Friday, 17 December 2021

ISLAM ... 1

ISLAM ... 1

You are spot on. Islam is not a religion. It is a way of life, the Deen, with afterlife, the Day of Judgment (Akheeriyat), Heaven (Jannat), Hell (Dojhak/Jahannam) and the Almighty incorporated into it, largely from the Jewish scripture adapted to suit the political exigencies of the times in tribal medieval Arabia.

Islam divides the world into two distinct halves -- the Land of Islam (Dar-ul-lslam) where Muslims rule as per the Sharia (Islamic law) and the Land of War (Dar-ul-Harb) where Muslims live under non-Muslims and are enjoined to constantly wage war (Jihad) to convert it to Dar-ul-lslam.

The Qur'an forms 14% of Islam, the Hadith 70% and the Sirah the remaining 16%. These are the three Islamic scriptures and every Muslim must submit to their commandments.

The Qur'an is supposedly the revealed Word of Allah to His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), its validity depending only on the word of the Prophet himself. Hence, debatable for non-Muslims, absolutely binding for Muslims.

The Hadith are the words and ways of the Prophet which are not a part of the Qur'an and were collected two centuries after Muhammad's death and compiled mainly into two, so to say, authentic books, the Sahih Bukhari and the Sahih Muslim. These contain some 7000 Hadiths which Muslims are bound to follow with as great a strictness as the Qur'an.

Then there is the Sirah which is the biography of the Prophet.

These three books comprise the trinity of Islamic scripture. The Qur'an, the Hadith and the Sirah are inviolable and unalterable ever since they have come into being and form the foundation of the Deen (the Way of Islamic life).

Islam means 'submission', submission to the will of Allah (the God) and His Messenger (Nabi). It is a warring way of medieval tribal life now fast forwarded to the 21st century but refusing adaptation to altered times, for the Qur'an is the perfect Word of Allah, valid for all time and for all clime.

The Sunnah means the ways and actions of the Prophet which Muslims consider the perfect model of human behaviour which they must follow strictly.

In Islam there is nothing called God-realisation on earth. One has to wait till the Day of Judgment and possible paradise for proximity to the Almighty. 

The virtuous way of Islam is to live in accordance with the Deen, to uphold in one's life the five pillars of Islam, namely, Shahada, Salat, Zakat, Roza and Hajj. 

Shahada is faith in One God (Allah) and none other and in His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad, the last and the most perfect one on earth.

Salat is the five time daily namaaz (Islamic prayer) at specified times in specified ways.

Zakat is charity or contribution to the Islamic cause or to the needy Muslims, 2.5% of one's income.

Roza is keeping the annual fast during the month of Ramadan (Ramzaan).

Hajj is pilgrimage to Mecca ag least once in one's lifetime and doing the necessary rituals centring the Kaabaa.

It has been said that according to some scholars Jihad forms the binding sixth pillar of Islam ☪️.

Written by Sugata Bose

P.S. : As far as political fight is concerned, yes, we must support a strong Hindutva party which will safeguard and secure Hindu rights, culture, civilisation et al. But that is only the electoral part. On the individual plane the Hindu has to be conscious of the character of Islamic Jihad. Hindus are blissfully unaware of what Jihad truly means with respect to them. It means their annihilation unless they convert to Islam. Therefore, education in this regard is essential. Awareness campaigns are necessary. There are many individuals who are active online, disseminating knowledge about Islam and its intent in India and in the world. These must be accessed for information. To top it all, individual study of the Qur'an, the Hadith and the Sirah would do wonders in illumination about the toxic core content of the said theology and the dangers it poses to the world. Knowledge is power, ignorance destruction. Hence, be aware as to what Jihad means. The rest will follow.

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