2100, as per Stephen Hawking's estimation, we will be 11 billion strong. Global warming will consume us all. There is time yet. Control population.

24. Why is it that Muslims in non-Islamic countries demand for that which they do not allow non-Muslims in Islamic ☪️ countries?

25. Why does Islam ☪️ convert?

26. Why does Christianity ✝️ convert?

27. What is jihad?

28. Why is it that Muslim women must necessarily convert their non-Muslim suitors to Islam before they can marry them?

29. Who is a kafir?

30. Was not Jinnah the biggest betrayer of undivided India?

31. How many times has the Islamic Republic of Pakistan been defeated in war by India?

32. India's political leaders must study Islam ☪️.

33. Islam's politics is of a different kind. It is quite an extraordinary creed with an extraordinary brand of expansionist ideology. Read.


The fixity and simplicity of Islam ☪️ makes it every easy to understand. No complications whatsoever. Just read the Qur'an to begin with and you will get a grip on its doctrine.

Photo : The great and devout Mughal Emperor, Aurangzeb Alamgir, who never missed his daily devotions. Islam was his motivation and strength besides his imperial acumen.

35. As Islamic ☪️ fundamentalism is increasing in Bangladesh, the future of Bangladesh is getting increasingly compromised.

36. All those who were converted from Hinduism to Islam ☪️ and Christianity ✝️ will gradually return to the Mother Faith 🕉. The sooner they do so, the faster will India rise as a nation.

37. Ambedkar had a clearer head about Gandhiji than Netaji did.

38. Gandhiji's patronising remarks about political adversaries like Netaji and Ambedkar irritates beyond a measure of reasonable endurance.

39. India has rejected Gandhiji. Politicians merely pretend allegiance to his 'principles' and pay homage to his fading memory.

40. Imagine Gandhiji facing Swamiji. Just imagine the outcome. Would Swamiji embrace him as the apostle of peace and non-violence or would he severely reprimand him for his professed weakness disguised as strength?

41. The more I read Gandhi, the more I find him to be shallow beyond bounds.

42. Varna and jati (caste) are both Hindu social structures and not part and parcel of the Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) 🕉 as such.


কাল কল্পতরু ; কালকল্পতরু |

44. আমাদের কি দেবদেবীর অভাব যে যীশুকে নিয়ে টানাটানি ?

45. বুদ্ধ তো এ দেশের লোক | তাকে নিয়ে মাতামাতি নেই | উৎসবের বাহার শুধু যীশুকে নিয়ে | এদিকে চার্চ কিন্তু হিন্দু ধর্মের কোনও দেবদেবীকেই মানে না |

46. কবে হবে সেই দিন, মহারাজ, যেদিন শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণকে খ্রীষ্টান চার্চ যীশুর নবকলেবররূপে পূজা করবে যেমনটি যীশুকে আপনারা করেন ?

47. Religion is the gamut of subjective experience culminating in the experience of the Self (Atman). Life itself is experience. Hence, all of life is religion.

48. Come back, my children, come back to your ancestral faith, the mother of all religions, the Sanatan Dharma.

49. Why must ex-Muslims live in hiding in India? Where is governmental protection for these threatened citizens in a secular country and that, too, one ruled by a political party that at least ideologically aspires for India becoming a Hindu 🕉 Rashtra?

50. Rational Muslims will gradually draw to the Vedanta. And they will strengthen the Sanatan Dharma significantly.

51. We have to create a Hindu 🕉 society which is kind to the poor and welcomes all with a loving heart to its fold. Then alone can Muslims ☪️ find a safe haven amongst us upon returning to their ancestral faith. Love and kindness conquer all.

52. Intellectual understanding of the Hindu 🕉 scriptures is good but that is preliminary to the practice of its principles which alone can illumine the aspirant spiritually. Not easy by any means but, death of the body being inevitable, it is worth giving it a shot in this golden interval and opportunity called life.

53. Bring in rationality and Islam will collapse.

54. The world is in chains. Break free; then proceed to free others.

55. My guiding light is love.

56. From today my religion is:


LIGHT, that is, knowledge and wisdom;

LOVE, that is, intense feeling for all;

LIFE, that is, holding the very womb sacred that breathes us into the world and nurses us to carry the torch of civilisation. 

57. It is best to go direct to Nature than view it through photographs. It is best to read a sage direct than read what followers write.


প্রশ্ন : ভগবান এ সব অন্যায় allow করেছেন কেন ?

উত্তর : আরে বাবা, এঁরাও তো ভগবান যাঁরা এ সব অন্যায় করেছেন | ভগবান কি একটা ? ভগবান কোটি কোটি |

59. In relay there is delay.

60. Return to roots and strengthen the national tree, my friends.


Question: If a company opts for an ad, what has it done?

Answer: Adoption.

62. Why are highly literate Bengali Hindus 🕉 so pronouncedly anti-Hindu in mentality?

63. God ought to be just and impartial. But your God is very unjust and partial, my friend. So, reject and reform.

64. Just compare the method of proselytising of Christianity ✝️ and Islam ☪️ with that of Buddhism ☸.

65. God commanding the taking of tribute from non-believers? Very strange! Materialism! Not spirituality by any stretch of imagination.

66. God ordering the slaughter of non-believers who will not submit? Very strange! Unbelievable by our spiritual standards.


Why did the Islamic invaders destroy our temples? Why were 360 idols of God in Mecca destroyed right at the inception of Islam? Why did the ISIS and the Taliban destroy idols and works of sculpture? The Afghan Talibans destroyed the Bamiyan Buddhas. Why all this destruction of glorious art, architecture, sculpture and venerated items of worship?

68. East Pakistan, now Bangladesh, has on its head the crime of the Noakhali genocide of Hindus 🕉.

69. We have to be the voice of suppressed humanity.

70. Learn from a European what as children of the land you refused to do through cowardice, avarice, indolence and treachery, siding ever with the evil perpetrators of Hindu 🕉 genocide to the tune of a minimum of 100 million and more over a thousand year period of conquest and slavery. Wish for another such stint? How long must you sleep or, if awake, work against the security of the Hindus 🕉 and their already much 'wounded civilisation'? Melissa Kapoor could teach what Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhas Chandra Bose could not for their freedom compulsions. But Bhimrao Ambedkar and Swami Vivekananda could do so. So could Ramesh Chandra Majumdar. Read and compare notes, then come to your own conclusions. Love the nation and do not betray it.

71. Islamic ☪️ invaders attempted the systematic destruction of Hindu 🕉 civilisation for a thousand years but could not succeed fully. Why?

72. Macaulay's children, return to roots. Enough of your alien cultural affiliation and service unto foreigners. Now serve Bharatvarsha.

73. Must we celebrate the festivals of religions that have historically been the cause of so much depredation and death of Hindus 🕉?

74. Hindus 🕉 must become a proselytising people. Otherwise, our numbers will keep on shrinking and in course of time we will be deemed extinct species by surviving races. Swamiji had exhorted us to flood the world with the Vedanta 🕉 and that we have not done unapologetically and with aggressive intent as both Swamiji and Nivedita following him had asked us to do. The blame lies on us and we must make amends. Else, a dark fate hangs over us like the dreaded guillotine which for certain we must not mistake it to be 'dharmamegh' (the cloud of virtue).

75. Is it true that 85% of the 3 million killed in the 1971 Bangladesh genocide carried out by Pakistan forces and the Razakaars were Hindus?


Conversion is a programme born in crime, bred in crime, breeds crime, then perpetuates crime. It is cultural coercion, absolutist annihilation, destruction of civilisation.

77. There's the enemy, the Communists of Red China, expanding stealthily their stranglehold on their neighbourhood. Marx in his grave shudders to see the capitalistic degeneration of his theory in Chinese hands even as Mao smiles mischievously at Zhou Enlai that their ancient empire is returning. Bharatvarsha snores in her millenium-old slumber as the enemy unobtrusively advances. और भारत कह रहे है, "सोने दो भाई, अरुणाचल अभि मि दूरस्थ !"

78. The Jews propagate the message of the Jewish Holocaust with a singular purpose. Why don't we do the same about the Hindu Holocaust?

79. Declaring India a Hindu Rashtra seems to be the only way by which India's essential culture, Hinduism, may be protected and preserved.

80. We have dangerous external enemies and intriguing internal enemies. Read Swamiji's 'Svadesh Mantra' and discover in a nutshell what Indian culture is. Then alone you can save the motherland from another mutilation.

81. Joy is the substratum of life.

82. A real harmony can be by eliminating evil and not by compromising with evil.

83. Live for India. Love India, your motherland and the holiest land on earth. I will live and love the very dust of India 🕉, kiss its sacred soil sanctified by the sages who have trodden it, its soul permeated by the purest principles of the Vedas that have breathed life eternal into it.

84. Dedicate yourself to the ideal. Devotion pays better than desperation. Slow, steady, calm and composed attitude carries the day eventually in this world of phenomenal dreams.

85. Fill your body, mind, soul with pulsations of pure love for the motherland. 'I love you, O my Motherland, O my Mother!' -- let this be your constant chant, your mantra, the throbbing pulsation in your veins.

86. Let the whole body, the whole soul be enlivened by a massive flowing love that will overcome all earthly obstacles by its sheer overflow. Let a deluge of love break banks and inundate the world.

87. যে যার থাকো | বেলুন সব ফোলানো বেলুন, আজ আছে কাল ফট্ |

88. It is best to believe in equality and practise it in every way irrespective of what scriptural injunctions are.

89. There is a commercial element to life which Ramakrishna as Avatar of the age rejected, for commerce in this capitalistic age much contaminates consciousness and renders it spiritually sterile. For the individual and organisation living in the world of exchange, though, detachment is the way.

90. Fighting for suppressed humanity may ruffle a few feathers but articulating for the cause cannot be deemed inhumanity in any way or politically so incorrect as to be rooted out ruthlessly. Such a negative view of a positive progressive movement would be simply preposterous but that is exactly what happens so often when authority clamps down on dissent making devious use of democratic means, nonetheless.

91. How can one keep his/her faith if evidence leads him/her elsewhere that invalidates imposed irrational doctrine?

92. Those who believe in a Creator God just reflect whether the One who can create a universe along such supremely rational lines as to be intelligible to the subtle scientific mind will in scripture reveal insanely irrational things?

93. The more you know, the less will you fear. Love, and fear will be gone altogether.

94. We must improve the condition of women and the masses if we are to secure more converts to the Sanatan Dharma. Hinduism 🕉 must not be viewed as regressive in these respects. 

95. There is a great deal of ignorance among non-Hindus about Hinduism 🕉. Work needs to be done to massively disseminate knowledge about the essential features of Hinduism.

96. Ideological indoctrination from infancy is a potent means of producing future fanatics. Spare the children. Save humanity.

97. It is strange, but a soft, sweet voice can conceal a stronger will than a loud, discordant and apparently overpowering voice. Strength does not manifest in loudspeaker terms it seems. 

98. 'Live, love, learn.' Let this be the true Trinity of Life.

99. Nowadays even humour is deemed toxic. Charlie would have found the going tough these days. Free humour from harassment please. This is humour rights violation!

100. সত্য কি ? সত্য এই যে সবই মিথ্যা, অনিত্য, এই আছে, এই নেই |

101. অর্থ কি ? অর্থ এই যে সবই নিরর্থক, কুক্কুরের বক্রপুচ্ছ ঋজু করার ব্যর্থ প্রয়াস |

102. আধ্যাত্মিকতা কি ? আত্মনির্ভরতা, আত্মায় অবস্থান, আত্মস্থিতি, ব্রাহ্মিস্থিতি |

103. আপন বলতে কাকে বুঝি ? নিজেকে | বাকি সব ? মায়া | নিজে ? সেও মায়া, পর | অতঃপর ? কে আপন ? কেউ নয়, নিজেও নয় | এর নাম ? চেতনা |

104. ভালবাসা কি ? সুন্দর মোড়কে ঢাকা তাৎক্ষণিক স্বার্থ |

105. জীবন ক'দিনের ? দুদিন - একদিন সম্প্রসারণ, আর একদিন সংকোচন |

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